The Broken Vessel

The Broken Vessel

Wednesday, September 29, 2021


How long could you go without a source of income? If you didn’t have a paying job for a few years, would you still be able to trust that God was working everything together for your good?

16 years ago, I took early retirement to care for my mother. Then the market crashed, and I lost a lot of money. So this time, I went back to work. I did not have a steady job, but I was never broke. I had no idea that, what I was going through, was part of God, working things out in my favor. God put people in my life to help take care of my needs, and once I was still, He began to bring everything together for my good.

The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want.”

Lord, I have seen You work in my life, as well as others. I fill Your presence when I get weak and hear Your voice daily. Lord, You have searched my heart and removed most of the stuff that is not of You, and Your Spirit continues to overcome my flesh. Father, I thank You for the blessings, lessons, and love You have always shown me. Thank You for binding all the things that keep me from sitting at Your feet and lose me from them. Thank You for revealing who You are in me and keeping me focused on You and not the confusion around me. Thank You for making me complete with myself and giving me peace even in the storm. Thank You for keeping the fiery arrows of my enemies from piercing my skin. Thank You for pulling the wool off the people around me, which meant to harm me, and giving me eyes that see. Thank You in advance for justice for my son and all sons and daughters who have been wrongfully killed. Thank You, Lord, for helping me become the person I am today, in Jesus name Amen 

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