Father, deliver us from the hands of ourselves; and from the hands of the enemy. Lord, You are our rock, our fortress, and our deliverer. Father, right now there's someone in pain, Lord we ask for deliverance, Lord there's someone in need of a job; who has been diligently seeking, let them find work. Father, someone marriage is in trouble right now; who try to follow your marriage instructions, let them have peace and understanding. Lord, we pray for everyone chained by lust, addictions, racism, greed, pride, and hate; we ask for kindness, self-control, and LOVE. Father, we pray for all lost generations that do not know You; and we ask for forgiveness for removing You from their lives. Father, touch the hard-hearted, with wisdom and knowledge, and the strength to change. Lord, You are our ROCK, in whom we take refuge and our Savior. Our Savior from our enemies, the flesh and the Spirit realm; You are worthy of our praise. Father, give us a strong desire for Your Word, Your wisdom and knowledge, and the faith, strength, and courage to activate Your instructions in our lives. We call out to You now for deliverance from chains of this world and replace them with YOUR SPIRIT. In Jesus name, we pray, Amen
The Broken Vessel

Monday, October 31, 2016
Sunday, October 30, 2016
Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 there's a time to be born and a time to die
A time to plant and a time to uproot
A time to kill and a time to heal
A time to tear down and a time to build
A time to weep and a time to laugh
A time to mourn and a time to dance
A time to scatter and a time to gather them
A time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing
A time to search and a time to give up
A time to keep and a time to throw away
A time to tear and a time to mend
A time to be silent and a time to speak
A time to love and a time to hate
A time for war and a time for peace
Verses 1-8 speak of an appointed time for everything but understand what these verses mean. The 6th commandment says, "Thou shall not kill" then why does the Scripture say a time to kill? It is a sin to kill premeditated, but it is not a sin to kill to protect yourself, your family, and our Country. We also know God is love; so why does the Scripture say "a time to hate"; the Verse in Revelation 2:6 explains," but this thou hast, that thou hate the deed of the Nicolaitans, which I also hate. It is alright to hate a person's acts or lifestyle but not the person; the more we study the Word, the better understanding we receive. Hate is a feeling that can be godly and sinful; it all depends on what and why we hate. We should not hate people for things they have no control over, like how they look or their skin color; this is a sin.
Lord, let us not kill unless they're trying to harm us, our families, or our Country. Father, teach us not to hate people because of the color of their skin. Lord, give us a better understanding of Your Word and teach us how to implement Your Word in our lives. Father, we thank You for Your mercy, grace, and favor; and we ask for forgiveness of our past, present, and future sins. Father, thank You for life, health, and strength, and continue to guide and keep us in Your will. Lord, keep Your hedge of protection around us, our family, and friends, and help us love our enemies; in Jesus' name, Amen.
Saturday, October 29, 2016
Struggling with indecision, laziness, and hesitation, we become procrastinators, and procrastination is a sin. A procrastinator is as bad as someone destructive; most destruction is done by waiting. Procrastination is avoidance because of fear of failure, anxiety over whether we can perform that task that keeps us from starting, so we miss many opportunities, like education, jobs, or relationships. Procrastination also comes from laziness, which stagnates our growth and accomplishment. Most procrastinators are double-minded and unstable; they will postpone the most superficial things because people feel they always have tomorrow. For example, you get a speeding ticket, you have thirty days to pay, but you keep putting it off, you miss the deadline, now you have a warrant for your arrest, all because of procrastination. God says, "do not boast about tomorrow, for you do not know what a day may bring. So whoever knows the right thing to do, do it and stop depending on tomorrow; because tomorrow may never come?
Father, we ask that You give us a greater appreciation of time and give us order in our lives; so we may know the right thing to do and give us the courage to do it promptly. Lord, we pray for guidance; please help us set good time priorities and stick with them. Father, give us self-discipline and take away our fears and doubt; so we may not postpone what we should do. Lord, empower us to ask others for help; when we do not know how to get started or finish. Father, give us confidence in our ability to perform, no matter the circumstances. Lord, please help us break the chains of procrastination; empower us in our weakness, so we will be productive. Father, help us be focused, organized, and understand the importance of time; in Jesus' name, we pray, Amen.
Thursday, October 27, 2016
The Shepherd will keep us safe; as long as we keep our eyes on Him, so we do not wonder off into the world and get lost. Jesus wants us to admit to our sin; the sins He gave His life for, so we would not have too. Once we admit to our sins; ask for forgiveness, and turn away from our transgressions. Then we will walk in peace; even through adversity, because Jesus goes before us and that calms the storm. Now we will have some dark days; this is why we study daily, to keep the lamp burning. As long as we walk with God; we walk in protection, we walk in guidance, and we release ourselves from the world. However’ that does not mean our enemy has given up; but we do not need to fear him, if we keep the whole armor of God on, we are protected from evil. Our Father gives us everything we need; when we obey His instruction goodness, mercy, and prosperity we will have, and He keeps His promise. Then we will dwell in the House of the Lord forever.
Wednesday, October 26, 2016
Proverbs 6:16-19 there are six things that the Lord hates, seven that are an abomination to Him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that make haste to run to evil, a false witness who breathes out lies, and one who sows discord among people.
A bully is haughty, they will lie, they like to shed blood; they definitely like causing drama, they devise wicked plans and always doing evil work. They find their self-worth by making people lower than themselves. This is how they feel powerful, but in the eyes of God and His people they are weak. Bullying is nothing but uncontrolled anger and unpredictable irritability, that is directed at the weak people (Safe Target) or those perceived as a threat. Bullies have uneasy Spirits, they always want to be the center of attention; their normally loud, and always have people around them they consider low life’s, because in their minds that elevate them. The devil also uses this behavior to control us; since Satan works in the Spiritual realms, he uses addictions, pride, hate, envy, and jealousy to bully our flesh. Satan uses things to bring us down in the flesh; then he weakens our Spirits, which diminish our faith. This gives Satan/ bully Spirits a feeling of power and superiority in their own minds; because people of faith and strength see Satan/ bullies for who they are; a psychopathic Spirit/ person who is criminal and cannot be trusted, a Spirit/ person who lack a sense of moral responsibility or social conscience.
Father, give us good moral principles; and help us lift each other up, and speak positivity in our lives. Lord, give us protection from Satan and bullying Spirits; from people that mock us, persecute us, lie on us, and say all sorts of evil things. Father, Your Word tells us to be good to our enemies; so we’re asking for Your strength and gentleness, to help us obey Your Word. And we will stand on Your Word that; “no weapon formed against us shall prosper; every tongue that rises against us shall be condemned, because we are Your children.” Father, You tell us not to resist evil people; that if they slap us on the right cheek turn to them the other cheek, because we are superior to them, so we may allow You to fight our battles. Lord, give us Your courage and self-control to endure; humiliation from those who are bullies, evil, and wicked, so we will honor You by not allow them to steal our peace. In Jesus name, Amen
Saturday, October 22, 2016
Sell your possessions and give to the poor (Luke 12:33), because you cannot serve God and money (Matthew 6:24). For where our treasure is, there our hearts will be also (Matthew6:21). Whoever loves money never has enough; whoever loves wealth is never satisfied with their income. This too is meaningless (Ecclesiastes 5:10). My mother loved money and she owned a lot of property; but when she had a stroke, none of it meant anything. Family members took her money out of the bank; they tried to sell one of her houses before she even died, the Word tells us this will happen. Do not store up for yourself treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal (Matthew6:19).
Father, help us guard against all kinds of greed; because life does not consist in the abundance of our possessions. Lord, let not the love of money corrupted us and brings dishonesty into our lives because dishonest money dwindles away. Father, keep us from being eager for money; so we will not wander from the faith and pierce ourselves with grief. Father, let us desire You, more than we desire money; so we will hunger for the things of the Spirit, and not the things of the world. Lord, we understand that we need money to live in this world, but we need things of the Spirit for eternity in Your Kingdom. Lord, let us not be so materialistic; and keep our flesh at rest, so we can become the people You created us to be, in Jesus name, Amen
There are millions of Christians that do not live a Christian lifestyle. Why, because so many Christians do not study the Word, pray, worship and praise. So they do not develop their Fruit of the Spirits. The Fruit of the Spirits is the key to living a Christian lifestyle and studying the Word is the only way to develop your Fruits. Have you ever attended Church and spoken to someone and they did not respond, that person's Fruit of love and kindness is not developing. If you're in Church Sunday morning; and sleeping with a married person Sunday night, your Fruit of self-control is not developing. We all have a Fruit we need to develop, and the Word is the fertilizer to help our Fruit grow. Our Fruit is what gives us Christ-like character, and that character is what brings light into our lives.
Father, help us develop our Fruit of the Spirit, that sums up the attributes of a Believers life. Lord, give us Your love, joy, peace and forbearance; so we can be more Christ-like, and live our lives in obedience. Father, develop our Fruits of kindness, goodness, gentleness; so we will not think too highly of ourselves, and do unto others as we do unto ourselves. Lord, give us self-control so we will not desire the things of the flesh; but, follower the things of the Spirit, so we will walk in Your will, and not our own. Lord, help us make every effort to be faithful; and remove all doubt and fears, through the knowledge of Your Word. Father, thank You for the forgiveness of our sin; thank You for life, health, and strength, as well as mercy, grace, and favor. In Jesus name, we pray, Amen
Father, help us develop our Fruit of the Spirit, that sums up the attributes of a Believers life. Lord, give us Your love, joy, peace and forbearance; so we can be more Christ-like, and live our lives in obedience. Father, develop our Fruits of kindness, goodness, gentleness; so we will not think too highly of ourselves, and do unto others as we do unto ourselves. Lord, give us self-control so we will not desire the things of the flesh; but, follower the things of the Spirit, so we will walk in Your will, and not our own. Lord, help us make every effort to be faithful; and remove all doubt and fears, through the knowledge of Your Word. Father, thank You for the forgiveness of our sin; thank You for life, health, and strength, as well as mercy, grace, and favor. In Jesus name, we pray, Amen
Friday, October 21, 2016
1Pet 5:6...........Heavenly Father, we humble ourselves under Your mighty hand.
1Jn 1:9.............Forgive us for our sins, and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
Heb 10:22.........Let us draw near to You with a true heart in full assurance of faith,
Heb 10:22.........having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience,
Heb 10:22.........and our bodies washed with pure water.
Col 3:16............Let Your Word dwell in us richly.
Col 1:9..............Fill us with the knowledge of Your will,
Col 1:9..............in all wisdom and spiritual understanding,
Col 1:10............that we may live and conduct ourselves in a manner worthy of You,
Col 1:10............fully pleasing You, and being fruitful in every good work.
Eph 4:23...........And, by being renewed in the spirit of our minds,
Col 3:12............that we put on tender mercies, kindness, humility,
Col 3:12............meekness, longsuffering: bearing with and forgiving one another.
Eph 4:13...........That we dwell together in the unity of the faith,
1Thes 5:12........recognizing those who labor among us,
1Thes 5:13........esteeming them highly in love for their work's sake. Amen
Thursday, October 20, 2016
Proverbs 19:16 He who keeps the doctrine saves his life, but the
despiser of the Word will die
We need a contrite Spirit the kind of Spirit that is pleasing and
acceptable to God. People with contrite Spirits are genuinely sorry for
their sins, and their souls will not rest until they repent and ask
forgiveness. But, the carnal Spirit that despises the Word of God; and
give in to their crude desires and appetites of the flesh will perish, it is
written. Those who live according to the flesh are hostile to God’s Word;
their minds are set on what their nature desires, but those that live according
to the Spirit have their minds set on God’s Word, which gives life. (Romans. 8:
5 for they that are after the flesh do the things of the flesh; but they that
are after the Spirit do the things of the Spirit. 6 For to be carnally
minded is death, but to be spiritually minded is life and peace. 7 Because
the carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God,
neither indeed can be. 8 So then they that are in the flesh and cannot
please God. 9 But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be
that the Spirit of God dwells in you. Now if any man has not the Spirit of
Christ, he is none of His. 10 And if Christ is in you, the body is dead
because of sin; but the Spirit is life because of righteousness. 11 But
if the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, he that raised
Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by His Spirit that
dwells in you.)
Lord, let our minds be controlled by Your Spirit, which results in
peace. Father, help us fight this Spiritual battle that cannot be won in
human terms. Give us the strength and courage to change the things that
can be changed; accept the things that cannot be changed, and give us the
wisdom to know the difference. Lord, give us forbearance doing suffering
and pain; and let us not complain. Father, we want You to be the center
of our lives, so help us surrender all to You, in Jesus name Amen
Wednesday, October 19, 2016
1:10..........I pray we all speak the same thing, with no divisions among us,
Phil 1:27...........standing fast in one spirit, striving together for the faith.
Heb 13:9...........That we're not carried about with various and strange doctrines,
2Tim 2:15..........But we study, rightly dividing the word of truth.
Jude 1:16..........That we're not murmurers, complainers, walking after our own lusts,
1Tim 6:18..........but are rich in good works, ready to give and willing to share.
Eph 4:16...........I pray that the whole body be knit and joined together,
Eph 4:16...........and that every part does its share causing growth to the body.
1Pet 4:10..........As each one has received a gift, let him minister it,
Phil 2:4.............looking out for the interests of others.
1Pet 1:22..........Let us all fervently love one another with a pure heart,
2Jn 1:8.............so that we do not lose the things we have worked for.
1Pet 4:7............Let us become serious and watchful in our prayers,
Eph 5:16...........redeeming the time, for the days are evil.
Heb 12:1...........Running with endurance the race that is set before us,
Col 3:2.............setting our minds on things above and not on things on the earth.
Phil 3:14...........But pressing toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God.
Eph 6:11...........Putting on the whole armor of God that we may stand against the devil.
Acts 4:29..........That we will speak forth Your Word with great boldness
Acts 4:30..........and that You will stretch forth Your hand to heal,
Acts 4:30..........that signs and wonders may be done in the name of Your Son Jesus.
Phil 1:27...........standing fast in one spirit, striving together for the faith.
Heb 13:9...........That we're not carried about with various and strange doctrines,
2Tim 2:15..........But we study, rightly dividing the word of truth.
Jude 1:16..........That we're not murmurers, complainers, walking after our own lusts,
1Tim 6:18..........but are rich in good works, ready to give and willing to share.
Eph 4:16...........I pray that the whole body be knit and joined together,
Eph 4:16...........and that every part does its share causing growth to the body.
1Pet 4:10..........As each one has received a gift, let him minister it,
Phil 2:4.............looking out for the interests of others.
1Pet 1:22..........Let us all fervently love one another with a pure heart,
2Jn 1:8.............so that we do not lose the things we have worked for.
1Pet 4:7............Let us become serious and watchful in our prayers,
Eph 5:16...........redeeming the time, for the days are evil.
Heb 12:1...........Running with endurance the race that is set before us,
Col 3:2.............setting our minds on things above and not on things on the earth.
Phil 3:14...........But pressing toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God.
Eph 6:11...........Putting on the whole armor of God that we may stand against the devil.
Acts 4:29..........That we will speak forth Your Word with great boldness
Acts 4:30..........and that You will stretch forth Your hand to heal,
Acts 4:30..........that signs and wonders may be done in the name of Your Son Jesus.
Tuesday, October 18, 2016
It still amazes me when little children show us how resourceful they can be. It is hard to understand how someone so small can be so self-sufficient when just a few years ago they were totally dependent on us. This is the watchful time as well because children have no fears; they believe in miracles and they are brutally honest about their think; a child’s pray to God never falls on deaf ears. God will always hear a pray coming from a pure hearts, "Child-like faith" as it is called, is the kind of faith God wants all believers to have.
Matthew 18 Jesus called a little child to Him and put the child among them. Then He said, I say to you, unless you turn from your sins and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven
Monday, October 17, 2016
Life can break us down with all the trials, worries, and our day to day struggles; sometimes it seems hopeless, but God's Word is hope, hope that deeply encourages us not to give up. When we have confidence in the Word of God, He gives us the act of hoping and the things hoped for (Romans 4:18 Against all hope, Abraham in hope believed and so became the father of many nations, just as it had been said to him.) Our hope does not arise from our individual desires or wishes; but from God, who is Himself our Hope. Genuine hope is not wishful thinking, it is God's assurance of the things not seen.
Father, we ask for forgiveness of our sins; please help us walk in Your will, and keep us humble. Give us guidance Lord and protection in our daily journey; fill our hearts with Your love, and order our steps . Lord, You said, if Your people who are called by Your name; will humble ourselves and pray You will heal the land, and give us hope. Father, we are humbly praying to You, “save Your people” heal this land. Lord, we are weak and discouraged; give us Your strength to endure our day to day struggles. Lord, give us knowledge, and good judgment; so we will make better choices for our lives, and our children’s lives. Father, help us not be materialistic for this only keeps us in debt; help us seek Your face, so we will focus on things of the Spirit. Lord, fill our hearts with love, peace, and kindness; for all people because we are of one blood. Father, teach us how to pray; and give us the wisdom of what to pray for, through Your instruction. Father, we pray for justice; for all the unjust in Jesus name, we pray for peace for those who suffered the loss of loved ones. Lord, we pray for hope for all the other Countries affected by the war. Lord, teach our Leaders and Politicians that this nation; need You to survive. Father, fill us with love, joy, and peace, as we trust in You so that we may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. Amen
Father, we ask for forgiveness of our sins; please help us walk in Your will, and keep us humble. Give us guidance Lord and protection in our daily journey; fill our hearts with Your love, and order our steps . Lord, You said, if Your people who are called by Your name; will humble ourselves and pray You will heal the land, and give us hope. Father, we are humbly praying to You, “save Your people” heal this land. Lord, we are weak and discouraged; give us Your strength to endure our day to day struggles. Lord, give us knowledge, and good judgment; so we will make better choices for our lives, and our children’s lives. Father, help us not be materialistic for this only keeps us in debt; help us seek Your face, so we will focus on things of the Spirit. Lord, fill our hearts with love, peace, and kindness; for all people because we are of one blood. Father, teach us how to pray; and give us the wisdom of what to pray for, through Your instruction. Father, we pray for justice; for all the unjust in Jesus name, we pray for peace for those who suffered the loss of loved ones. Lord, we pray for hope for all the other Countries affected by the war. Lord, teach our Leaders and Politicians that this nation; need You to survive. Father, fill us with love, joy, and peace, as we trust in You so that we may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. Amen
Obama could not have said it better: It's the hope of slaves sitting around a fire singing freedom songs. The hope, of immigrants setting out for distant shores; hoping for a better place to live; the hope of a young naval lieutenant bravely patrolling the Mekong Delta. The hope of a mill worker's son who dares to defy the odds, and believes he too can become President. The hope of a skinny kid with a funny name who believes that America has a place for him, too. Hope in the face of difficulty, Hope in the face of uncertainty! The audacity of hope! In the end, that is God's greatest gift to us, the bedrock of this nation. Hope is a belief in things not seen a belief that there are better days ahead.
Sunday, October 16, 2016
Today’s Church is bride to the world, instead of bride to the Lord. Romans 12:2 do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what the will of God is, what is good and acceptable and perfect. We don’t preach the true gospel, in fear "we may offend someone about their sins. We do not teach about the Fruit of the Spirit or repentance of our sins. False prophets and false conversions are growing faster than actual conversion. People do not fear the wrath of God; they fear man. Proverbs 29:25 the fear of man lays a snare, but whoever trusts in the Lord is safe. Jesus just wants us to follow Him in the Spirit that He walked in on earth. The Spirit of: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faith, gentleness and self-control, and to treat others as He treats us.
Father, right now we ask You to come into our lives, especially the lives of Believers that do not know You. Lord, help us develop our Fruits so we may walk in the Spirit, with You. Father, teach us the true meaning of Your Word and how to implement Your Word in our daily lives. Father, strengthen our Spiritual gifts to help us operate in the Spirit so we will obey Your Word. Father, You made this world and everything in it; You are Lord, of heaven and earth. Lord, we are all of one man; all nations and humanity, that we should inhabit the earth. Father, You alone determined the time set for us and the exact place where we should live. Lord, help us seek Your face and not our will. In Jesus name Amen.
Friday, October 14, 2016
Don't Care About God
The fact is most people do not want to hear or care about God until all hell breaks loose in their lives. Then they wonder why He does not answer when they call. One could say that it's because they do not have a relationship with Him. They just call when nothing else works for them; by then God is busy taking care of the people that seek Him daily.
Now the majority of the people that seek Him daily understand that we must be patient and wait on the Lord. But, those that come to Him only in times of need tend to be very impatient and convert back to their old ways before God can act on their behalf.
Thursday, October 13, 2016
Jeremiah 29:11 for I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope. Proverbs 16:3 Commit to the Lord whatever we do, and He will establish our plans
Every living organism on land and sea knows God’s plan. Have you watched how birds come into formation just before they fly off for the winter, or how fish migrate to certain areas to spawn? It amazing how all God’s creatures excepts His plan, accept us. The creation that He made in His image is the only defiant creatures.
Lord, let this day bring us peace through Your plan and unfailing love and grace; for we put our trust in You. Show us the way we should go, for to You we entrust our lives. Father, we ask for forgiveness of our sins, and we ask for Your strength to repent and turn away from our sins. Lord, give us a strong desire for Your Word; and help us accept Your plan for our lives, so we will prosper in Your will. Lord, Your Word tell us; "whoever dwell in Your shelter will rest with You; Lord, You, are our refuge and our fortress whom we surrender our lives too. Father, we live by faith in Your Word, and not by sight; our salvation depends on You, our Savior, Amen
Wednesday, October 12, 2016
Father, with all the disasters, killings, wars, and day to day survival; in this lost world; we give You praise. Lord, help us put prayer back into our schools, jobs, homes; and help us teach our children, about Your Kingdom. Father, unify our brothers and sisters in Spirit; to work on one accord, in Your will. Lord, the whole world is witnessing: the hate, the rapes, and the oppression of Your people; we come to You today for justice, we come to You for grace. Lord, give us Your wisdom and knowledge; so we will no longer be infants, tossed back and forth by our fleshly desires. Lord, give us discernment, so we will not be misled by false teachings. Lord, we thank You for mercy and peace; we thank You for life, health, and strength, to endure this journey. Father, continue to work in and through us; and we ask for forgiveness of our sins, and Your strength to overcome them, in Jesus name Amen
Tuesday, October 11, 2016
We study and listen to the Word daily; but do we hear what the Word is saying, because when we receive the word, we become doers of the Word. When we study the Word daily it becomes a part of us; our Spirits become one with Christ, and a transformation begins. But, if we cannot receive the Word; there will be no change because the Word has fallen on deaf ears. When we receive the Word, our hearts and minds are filled with the Holy Spirit; the Holy Spirit rid our bodies of the; filth and evil in our lives. Then we humbly accept the Words; God has planted in our hearts, and we will make sacrifices to obey the Word.
Lord, forgive us for being listeners of Your Word, but not doers of the Word. Father, reveal those that prophesy falsehood in Your name; because they preach a false vision, futility and the deception of their own minds. Lord, please give us Your wisdom through studying Your Word; so we can stand in the council of You. Lord, give us eyes that see and ears that hear so we will give heed to Your Words. Father, we are so disconnected from You; because of our desires of sin, please open our hearts and minds to Your Word so that we may be restored to You. Father, give us the knowledge of Your Word; so we may be transformed into Godly people and not hypocrites. Lord, forgive us for not making the sacrifices; to live as You have instructed us too, and putting material gods before You. Father, please, deliver us from abominations as we stand before You in Your house. Lord, help us not judge because we too are sinners. Father, there is no unity with the color of our skins; let there be unity with Your children, in Jesus name Amen
Monday, October 10, 2016
Lord, give us the patience and courage; to wait on Your will and, serve Your purpose for our lives. Help us not complain, and keep us focused on You. Father, we are on a journey with many obstacles; please do not let them hinder our blessings, or keep us from sitting at Your feet. Lord, we know that there is incredible power in prayer, please teach us how to pray from our hearts to You. We believe that You are; working mighty things in our lives, and we pray that; nothing interferes with Your plans for us. Lord, we understand that we are not exempt from adversity; please give us Your strength and the Holy Spirit, to keep us at peace during the storms, so we do not waver. Lord, we love and trust You, so please help us surrender our free will, for Yours in Jesus name, Amen.
Saturday, October 8, 2016
Jeremiah 2:18-21 Now why go to Egypt to drink water from the Nile, and why go to Assyria to drink water from the Euphrates River? Our wickedness will punish us; our backsliding will rebuke us. Consider then and realize how evil and bitter it is for us; when we forsake the Lord our God and have no awe of Him, the Lord declared.
Just like the Israelites, who saw the Lord works and bypassed His love; to revert to sin and wrongdoing, we have done the same. Even though we have seen God’s grace; we still backslide, we have read about Sodom and Gomorrah and how they became cities of intolerable wickedness; and how God destroyed them by fire. But, we too have become a Nation of intolerable wickedness; do we not fear God. We visit the Holy land, we study His Word, and we claim to be believers; but we do not separate ourselves from this world, to become dedicated to what we say we believe.
Lord, You love us and called us to serve You while we were still sinners; and we know Your grace will bear us up in the troubled world in which we live. Father, please help us separate ourselves from this wicked world. Lord, touch our hearts and minds with Your Word; and give us the power to uproot and tear down wickedness, to destroy and overthrow the enemy, and to build up Your Kingdom. Your grace and love is the greatest and most lasting thing that brings meaning in our lives. Father, let Your Words teach us our purpose; so we will not have a sense of worthlessness. Lord, there is so much sin and injustice in this world; that many do not care; they are full of depression and despair and have lost their desire to live. Father, we are Your people and we are calling You for help; please save Your people and this lost world. Father, forgive us for changing our Laws to embrace sin; instead of Your Word, forgive us for we know not what we do. Lord, we ask for forgiveness of our sins; the past, present and future, and we thank You for mercy, grace, and favor, in Jesus name Amen.
Friday, October 7, 2016
Wednesday, October 5, 2016
Rahab, was a prostitute who lied to the King of Jericho; to save the two spies from Shittim, that Joshua sent to look over the land. She knew they were coming to take the land; but, she did not resist, because “Joshua 2:8-9, 11-14 before the spies lay down for the night, she went up on the roof and said to them. I know that the Lord has given this land to You and that a great fear of you has fallen on us, 11 for the Lord your God is God in heaven above and on the earth below. Please swear to me by the Lord; that you will show kindness to my family because I have shown kindness to you. Give me a sure sign that you will spare the lives of my father, mother, brothers and sisters, and all who belong to them, and that you will save us from death. Our lives for yours! The men assured her. “if you do not tell what we are doing, we will treat you kindly and faithfully when the Lord gives us the land.
Kindness begot kindness, Rahab, saved the spies and in return; they promise to treat her and her family kindly and faithfully after Israel conquered Jericho. She was told to tie a scarlet cord in her window, so when Israel attack Jericho they see the scarlet cord and spare Rahab and her entire family. It is always good to be kind to others, because when we are kind, kindness will be returned for the most part. There are some evil Spirits in this world; no matter how kind we are, they will not reciprocate, let's keep them in our prayers.
Father, keep us strong and courageous as You lead us; to inherit the land You swore, to our forefathers. Lord, help us be obedient to Your Word; and not turn away from You, so we will be successful and prosperous wherever we go. Father, do not let Your Word depart from our mouth; and help us meditate on Your Word day and night, so we may be careful to do everything written in it. Father, we are strong and courageous people, we will not be discouraged; for You Lord, our God will be with us. Lord, we thank You for forgiveness, love, kindness, and grace; and we pray for all cursed and evil spirit to be overcome by good, in Jesus name, Amen
Tuesday, October 4, 2016
Praise has a way of shifting the atmosphere; our greatest praise comes, when we praise our way through the storms.
We choose to believe and obey what makes us comfortable, in the Bible; then we justify sinning by saying, He forgives us. Believers should “Acts 17:11 be more noble-minded than those in the world; because we receive the Word with eagerness and we study daily. Believers will do what is right; because believers are Christ-like. When we become Christ-like; making the sacrifice to obey His Word and do good work, becomes easy. When we know the Word we are to live by the Word; but we can only accomplish that through Christ, because we are in the flesh more often than we are in the Spirit. This is why we need to study the Word daily; studying will keep our Spirits strong and our flesh at rest. Believing in the Word makes us sacrifice to obey God’s will and the more obedient we are the more blessings we receive “Luke 11:28 He replied, blessed rather are those who hear the Word of God and obey it. Then the entire Truth becomes our comfort, Zone.
Father, forgive us of our sins, give us Your strength to repent and turn away from our transgressions. Lord, forgive us for our doubt and fears; please give us Your courage, so we will stand on Your Word. Lord, we are believers help us be more Christ-like; strengthen our faith and help us with our unbelief’s. Father, we are believers; but we are not perfect, so order our steps in Your will. Lord, when we walk ahead of You; please keep Your hedge of protection around us, and our children and our children’s children. Lord, we thank You for provision, because so many do not have; we thank You for the roof over our heads and pray for the homeless. Father, we ask You to bless those that ask for pray; Lord You know them name by name and need by need; bless them, Lord, according to Your will. Lord, give us Your love; so we can become the believers You created us to be, in Jesus name, Amen
Monday, October 3, 2016
What if we started doing things by the Book; the Book we read, and say we believe? God, tells us we are one body, but many colors and parts (1Corinthians 12:12-13) but we are all one body through Christ. God, said there are two types of people Jews and gentiles (Roman 9:24) some are slaves and some are free. But we are all of one Spirit. What makes us different are our Spirits, our beliefs, and our actions. (Romans 10:10-12) The Word tells us the two greatest Commandments are: we should love God with all our hearts and mind, and love thy neighbor as yourself.
Father, right now there’s so much killing of Your people; we are praying for peace and justice. Father, You said ,” if Your people who are called by Your name, would humble themselves You would heal the land.” Lord, we pray for healing, we pray for peace, and we pray for the unity of all people. Lord, help the Church, and Your people; function as one body because we are all the same. Father, help us come together on one accord; to fight against the unjust and serve justice, on those who oppress others. Lord, let us not get weary of doing good; because, at the proper time, You will bless us. Father, we thank You, for life health and strength; we thank You for grace and favor, and we ask for forgiveness of our sins. In Jesus name, Amen
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