The Broken Vessel

The Broken Vessel

Monday, October 7, 2024


James 4:7 Submit yourself to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.

Father, today's world often disregards Your Word as believers are reformed, not transformed. We're born again through the partial understanding of Christ's teachings. Help us turn away from sin and seek moral cleansing. Lord, prevent us from conforming to worldly ways and guide us through life's challenges. Father, we've marginalized You in our daily lives, leaving us vulnerable, with Satan unrestrained. We, Your followers, come to You with pure hearts and open minds. 

Saturday, October 5, 2024


Father, thankfulness is critical to connecting with You and finding strength in our circumstances. We offer You our gratitude; please listen to our prayers. Lord, teach us to pray without ceasing, giving thanks always, as this is Your will. May rejoicing and gratitude be our daily practices, cultivating a heart of appreciation that sustains us through every challenge. Even now, amidst hardship, we lift our hands in gratitude; thank You for sustaining our thankful thoughts. Lord, give us eyes that see things from Your perspective and ears that hear Your instructions in Jesus' name. Amen 


Lord, we believe in Your promises; make our way straight and help us obey Your will. Forgive us for misunderstanding the power of our words, and help us control our tongues. Show us Your ways and give us Your perspective. Grant us strength and courage to deny ourselves, trusting Your promise to never leave or forsake us. We're grateful for Your favor and forgiveness. Fill us with Your love, empowering us to forgive others as You have forgiven us. Continue guiding us and teaching us Your ways. Forgive us for failing to prepare a generation Your ways, and intervene now to save our children. Thank You, Lord, for Your goodness and enduring mercy. In Jesus' name, Amen.


Lord, we believe in Your promises, make our way straight, and help us obey Your will. Lord, help us tame our tongues and forgive us for not understanding the power of our tongues. Show us Your ways and Your paths. Give us eyes that see things from Your perspective and ears that hear Your voice.  Father, give us Your strength and courage to deny ourselves and stand on Your promise that You will never leave or forsake us.  Even when we didn't deserve it, you have favored us, and we are grateful. You have forgiven us over and over again. Fill us with Your love that empowers us to forgive others, as You have forgiven us. Lord, continue holding us by our right hands and guide us with Your counsel. Teach us the way we should go and forgive us for losing a generation of Your children by not teaching them the way to go. So, Lord intervene right now and save our children. Lord, we thank You for You are good, and Your mercy endures forever. In Jesus's name, Amen

Monday, August 19, 2024


 It's difficult to hear the Spirit when the wind is blowing and we're in pain, but in these moments, we must trust in what we can't see and continue moving forward; the rewards will be great...

Saturday, August 17, 2024


Dear Heavenly Father, help us obey Your will and be in front of everything in our lives. You are the beginning and the end, holding time in Your hands and the keys to life and death. Baptize us in the Holy Spirit for empowerment to walk in righteousness and patience. We ask for divine intervention in our lives, problems, and every aspect, and for removal of enemies from our space. Help us stand firm in faith against evil influences that target our peace. Thank You for sending Your Angels to keep and protect us from evil around us. Lord, thank You for coming against principalities of evil that try to disrupt our joy. Lord, thank You for rebuking the forces of darkness and declaring our victory over it all in Jesus' name. Amen

Monday, July 22, 2024


I prayed years ago to be able to work from home, but God did not answer my prayers until I was in my late 50s. Then I understood what patience was because if He would have granted my prayers at the time that I petitioned Him, I would have not been ready, or able to handle it. And I see that now. But when I was prepared, He blessed me with my request. He put me in position and I am so grateful when I look back on things that I prayed for years ago and God did not answer me, or so I thought.  He was preparing me to receive my blessings, He is always faithful to me and has held my hand through this valley of death and brought me to where I am today. And I am so, so so grateful.



 Lord, help us purify ourselves from all that separates us from Your Spirit. Grant us peaceful coexistence with others, a forgiving heart, and the ability to pursue holiness through Your Word. Baptize us with the Holy Spirit and grant us patience, a kind spirit, and faith to overcome obstacles on our journey to holiness. In Jesus name Amen 

Thursday, July 18, 2024


 God, we thank You for the gift of connection with You and others in fellowship. May we gather joyfully, walking in Your light and living out Your truth, as we fellowship to purify ourselves of sin through the blood. Lord, You said connecting with fellow believers avoids spiritual isolation and inspires love and good deeds. In Jesus name Amen 

Sunday, July 14, 2024


 The Blood of Jesus remits our sins, gives life to all who consume it, and allows us to dwell in Christ and He in us. It serves as our atonement, justifying us and saving us from God's wrath. The Blood grants forgiveness, peace, and reconciliation with God. It cleanses our conscience from dead works, allowing us to serve the living God and enter the holiest place with boldness. In Jesus name Amen 

Saturday, July 13, 2024


God, You promised that when we speak with faith, our words will come to pass. So we declare prosperity, peace, and joy in our lives. We discuss guidance and protection for our children, grandchildren, and ourselves. We talk about education and jobs in our community and for our neighbors. We reject envy, jealousy, and hate and choose unity. Jesus, we declare healing - spiritually, physically, mentally, and emotionally - across the land. In Jesus name Amen


Remove all deceit and hypocrisy, Father. Let us not envy or slander our brothers and sisters, but be like newborn infants longing for the pure spiritual milk of Your teachings to grow up into salvation. Lord, You are good, and we have tasted Your goodness. We pray for ourselves and everyone under the sound of our voice to find ultimate fulfillment in You. May we feel uncomfortable in situations or surroundings that are not pleasing to You? When we entertain things that do not glorify You, let discomfort come over us. We acknowledge our weakness and bow down to Your strength. Your grace is sufficient for us, and Your power is made perfect in our weakness. Therefore, we are content with insults, hardships, and persecutions for Your name, Amen.


 If we genuinely believe His promise, we will have inner peace, despite the challenges we face and the choices we make. We can find solace in the peace He left us, which no one can take away. Let us not be troubled or afraid, but instead, find peace in God through our Lord and Savior.


We have been brainwashed and rarely question what we are told or read in books, making it challenging to help those brainwashed, as their beliefs are deeply rooted. Lord, we have adopted different beliefs due to systematic pressure from our oppressors. Lord, show us Your truth, not man's, and restore our birthright, protecting us from our enemies' evil and generation curses. Strengthen our faith; help us overcome unbeliefs and understand Your grace, so we walk in Your ways and serve our purpose. Heal us spiritually, physically, mentally, and emotionally and reveal Your truth in us.

Monday, May 13, 2024


We need to understand the importance of faith and be spiritually prepared for challenges and tests that will come our way. Life can present us with various trials and tribulations that test our faith and resolve. During these difficult times, our true beliefs and character are often revealed. Staying connected to our faith, practicing it daily, and relying on God's teachings can provide strength and guidance when facing adversity. Being spiritually prepared can help us navigate tough times with resilience and trust in a higher power.

Lord, we come to You with an open heart; remove all that separates us from You. Lord, we thank You for a new day to serve Your purpose and plan for our lives 🙏 Father, teach us how to breathe and control our emotions and baptize us in the Holy Spirit that helps us obey and walk in righteousness. Thank You for helping us be still and helping us wait on You. Thank You, Father, that You are still with us when we doubt our faith. To give us the strength and courage we need to overcome our fears and stand on Your promise. Lord, help us build our house on Your Word, so when the wind and floods come, we will not fall. So, forgive us for doubting You and forgetting Your grace, which is significant to us. In Jesus' name, Amen 

Thursday, May 9, 2024


"God made him who had no sin to be sin for us so that in him we might become the righteousness of God" (2 Corinthians 5:21). One of the benefits of salvation is being endowed with God's righteousness.

It is important to stay true to our faith and seek forgiveness when we feel we have strayed. Remember that everyone is on their own spiritual journey, and seeking guidance and forgiveness is a powerful way to grow closer to our beliefs.

Father, turn our eyes from the worldly things and give us eyes that see from. YOUR perspective. Lord, remove everything we are leaning on that is not of You; remove every curch so we will hold Your hand as we walk through this valley of death. Father, help us understand that everything in this world will fail us, people will fail us, things will fail us, and only You, Lord, will be forever. Lord, thank You for Dwelling in our hearts and minds, strengthening our faith, and helping us with our unbelief. Lord, thank You for Your grace, which is significant to us. Thank You for being a forgiving God who is consistently slow too angry; we know we don't deserve Your mercy. Thank You for giving Your Angels the authority to watch over us. Lord, we pray our lives and lifestyle bring respect and honor to Your name. In Jesus' name, Amen 

Tuesday, April 9, 2024


Psalm 1:1 Blessed are those who do not walk in the counsel of the ungodly, stand in the way of sinners, or sit with the scornful.

When we choose God over the world, we have God's favor and blessings. We have to walk 🚶‍♂️ in God's ways to see the obstacles ahead of us, or we will stumble and fall. We are easily influenced by the flesh because we have served our fleshly desires longer than the spirit. So, to walk 🚶‍♀️ in His ways, we need His strength, courage, guidance, wisdom, and the knowledge of how to implement it into our lives when needed.

Father, thank You for the wake-up call today, and thank You in advance for the hedge of protection around us today. Lord, please keep Your hands on our children, their children, our families, friends, and enemies 🙏. Lord, we ask You to order our steps in Your ways 🙏. Lord, hold our hands as we walk through this valley of death and steer us around the obstacles and darkness ahead. Lord, strengthen our prayer lives and give us a strong desire for Your Word. Let Your Word teach us how to breathe and control our emotions so we can resolve our problems in Your way. Father, give us discernment and a charitable heart ❤️ so we will help others. Father, let the Holy Spirit transform us into the children You created us to be, in Jesus name Amen. 

Tuesday, March 26, 2024


We have yet to reach our goals, and we are not perfect. But Christ has taken hold of us. So we keep on running and struggling to take hold of the prize. "We have all sinned and fall short of the glory of God(Romans 3:23). I am certainly not perfect and will not pretend to be. However, we are to live in this world but not be of this world (2 Corinthians 10:3)" Especially those called to lead God's people.

One reason Pastors fall so hard from grace. We put them on a pedestal, but they are humans, too. God called them to serve just like He called us to serve. We're not perfect, and neither is our Pastor. God is still working in them like He's working in us. But I do not follow pastors who are committing Abominational sins. When we accept Christ, the Holy Spirit starts working to change us, and the only way we don't change God is not in us.

Lord, encourage Your Pastors today, those You called to preach, and deliver them from all that separates them from You. Give them the wisdom and knowledge to implement You in their lives to help them fulfill the work You called them to do, in Jesus' name. Father, give them victory over every evil attack against them and cover their minds, bodies, and spirits with Your powerful protection. Lord, give them eyes that see things from Your perspective so they can teach us in Your ways. Lord, hold their hands as they maneuver through a world that seems crazy and lost its way; we come to you this morning seeking answers, strength, and courage for the days ahead. In Jesus' name, Amen 

Sunday, March 24, 2024


Matthew 18:5- 6 says that whoever welcomes one such child in my name welcomes me. 6 "If anyone causes one of these little ones—those who believe in me—to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea

Where there's a lot of money 💰 typically, there's a lot of evil floating around and those willing to sell their souls or their children to have it. We can all walk straight and narrow or take shortcuts to get there quicker. But getting there through shortcuts can be very costly mentally, physically, spiritually, and emotionally. The entertainment industry will take advantage of young people for their Sadistic games, and they should be punished, and the parents who leave their children with these monsters should be punished as well.

Oh, most gracious God, we petition You for our children, especially those sold in slavery physically, spiritually, mentally, and emotionally. Lord, give them Your comfort, send Your grace upon them, and let them feel Your presence around them. Lord, hold their hands as they walk through this valley of death. Protect them from the danger and darkness of this world, from ill-intended people, and from those who wish to take advantage of their Innocence. Divinely intervene, Lord, when they are in harm's way. Protect our children from the dangers they cannot see coming and punish those responsible for their pain and discomfort right now in the name of Jesus. Amen

Thursday, February 22, 2024


Psalms 34:4 I sought the LORD, and he answered me; he delivered me from all my fears.

God will deliver us from difficult situations especially temptation 🙏 Just call out to Him and He'll give us a way to escape 

Lord, walk us around the obstacles of addiction, Alcohol, gambling, adultery, fornication, lying, and stealing. Lord, Bind every demonic spirit, generation curse, and force of darkness around us right now in the name of Jesus. Lord, cover us under Your wings when the enemy attacks 🙏 Lord, thank You in advance for providing us a safe place and helping us out of the darkness. Father, right now, those who face Court cases, let justice ⚖️ be served in righteousness. Lord, help those who have been falsely incarcerated; Lord, give them patience and mercy through this valley of death. Thank You, Lord, for where we are and for keeping us focused on You and moving forward 🙏 Lord, thank You for choosing our hearts to dwell in, washing us in the Blood, and cleaning Your temple to give You room to move in a mighty way. Lord, let us not be religious fanatics but inward-changed men and women who live to serve Your purpose. Lord, give us eyes that see things from Your perspective so we do not miss our blessings. Lord, we pray for our men who have been persecuted by the oppressors. Lord, fill them with confidence, courage, and the strength they need to overcome right now in the name of Jesus. Father, we thank You for making time for us 🙏 when we are weak and comforting us through our day-to-day struggles and storms. Lord, thank You for the wake-up call and bless those who were called home and those left behind. Give them the strength they need to get through their grief. Lord, we have so much to be grateful for, so we come to the altar with a heart of gratitude. In Jesus' name, Amen