The Broken Vessel

The Broken Vessel

Monday, October 25, 2021


Not fame, not a fortune but, fruit is what we should seek.  If we seek Spiritual Fruit instead of worldly things, we would grow in love, which makes all things come together.  We can't function without love and we can't love the way we should without Christ.  

1 Corinthians 13:4-5 love is patient, love is kind.  It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.  It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking.  It is not easily angered, and it keeps no record of wrongs.  Song of Solomon 8:7 many waters cannot quench love, rivers cannot wash love away.  "This kind of love can only come through Christ."

Father, let this new day bring us spiritual fruit, so we can develop Your, unfailing love by putting our trust in Your Word.  Lord, show us the way to go, we entrust our lives to You.  Father, baptize us in the Holy Spirit, let love be the first fruit we receive, so all the others will fall into place.  Let the Spirit fill us with faithfulness, so bind Your Word around our necks, chisel them in our hearts; so we can love others like You love us, even our enemies.  Lord, help us practice what we have learned, so we will be completely humble, gentle, patient, and kind, bearing with each other in love.  Lord, we are able to do this through You, because You first loved us.  So, let the Word and its principles manifest in us, so we can live a peaceful, prosperous, and righteous life, in Jesus' name, Amen.

Wednesday, October 20, 2021


Phil. 4:6-7 Be anxious about nothing "even" Psa. 56:3 When I'm afraid "because" Luke 8:14-15 Worry chokes God's seed "so" Pro.3:5-6 Trust in the LORD with all our hearts and do not lean on our own understanding

Stress will kill us quicker than anything in the drugstore. Although we know we are stressed out, we still don't know what it is, so we're at a loss for how to cope with it. We are most stressed when angry, have fear, worry, grief, frustration, anxiety, etc. No one really agrees on stress, but all medical science agrees that stress is a major underlying cause of most illnesses. 

Father, with all the chaos and confusion around us, people are becoming more stressed. Lord, we struggle with mixed emotions as our bodies and minds try to keep up. Lord, some of us are Spiritually drained, and sometimes our day-to-day challenges outweigh the truth buried inside. Father, let us remember the prayer of David "Bless the Lord all my soul and all that is within us." Lord, we praise Your Holy name. Let us not forget our authority through Your Son and give us the wisdom and knowledge to use it against the stressor. So, let the Holy Spirit grant us peace of mind and calm the atmosphere around us. Lord, our souls, are like a turbulent sea right now, and we can't seem to find our balance. So, we ask for Your strength and clarity of mind to give us eyes that see the path to healing in Jesus and Amen.

Thursday, October 14, 2021


We stay in debt because we spend more than we make. But, even worse, we spend on things we don't need to impress people we don't like. Don't get me wrong, I like nice things too, but I'm not spending more than it costs to impress people who don't care. If we spent our money on God's way for His glory, we would have more. We have to make better use of our resources. We need more control over the way we spend money, for instance: how many pairs of shoes we have that we do not wear; how many clothes we have in our closet that we haven't worn in two years; how many of us can't close our lining closet, because it's overstuffed. This is unwise spending, and we all do it. Here's a challenge, only spend the money necessary for three months and see what you save. Let's stop focusing on the material things that are useless and keep us in debt and focus on the free and eternal things, like the things of the Spirit. 

"The Lord, our God, will bless us as He has promised, and we will lend to many nations but will borrow from none.'

 Father, help us be faithful Stewards who live an examined life; that type of Steward lives a self-control life. Lord, help us be Stewards that live a sacrificial lifestyle, craving the things of the Spirit and not the flesh. Lord, help us commit to selfless service, practice inclusiveness, be team players, and always be willing to give credit where credit is due. Father, let us allocate and manage Your blessings for the greater good of all, not just ourselves. Let us not think being rich makes us wealthy because this is uncertain. But put our hope in You, who richly provides for us. Father, let us follow the plan You have for us as we surrender to You the care, conservancy, planning, and management of our financial choices. Father, we also understand that wisdom is more valuable than money. So give us wisdom and the knowledge to implement You in all we do. In Jesus' name, Amen.

Sunday, October 3, 2021


God has always served His purpose through sinners like us and changed their lives like He did for us. Samson was a womanizer, Rahab was a prostitute and we are broken too. But, God loves fixing broken souls and changing the lives of the undesirables. God has always been close to the brokenhearted and loves saving those in despair.

"But he was wounded for our transgressions; he was crushed for our iniquities; upon him was the chastisement that brought us peace, and with his stripes, we are healed"

Father, when we are emotionally, physically, and spiritually broken or suffering from scarring from deep wounds, thank You for being near to us. Lord, help us stay focused on You and not give up, so baptize us with the Holy Spirit that empowers us to stand on Your Word. Lord, give us the strength to let go; give us compassion to move on from what's been lost and walk in Your way.  Father, continue working in and through us, until we get it right, in Jesus' name.  Lord, we come to You with our hearts in our hands, piece together what's missing, and make us whole again.  Father, today we come to You with the loss of a loved one; we come to You with financial difficulties; we come to You with broken relationships; we come to You with unforgiveness; we come to You with procrastination; and we come to You with all our fears and doubts, and ask that You loose us from them in the name of Jesus.  Father, bind every demonic Spirit around us and every generation curse, remove them and heal us, right now Lord, right now, Amen