"The secret things belong to the Lord our God, but the things that are revealed belong to us and to our children forever." "Commit your action to the Lord, and your plans will succeed."
Father, reveal to us Who You are and set Your people and the World 🌎 right. Lord, take the wheel and do what's best for us because we know not what we do. Thank You, Lord, for the food that nourishes our body and the word that nourishes our souls. Thank You for forgiveness and teaching us how to forgive. Thank You, Lord, for discerning when, what, and how to do Your will in our lives. Lord, by the authority and the power invested in us through Your Son Jesus Christ, we speak health, strength, encouragement, and peace into our lives and the lives of others. Thank You for giving us a reason and a purpose to walk with You. Because the plan You have for us is good, not for destruction, to give us hope and a way of a better future. Lord, let Your light in us lead the lost to You so they, too, can know the truth. In Jesus' name AmenThe Broken Vessel

Tuesday, May 23, 2023
Sunday, May 21, 2023
Jesus said to Thomas you believe because you have seen me, but the blessing comes to those who have not seen and yet still believe.
It's not the size of a war that kills; it's the heart of a person that kills. David killed Goliath with a rock and a slingshot, and Samson killed thousands of Philistines with the Jawbone of a donkey. God will give us victory in an unlikely way, so even though we don't see it happening, God has already planned it that way. So have Faith and believe what your eyes can't see.
Father, teaches that the only thing that counts in this world is our Faith in Christ. Expressing ourselves through love will last in our lives or make us complete. Lord, give us ears that hear Your Word and teach us to pray without ceasing and believe what we pray for, so You will answer our prayers. Lord, when we are under attack teach us how to breathe so our emotions do not override our spiritual thinking. Lord, give us a kind heart that will help Deliver Us from Pride and self-control that will keep us from self-indulgence in worldly desires. Lord, as we walk through this Valley of Death and struggle through the quicksand of our day-to-day lives, we count it all joy because You are with us. Thank You for the wake-up call this morning and the blessings You gave my family and friends. Thank You, Lord, when our worries, fears, and doubts arise we have You to turn to for hope. Thank You, Lord, for helping us get our homes, our lives, and our children in order and helping us teach them Your way. Lord, let Your Spirit come upon us in a mighty way, to give us victory over it all, in Jesus' name AmenFriday, May 19, 2023
All of our lives, You have been faithful to us even when we didn't deserve it. Now we come to You for Your mercy and graciousness over our people. Lord, let Your goodness baptize us in the Holy Spirit that empowers us to pursue righteousness and obedience. Father, help our men, our Kings be fathers, husbands, and leaders, honest, loyal, and trustworthy leaders. Lord, help us teach our young women how to be proud, not loud to be heard or naked to be sexy. Lord, let them see themselves as Queens, mothers, wives, and women with a purpose. Lord, give our people self-determination and teach us how to work collectively to solve our problems. Teach us unity to see each other as an asset, not a threat or enemy. Father, show us how to build our neighborhoods and communities through Cooperative Economics by coming together and using our resources. Father, renew us daily with Your wisdom and the knowledge to implement You in our lives. Lord, reveal an understanding of Your plan for us and the wisdom of how to use it to be victorious. In Jesus' name Amen
Sunday, May 14, 2023
The poor and needy have been oppressed, persecuted, used, underpaid, and even killed for the satisfaction of others. Who will be their Advocate? We are their Advocate. Jesus advocated for us. He even gave His life, so we could live and support others. The Holy Spirit advocates for us, and we are called to be the vessel for the poor and needy.
Proverbs 31:8-9 "Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute. Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy."Father, teach us to be still and give You room to move in our lives. Bless us with unquestionable faith in Christ as we renew our minds with Your wisdom and knowledge daily. Lord, let us be inward-changed men and women who help those suffering and needing our love. Fill us with Your strength and courage to stand for justice and righteousness; help us advocate for those who cannot speak for themselves. Lord, You are inexpressible great, and we praise You for being Who You are in us 🙏 Baptist us with Your mercy, compassion, and proper judgment, so we will walk with Your favor knowing that You are All-powerful as we witness for You and advocate for others. In Jesus' name Amen
Tuesday, May 9, 2023
Matthew 4:18-20 As Jesus walked beside the Sea of Galilee, He saw two brothers, Simon (who now is called Peter) and Andrew. They were casting nets into the lake, for they were fishermen. Come, follow me, Jesus said," and I'll make you a fisher of men. So, at once, they dropped their nets and followed Him.
If we think we are doing good now, follow Jesus and walk into greatness. Sometimes where we are in life is not where we suppose to be, just like Simon and Andrew. What we are meant to do in life is serve Christ for the debt He paid. Walking with Jesus is a challenging journey, so we need unwavering faith and a few Disciples to walk with us as Jesus did. To help us stay on the right track to eternal Spiritual life.
Father, give us a strong desire for Your Word, so we will come to know Your Son. Let the Holy Spirit baptize us with wisdom, understanding, and the knowledge of how to implement You in our lives; that helps us become inward-changed men and women. So, we can grow to the levels that You have planned for us, which will bless us with unique gifts, blessings, and opportunities. Lord, teach us how to breathe when the enemy attack, so we can stay sober-minded with eyes that see things from Your perspective, not ours. Lord, teach us how to pray and give us ears to hear Your instructions. Thank You, Lord, for the Spiritual Soldiers You have around me and the Grauding angles that keep the fiery arrows of our enemies from harming us. Thank You for where we are blessed enough to help others and positively impact this Dark Vally. So Lord, right now, we pray for those in great need of You to step out on faith, He will do great things in our lives, and we can count on Him to keep His promise, in Jesus' name. Amen