We despised and rejected Him, even though He took up our infirmities and carried our sorrows. We witness Him healing the sick, giving sight to the blind, resurrecting the dead, but we still refused Him as the Son of God. Jesus suffered a horrible death between two immoral and dishonest men; so we would have restitution. His death brought us grace; without regards to our worth or merits. He did this in hope that we would follow Him and turn away from sin.
Father, thank You, for the sacrifice of Your only Son; so we may have restitution, and grace. Lord, for this very reason we should have faith and goodness; and to goodness, knowledge of the Word, and with knowledge self-control; and to self-control perseverance; and to perseverance, godliness; love for each other; the same love You give to us through grace. Father, help us become more like Christ; so we may be restored to You, and fill us with the Holy Spirit, so we will desire the things of the Spirit. Lord, give us eyes that see and hears that hear; and help us be submissive to Your Word, in Jesus name Amen
The Broken Vessel

Saturday, January 28, 2017
God established earthly authority in order to keep society stable and orderly, but our government is so out of order with God's Word, it's hard to believe or trust in authority. We no longer follow the Constitution of "WE THE PEOPLE" The government was to form a perfect Union, establish Justice, to insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity." Man will always fall short, that's why we answer to a higher Authority. Although we have an earthly authority God is still in control "John 19:11 tells us no one has authority over us unless it has been given to them from God" and God can use even sinful government to do His will. This is why we should pray that supplications, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, and all who are in authority, that means our President; that he may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way.
Father, we pray for those who are in authority; for there is no authority except You, so please instruct our earthly authority in a godly and dignified way. Lord, help us not resist what You have appointed so we will not incur judgment. Father, help us understand that You are in control, so we should not fear our earthly authority, but pray for them and put them in Your hands. Lord, help our government do what is good for all people; so they may receive Your approval because they are Your servants and the servants of the people. Father, let them be kind and gentle for Your sake to all people, for this is Your will. Lord, help us put silence to those who harbor hate and ignorance in their hearts and minds; and help us become one in Spirit, so we can all live as free people. In Jesus name Amen
Father, we pray for those who are in authority; for there is no authority except You, so please instruct our earthly authority in a godly and dignified way. Lord, help us not resist what You have appointed so we will not incur judgment. Father, help us understand that You are in control, so we should not fear our earthly authority, but pray for them and put them in Your hands. Lord, help our government do what is good for all people; so they may receive Your approval because they are Your servants and the servants of the people. Father, let them be kind and gentle for Your sake to all people, for this is Your will. Lord, help us put silence to those who harbor hate and ignorance in their hearts and minds; and help us become one in Spirit, so we can all live as free people. In Jesus name Amen
Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 two are better than one because they have a good reward for their work; if they fall, one will lift their friend up. But woe to him who is alone when he fall and has no one to lift him up! Also when two lie down together; they will help keep each other warm; but how can one keep warm alone?
We all need Spiritual support, even Jesus had His Disciples; to offer support, even though He had His Father watching over Him. We too need a Spiritual support system; someone that is like-minded and headed in the same direction. We need Spiritual Soldiers to help us with our mission because we will run into all kinds of obstacles in our day to day walk with God. Spiritual obstacles can undermine our meaningful service; despite our every intention to serve, love, and do good, the forces of evil will always be waiting to ambush us.
Father, we thank You, for all the Spiritual Soldiers You have surrounded us with; to help us through agony, affliction, pain, sorrow, and distress. Lord, surround us with like-minded people; who believe in You as much or more than we do and keeps us all in Your will. Father, give us Your love for each other; so we can live in peace with one another. Lord, give us a burning desire for the things of the Spirit, and not the things of the world. Father, give us Your wisdom and knowledge to implement Your Word into our daily lives; as You continue blessings us from the top of our heads to the soles of our feet, in Jesus name. Father, remove all doubt and fear, and replace it with Your courage; so we may speak of You day and night, to those that need or want to hear. Father, let Your light be seen in us; as we develop Fruit, and become more like Christ. Lord, strengthen us where we are weak; and keep us humble in our daily walk, in Jesus name we pray, Amen
We all need Spiritual support, even Jesus had His Disciples; to offer support, even though He had His Father watching over Him. We too need a Spiritual support system; someone that is like-minded and headed in the same direction. We need Spiritual Soldiers to help us with our mission because we will run into all kinds of obstacles in our day to day walk with God. Spiritual obstacles can undermine our meaningful service; despite our every intention to serve, love, and do good, the forces of evil will always be waiting to ambush us.
Father, we thank You, for all the Spiritual Soldiers You have surrounded us with; to help us through agony, affliction, pain, sorrow, and distress. Lord, surround us with like-minded people; who believe in You as much or more than we do and keeps us all in Your will. Father, give us Your love for each other; so we can live in peace with one another. Lord, give us a burning desire for the things of the Spirit, and not the things of the world. Father, give us Your wisdom and knowledge to implement Your Word into our daily lives; as You continue blessings us from the top of our heads to the soles of our feet, in Jesus name. Father, remove all doubt and fear, and replace it with Your courage; so we may speak of You day and night, to those that need or want to hear. Father, let Your light be seen in us; as we develop Fruit, and become more like Christ. Lord, strengthen us where we are weak; and keep us humble in our daily walk, in Jesus name we pray, Amen
Wednesday, January 25, 2017
The Word of God has healing power, the type of unexplainable power that can heal the blind; restore the dead, and to make a broken person whole again. Throughout biblical time and even to this day we have witnessed the healing power of the Word. There are Scriptures that will heal our minds and bodies; if we have faith in God,through our walk with Jesus. Our prayer life also plays a role in the healing of our minds and bodies; and if we are unsure how to pray for healing, turn to the Word of God. The Word can and will restore our broken lives through our salvation, faith, and actions. God tells us in "Jeremiah 33:6 behold, I will bring health and healing to it; I will heal my people and will let them enjoy abundant peace and security." He will do it we are living witnesses.
Father, thank You, for restitution and restoring us to You our rightful owner. Lord, continue to heal those who souls have been taken away; or stolen through generational curses and the evil of this lost world. Father, reveal to us who and what You are, teach us Your moral standards and Your plan; as we develop Christ-like character, through our faith, prayer, and studying Your Word. Father, give us the wisdom and knowledge of the Word; so the hidden things known to You will be revealed to us. Lord, help us be a living testimony of Your love and power; so others may draw near to You, starting with our families. Father, help us be submissive to the Word; so we may receive the special gifts bestowed to us by the Holy Spirit, for the purpose of building up Your Kingdom. Father, do whatever it takes to heal us; so we may sit at Your feet, in Jesus name, Amen
Father, thank You, for restitution and restoring us to You our rightful owner. Lord, continue to heal those who souls have been taken away; or stolen through generational curses and the evil of this lost world. Father, reveal to us who and what You are, teach us Your moral standards and Your plan; as we develop Christ-like character, through our faith, prayer, and studying Your Word. Father, give us the wisdom and knowledge of the Word; so the hidden things known to You will be revealed to us. Lord, help us be a living testimony of Your love and power; so others may draw near to You, starting with our families. Father, help us be submissive to the Word; so we may receive the special gifts bestowed to us by the Holy Spirit, for the purpose of building up Your Kingdom. Father, do whatever it takes to heal us; so we may sit at Your feet, in Jesus name, Amen
Friday, January 20, 2017
Some people get so religiously wrapped up in themselves; that they are no earthly good to others, or spiritually good for God. The only thing we need as believers are our salvation and faith; all the religious mumbo jumbo, is manmade. We need a Christ-like character: love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control; these are the qualities that determine who Christ is in us, being religious means nothing if you do not have the Fruit of the Spirit, faith, and obedience to what we have learned.
James 1:26-27 If anyone considers themselves religious and yet does not bridle their tongue, they deceive their heart and their religion is worthless. Pure and undefiled believers before our God and Father is this: to care for orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.
Father, let us be believers and doers of the Word; not just religious fanatics, that do not develop Fruit. Lord, fill us with Your wisdom and knowledge and the desire for Your Word; so we may become the people You created us to be, fishers of man. Father, let the Holy Spirit guide us to Your path; and help us be submissive to Your Word, as we become more like Christ. Lord, remove all generational curses from us, and every demonic spirit that has overtaken us. Lord, remove every obstacle that keeps us from sitting at Your feet; and the things that hinder our blessings, from You. Father, strengthen our faith and help us with our unbeliefs; give us Your love for all people so we may live together in peace. In Jesus name Amen
Wednesday, January 18, 2017
We say we love God, but we do not communicate with Him daily
We say we love God, but we hate people for the color of their skin
or their choice of lifestyle
We say we love God, but we will not help the poor or those in
We say we love God, but we do not know Him because we do not study
His word
We say we love God, but we do things against His will
We say we love God, but we do not spend time in His Sanctuary
We say we love God, but we will not forgive those who wronged us
We say we love God, but we do not want to preach or hear His Word
in truth
We say we love God, but we will not teach our children about Him
We say we love God, but we will not pray
How do we love someone we do not take the time to know? How
can we say we love God when our lifestyles dishonor Him? When is the last
time we spoke to God in prayer, or listen to Him through His Word? Have
we fellowshipped with other believers, or helped those in need. How many
people have we witnessed to about God goodness?
Lord, we love You, and we witness this through our actions.
Father, thank You for Your Word that nourishes us daily and helps our Fruit of
the Spirit grows. Thank You, Lord, for grace, mercy, and salvation, and
for another day blessing to get it right. Father, thank You for blessings
us, so we can bless others, and keep Your hedge of protection around us, our
families and friends. Lord, continue working in and through us to help us
become the people You designed us to be. Father, give us the wisdom,
knowledge, and courage to speak Your Word in truth. Lord, we thank You
for life, health, and strength, and give us the courage to witness to others in
Your name, Amen
Saturday, January 14, 2017
We all have been tempted to do things we know are outside of God’s will. Even Christ had to face temptation; after forty days and nights, Jesus was tempted in the wilderness, by the devil. The devil plays upon the weakness of our corrupt human nature, which leads us to destruction. Just as he tried with Jesus in the wilderness; after fasting for forty days and forty nights, the devil knew Christ was hungry. So the devil tried to use food to tempt Christ; “if You are the Son of God, tell these stones to become bread. But, “Jesus answered, it is written: man does not live by bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God." The devil uses this same trap with us; he plays on our weakness, and without the wisdom and knowledge of the Truth, he will prevail. Jesus is our mentor of how we can fight temptation; through what is written in the Word; if we deny ourselves, and focus on Him, we too can fight off any temptation known to man.
Father, when we are faced with temptation; help us rely on what is written, just as Jesus did, doing His weakness. Lord, let us not put You to the test; but, focus on Your Word. Father, give us Your strength and courage because we cannot do this without You. Lord, the temptation is all around us, please protect us against stumbling in our walk; through memorizing Scripture, so we can be prepared for daily warfare. Lord, remove the urge to satisfy our own physical needs; and help us seek the things of the Spirit, so the devil will flee. Father, do not let us be tempted beyond what we can bear, as we stand on Your Word; "that You will provide a way out," in Jesus name, Amen
Friday, January 13, 2017
Romans 12:2 tells us about being transformed by the renewing of our minds; we renew our minds by studying the Word of God. As we study God's Word we gain wisdom and knowledge; which opens us up to the Holy Spirit, the Spirit will renew our thoughts and attitudes. Followers of Christ should not be confirmed, inwardly or in appearance, to this world's values, ideas, or behavior. Believers should continually renew their minds through prayer and by studying God's Word, which helps us develop fruit and become more Christ-like.
Father, give us a strong admiration for Your Word so we may offer our bodies as living sacrifices. Lord, help us put away all malice, deceit, hypocrisy, envy, and slander; let us be like newborn infants, as You renew our hearts and minds. Father, help us grow into our salvation and develop Christ-like character. Lord, build us like Spiritual houses; to be holy and pure, acceptable to You through Jesus Christ. Lord, give us discernment so we may not believe every spirit, but test them to see whether they are from You or this world because many false prophets have gone out into the world. Father, help us be sober-minded and watchful; of our adversary the devil, that prowls around like a roaring lion; that seeks to devour us. Lord, for by grace we have been saved through our faith. Lord, we give thanks to You always for all You do, in Jesus name Amen
Father, give us a strong admiration for Your Word so we may offer our bodies as living sacrifices. Lord, help us put away all malice, deceit, hypocrisy, envy, and slander; let us be like newborn infants, as You renew our hearts and minds. Father, help us grow into our salvation and develop Christ-like character. Lord, build us like Spiritual houses; to be holy and pure, acceptable to You through Jesus Christ. Lord, give us discernment so we may not believe every spirit, but test them to see whether they are from You or this world because many false prophets have gone out into the world. Father, help us be sober-minded and watchful; of our adversary the devil, that prowls around like a roaring lion; that seeks to devour us. Lord, for by grace we have been saved through our faith. Lord, we give thanks to You always for all You do, in Jesus name Amen
2 Corinthians 10:3-4 For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh, but divinely powerful, for the destruction of fortresses. 2 Samuel 22:3 My God, my rock, in whom I take refuge, My shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold and my refuge; My savior, You saved me from violence
We must train and study if we want to become a Doctor. If we want to become Lawyers; we study and train daily. If we want to become a disciple, we must study and train daily. A follower of Christ will be at war daily; with the Spirit and the flesh, so we must be prepared for the battle. We cannot walk around with the Sword, and not train ourselves how to use it; we must study the instruction inside. When we have to go to battle we need to know how to use the power in our Sword; that way no weapon formed against us shall propose. But USING YOUR SWORD two or four hours a week is not enough training time to properly use our weapon; we must study the Word daily, and pray without ceasing. We have the evidence we need to become mighty Soldiers in the army of the Lord; but we must train daily, have faith, and pray without ceasing to claim the victory. God will give us what we need when we need it; to be victorious over our oppressor and our enemy, if we believe what He says and acts on His Word.
Father, we know as long as we walk with You; You will never leave us, and we are so grateful. Lord, we are in the flesh much more than we are in the Spirit; so we must use Your Words daily to keep our flesh at rest. Please, Lord; give us a burning desire for Your Word; so we will always be in full body armor, and ready for battle against the enemies. Lord, You are our refuge in time of trouble, our shield in combat, and our Savior in life. Father, help us gain the wisdom of Your Word; and the knowledge of how to use it power, in our lives and to help others. Lord, we thank You for another blessing of life, health, and strength; as well as mercy, grace, and favor. In Jesus name, we pray Amen
Wednesday, January 11, 2017
When our struggle lasts longer than our strength; and our fear lasts longer than our courage, when our eyes cannot see and our ears cannot hear. When our journey lasts longer than our faith; this is the perfect time to have a little talk with Jesus, and tell Him about our problems. This is the time we lift our eyes to the mountains from whence comes our help. Our help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth.
We have a tendency to seek after the emptiness of money, fame, and people; we are more material than Spiritual, so we all fall short of God’s glory. But if we seek God first and His kingdom of righteousness all His promises will be given to us. God isn’t hiding from us, He desires a close relationship, but most times we miss Him because we do not have enough room for Him in our daily lives. We must cut down on the busyness of the world because none of it will matter when we take our last breath.
Lord, when our struggles last longer than our strength; help us stand on Your Word, and depend on You with confidence. Father, with Your protection and guidance we will be able to conquer our fears. and live a life full of courage. Lord help us understand that through scripture we gain the strength and courage You desire us to have. Father, show Your children how to stand firm; and let nothing move us, let us give fully to the works of You; because our labor in You is not in vain. Lord, continue to bless us with Your wisdom and knowledge; so we may develop fruit and, be more like Christ. Lord, we thank You, for Your Son, who died so we may live, and be restored to You. Father, many times we are hesitant to seek after You; afraid of what we might lose, help us understand that whatever we may lose; has no comparison to what we will gain, in Jesus name Amen
When we feel a loss for words in our prayer lives; we need our Bible, there is no better guide for praying to our Father. The book of Psalms is full of prayers and petitions. Psalms 3 David’s prayer for deliverance, David cried out to God under considerable stress, and we too can use this same prayer to receive God’s deliverance.
Lord, how many are my enemies! How many rise up against me! Many are saying of me, “God will not deliver him.” But you, Lord, are a shield around me, my glory, the One who lifts my head high. I call out to the Lord, and he answers me from his holy mountain. I lie down and sleep; I wake again because the Lord sustains me. I will not fear though tens of thousands violently attack me on every side. Arise, Lord! Deliver me, my God! Strike all my enemies on the jaw; break the teeth of the wicked. From the Lord comes deliverance. May your blessing be on your people, Amen
The Prayer of Jabez
If you’ve ever felt like you’ve caused pain or if you’ve ever wanted to believe that God can do more than you can ask or imagine, this prayer is for you:
“Jabez cried out to the God of Israel, ‘Oh, that you would bless me and enlarge my territory! Let Your hand be with me, and keep me from harm so that I will be free from pain.’ And God granted his request.”
Tuesday, January 10, 2017
Hannah’s Prayer of Praise
“My heart exults in the Lord; my horn is exalted in the Lord. My mouth derides my enemies
because I rejoice in your salvation. “There is none holy like the Lord: for there is none besides you; there is no rock like our God. Talk no more so very proudly, let not arrogance come from your mouth; for the Lord is a God of knowledge, and by him, actions are weighed. The bows of the mighty are broken, but the feeble bind on strength. Those who were full have hired themselves out for bread, but those who were hungry have ceased to hunger. The barren has borne seven, but she who has many children is forlorn. The Lord kills and brings to life; he brings down to Sheol and raises up. The Lord makes poor and makes rich; he brings low and he exalts. He raises up the poor from the dust; he lifts the needy from the ash heap to make them sit with princes and inherit a seat of honor. For the pillars of the earth are the Lord's, and on them, he has set the world. “He will guard the feet of his faithful ones, but the wicked shall be cut off in darkness, for not by might shall a man prevail. The adversaries of the Lord shall be broken to pieces; against them, he will thunder in heaven. The Lord will judge the ends of the earth; He will give strength to His king and exalt the horn of his anointed.” Amen
because I rejoice in your salvation. “There is none holy like the Lord: for there is none besides you; there is no rock like our God. Talk no more so very proudly, let not arrogance come from your mouth; for the Lord is a God of knowledge, and by him, actions are weighed. The bows of the mighty are broken, but the feeble bind on strength. Those who were full have hired themselves out for bread, but those who were hungry have ceased to hunger. The barren has borne seven, but she who has many children is forlorn. The Lord kills and brings to life; he brings down to Sheol and raises up. The Lord makes poor and makes rich; he brings low and he exalts. He raises up the poor from the dust; he lifts the needy from the ash heap to make them sit with princes and inherit a seat of honor. For the pillars of the earth are the Lord's, and on them, he has set the world. “He will guard the feet of his faithful ones, but the wicked shall be cut off in darkness, for not by might shall a man prevail. The adversaries of the Lord shall be broken to pieces; against them, he will thunder in heaven. The Lord will judge the ends of the earth; He will give strength to His king and exalt the horn of his anointed.” Amen
Friday, January 6, 2017
Say thank You Lord, when we wake up
Say thank You Lord, when if you have a job
Say thank You Lord, if you’re in your right mind
Say thank You Lord, if you have a roof over your head
Say thank You Lord, if you are in good health
Say thank You Lord, if you’re not in jail
Say thank You Lord, for the food on the table
Say thank You Lord, for helping you through day to day struggles
Say thank You Lord, for the hedge of protection around our children
Say thank You Lord, for removing addictions
Say thank You Lord, for healing
Say thank You Lord, for peace
Say thank You, Lord, in advance for all You do
Say thank You, thank You, thank You, thank You Lord
Father, we just want to say thank You; for saving us, from this lost world, and ourselves. Thank You, Lord, for Your amazing grace, power, and work in our lives; thank You for Your love, goodness, and protection. Thank You, Lord, for Your sacrifice on Calvary; so we Can have life and freedom for this lost world. Thank You, Lord, for forgiveness and teach us how to forgive; and love one another as You love us. Thank You, Lord, for a renewed mind and heart; and thank You for filling us with the Holy Spirit. Thank You, Lord, for all the Spiritual Soldiers You have surrounded us with, and thank You for the favor. Thank You, Lord, for another day in our right mind; and being in good health, because so many are sick and no longer with us. Thank You, Lord, for keep us from being religious fanatics, but, inward changed men and women. Now, Lord, we ask that remove all that keeps us from sitting at Your feet or hindering our blessing. Thank You, Lord, for deliverance from the power of sin, and thank You for giving us the opportunity to repent and be restored to You. We thank You, in Jesus name, Amen
Humans are creatures of habit and we tend to imitate the things we see, hear or surround ourselves with. If we are surrounded with love, peace and kindness; we tend to follow suit, but when we are surrounded with drama, hate, and anger; we emulate that as well. If we surround ourselves with things of the Spirit, we will imitate the things of the Spirit.
1 Cor. 2:14 The natural man does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God. For they are foolishness to him, and he cannot understand them because they are spiritually discerned. The spiritual man judges all things, but he himself is not subject to anyone’s judgment.
Father, fill us with the things of the Spirit; and release us from the physical slavery, of this lost world. Father, help us be diligent in the Word and in Your mighty power; help us put on Your full armor, so we can stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Lord, give us the belt of truth; buckle it around our waist and the breastplate of righteousness, so we will be fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. Father, help us take up the shield of faith so we can extinguish the flaming arrows of evil. Lord, give us the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is Your Word. Lord, teach us how to pray in the Spirit on all occasions and for all the Saints; when we open our mouth, words may be given to us so that You will fearlessly make known the mystery of the gospel. In Jesus name Amen
Wednesday, January 4, 2017
We are responsible to God for other people spiritual knowledge and growth; especially our children (train up a child in the way they should go; and when they are old, they will not depart from It.), and family members. We that are strong in Spirit must look out for the weak; this takes a lot of God, praying, and faith; when we are our brothers/sisters keepers. We cannot let our children, family or friends fall into physical selfishness, mental carelessness, moral insensitivity, or spiritual darkness; because they will affect everyone that comes in contact with them. If we are the only Word of God our children, family, friends, and our enemy sees or hear; we are responsible to God and them.
Father, being someone else keeper is so hard sometimes, especially those that are selfish, prideful, and wicked hearted. Lord, do not let us turn them away from You; please give us patience, love, mercy, and forgiveness. Father, give us Your strength when dealing with those that are addicted and mentally careless. Lord, give us Your courage, wisdom, and knowledge; when we deal with those in dark places, so we may be the light that leads them to You. Father, give them ears that hear, and eyes that see; and protect them from their enemies, and themselves. Lord, teach us how to love, sacrifice, extend compassion, forgive, and show mercy; as You have done so many times for us. In Jesus name, Amen
God want us to give up the sins we are holding on to; in other Words, God does not want us to give up the sins we want to give up, He wants us to give up what has us separated from Him. The sins that are written in the New Covenant through Christ, things like idolatry, blasphemy, murder, adultery, theft, coveting, read (Exodus 20:1-17; Matthew 19:18-19; Romans 13:9) for more. The Word is the Spiritual principles we are to live by to have a prosperous life, a life of purpose, peace and eternity. But, the only way to live this life is through grace and faith.
What is it of this world, which is holding us in bondage; let pray together and ask God to break every chain of generational curses, remove every demonic Spirit around us, and break the material chains of the World.
Father, let us who profess to know You, live in a way that brings honor to You. Lord, You bore the shame of our sins on the cross; so we will follow You even in suffering. Father, do not let us fail the test and be rejected; because of disobedient and lack of faith, please fill us with the Holy Spirit. Father, Your Word communicates to us Your moral standards and Your plan for our salvation; give us Your strength, wisdom, and the knowledge to implement Your instruction into our lives. Father, remove the sins that separate us from You, and all obstacles’ that keep us from sitting at Your feet. Father, we decree and declare that every generational curse will be broken, we decree and declare that all material and worldly desires are broken, and any demonic Spirit around our children and our children’s children, our families, and our friends are removed right now in the name of Jesus. Lord, give us Your love, strength, and courage to repent and turn away from our sins so we can be restored to You. Father, give us a strong desire for Your Word; so it will raise us from the dead; and give us peace, Your peace above all understanding. Father, we are not perfect, and sometimes we forget to pray; but thank You, for loving us anyway, and giving us another day to get it right. Amen
Sunday, January 1, 2017
Many African civilizations celebrated “first fruits” harvests to promote A commitment to community growth and prosperity. So let our New Year resolution start with Kwanzaa. There is seven principle of Kwanzaa: Umoja means unity, something we need to work on for the sake of our children, Kujichagulia means self-determination, Ujima means working together, Ujamaa means supporting each other, something we do so little of. Nia means purpose, without purpose our lives are meaningless, Kuumba means creativity, and Imani means faith especially faith in ourselves. Faith in God is the beginning of life for us.
Unity: the Bible tells us in, Phil. 2:2 make joy complete by being of the same mind, maintaining the same love, united in Spirit intent on one purpose. Romans 12:16 Be of the same mind towards one another; do not be haughty in mind, but associate with the lowly, do not be wise in our own estimation. Romans 14:19 So then we pursue the things which make for peace and the building up of one another.
So this year Lord, we pray for the Fruit of the Spirit and the seven principles of Kwanzaa. Father, our resolution is to become closer to You and to each other; we ask for unity, self-determination, to work together on one accord, support each other, to serve Your purpose, help us be more creative and faith. Lord, we thank You, for a New Year, in our right mind and good health; we pray for Your protection and guidance through this year, for us and our children, and our children’s children. Father, we pray for love the kind of love You have for us. Lord, no matter how we receive Your Word, let us only keep what is good and true. Lord, we ask that You draw our children, family, and friends close to You, in Jesus name, we pray Amen.
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