Father, let the righteousness of Your Son manifest in us as we bear our daily cross. Thank You for forgiving our sins and pardoning us through faith in the one who fulfilled all righteousness on our behalf. Thank You that we can stand on Your Word and witness Jesus' work in us. Thank You for grace to all who believe that Jesus died for our sins, the object of our faith, and the means of obtaining Your promise. Lord, forgive us because we have all missed the mark that You have planned for the human race, but our faith in Christ starts the restoration of Glory, and we are declared righteous in His name. Lord, thank You for purchasing us from the dark pits of this world. Thank You for the blood of Your Son and the purchase of our freedom through His sacrifice 🙏 Thank You for keeping us through the night, and thank You in advance for the hedge of protection around us today. Thank you for continuing to hold our hands as we walk through this Valley of Death in Jesus' name, amen.
The Broken Vessel

Thursday, June 22, 2023
Tuesday, June 20, 2023
Acts 2:4-8 All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them. 5 Now there were staying in Jerusalem God-fearing Jews from every nation under heaven. 6 When they heard this sound, a crowd came together in bewilderment because each one heard their own language being spoken. 7 Utterly amazed, they asked: "Aren't all these who speak Galileans? 8 Then how is it that we hear them in our native language?
Speaking in tongues was given at Pentecost to communicate with the people Gathering from all the different parts of the Roman Empire, speaking one language they all understood. Speaking in tongues is not a gift we can turn on and off like a light switch.Father, thank You for the gift of tongues for those with the gift, and let others not be like the Corinthians, speaking jibber-jabber to make themselves look holier than thou. Lord, let Your gift of tongue be used to edify Your kingdom and someone's soul, not for the entertainment of others. In Jesus' name Amen
Tuesday, June 13, 2023
I appeal to you all in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ that we all agree with one another in what we say and that there's no division among us, so we can be perfectly united in heart and mind.
Lord, whatever we are missing, give a sight that we see so we can move around the obstacles hindering us. Father, replace our misunderstanding with wisdom and the knowledge to diffuse Petty things. Lord, help us understand that those that are last will be first and those that are first will be last in your kingdom, so watch how we treat others. Father, we ask that You forgive us for losing a whole generation of Your children by not teaching them the way to go. By Your power and the power You invested in us through our faith in Your Son Jesus Christ, help us save our children. So, we thank You in advance for the hedge of protection around them and US, Lord. We thank You in advance for keeping them safe in their comings and goings and waking us up this morning. Lord, we thank you for peace, Joy, and happiness and for holding our hands through this Valley of Death. Father, thank You for pulling us out of the pit of Darkness and bringing us into Your marvelous light, and let us not judge those that made the same wrong turns. Instead, let us hold their hands and guide them to You so the transformation begins. Lord, give us the skills and solutions that will help bring us closer together. Please, unite us to ensure all our needs are met through the love and resources of each other. In Jesus' name, amen
Wednesday, June 7, 2023
"Then Jesus said, 'Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest."
God will provide for us Wherever our walk takes us, so stop carrying that bag of worry around with you. The weight from it will keep you from receiving God's gifts.Lord, purge us from all the baggage we're carrying right now in the name of Jesus as we leave it on the altar in Your hands. Lord, teach us how to walk away from stress, self-destruction, and people that bring us down. Father, help us get rid of all that's not of You. Free us from worldly desires and replace them with the things of the Spirit. So, we can be free and at peace as we walk into Your plan.
Saturday, June 3, 2023
Our troubles are minor. They last only for a short time. But they are earning for us a glory that will last forever. It is greater than all our troubles.
Nothing last forever: relationships without love and understanding won't last. Our employment will only last for a while, especially with advanced technology. Looks won't last.We age primarily from our genes and how we take care of ourselves. But mother time always wins. You know, not even hard times last forever. BUT GOD IS FOREVER.
Lord, You are the only thing in our lives forever. Father, I've worked with Alzheimer patients that forgot their names, their family and friends, everything but You. This made me recognize. You are the most vital entity in our lives, and I am so grateful 🙏. Father, this world is uncertain, but You are faithful and just, so prepare us for what's to come. Lord, all that is happening today was written over Two Thousand years ago to help us not make the same mistakes 🙏. So, let our studies reveal Your will for us to guide us around the obstacles ahead of us and anything that keeps us from seeking You. Father, help us eradicate racism through the power of love and understanding. Father, teach us how to help the generation of children we lost and forgive us for not teaching them the way to go. Lord, thank You for keeping us through it all, and thank You in advance for the hedge of protection around us. In Jesus' name Amen