Hello Lord, thank You for keeping us through this day; Lord, if we did anything to dishonor You, we ask for forgiveness. Lord, thank You for giving us guidance and protection; as we return home to our families, and bless the families who loved ones were called home. Father, give us eyes that see and ears that hear Your Word; let the Word give us conviction and correction, as we are restored to You. Lord, we worship and honor You, continue working in and through us, and help us mature in our faith. Father, reveal to us the truth of the Word; and let us not be misled by false teaching. Lord, open our hearts and minds; so we can receive the truth of Your Word, and not what makes us comfortable. Father, give us Your strength and courage to stand on what is written in the Word, and not what is said to us by man. Father, bring us out of darkness, into Your light through the power of Your Word. Lord, fill us with the Holy Spirit, so we will not lust for the things of the world, but desire the things of the Spirit. Father, do not let us grow weary of doing good; and give us Your patience and self-control, while we wait for Your return. Father, let us make every effort to live in peace with all people; and live obedient to Your Word, in Jesus name Amen.
The Broken Vessel

Tuesday, February 28, 2017
Children are gifts from God, and we should want our children to know Him. We must nourish the seed, which God had planted in their hearts before they were born, with His Word. Teaching our children about God; is our Spiritual duty as parents, grandparents, auntie, uncles, brothers, sisters, friends, or enemies, and it is essential for the souls. Proverbs 22:6 Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old, they will not turn from it. Most children are raised in Christian homes, where they are taught to pray and study God's Word; sometimes, they stray away, but most of them come back, seeking His face. God and our faith in Him saved us from adversity, worldly desires, and demonic Spirits; and replaced it with love for all people, even those that have wronged us. Don't we want that peace for our children? If so, do they have to know God for themselves to receive the promise?
We have to teach our children that there is someone else besides us watching over them, and when they feel lost and alone, call on Him.
Father, we plead the blood of Jesus over our children; and forgive us for losing two generations of Your people. Lord, please give us the authority to trample over our enemies and save our children. Lord, please open the hearts and minds of our children; so they may receive you and help us teach them the way to go as they surrender their will for Yours. Father, we come to You on bending knees; please help our children, and save this lost world. Father, forgive us for leaving You out of our children's lives; help us bring our children and our children's children home to You. Lord, we say a special prayer for all those who have lost their loved ones to a senseless shooting. Give them Your strength and courage; so they may endure the pain of death. Lord, give our Spiritual and political leaders Your wisdom, knowledge, and love for all people. Father, do not let religion separate Your people; but bring us together in Spirit and unity to save our children. Father, give us Your love so that we may live in peace and harmony with each other. Lord, we thank You for mercy, grace, and favor; and we ask for forgiveness of our sins, in Jesus' name, Amen.
We have to teach our children that there is someone else besides us watching over them, and when they feel lost and alone, call on Him.
Father, we plead the blood of Jesus over our children; and forgive us for losing two generations of Your people. Lord, please give us the authority to trample over our enemies and save our children. Lord, please open the hearts and minds of our children; so they may receive you and help us teach them the way to go as they surrender their will for Yours. Father, we come to You on bending knees; please help our children, and save this lost world. Father, forgive us for leaving You out of our children's lives; help us bring our children and our children's children home to You. Lord, we say a special prayer for all those who have lost their loved ones to a senseless shooting. Give them Your strength and courage; so they may endure the pain of death. Lord, give our Spiritual and political leaders Your wisdom, knowledge, and love for all people. Father, do not let religion separate Your people; but bring us together in Spirit and unity to save our children. Father, give us Your love so that we may live in peace and harmony with each other. Lord, we thank You for mercy, grace, and favor; and we ask for forgiveness of our sins, in Jesus' name, Amen.
Monday, February 27, 2017
The Word clearly states that we must teach our children; about Him and our children’s children, how can a person have a relationship with God if they do not know Him. The Baby-boomers are failing two generation; because we do not teach our children about God, or how to pray. Deuteronomy 6: 4 Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God, the LORD is one. 5 Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. 6 These commandments that I give you today are to be in your hearts. 7 Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. 8 Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. 9 Write them on the doorframes of your houses and your gates. God wants us to teach His Word, to our children, and our grandchildren; we need to talk to them about Him, when sitting at home and when we walk along the road. When they lay down, make sure they say their prayers, and when they get up show Him some praise and worship. Don’t we remember what our lives were before we met Christ; why, would we let our children go out unprotected. Who will give them guidance when we are not around; we must teach our children and our grandchildren about God, He is the only thing that can save them.
Today we need the rest of our Silent generation, our Baby-boomers, and our generation X that do know God; to teach what we know to others, let start at home. We all have someone in our family that need to know God. Our mother, father, sister, brother, auntie, uncle, cousin, friend, or the next door neighbor. Let them know when they have done all they can do, try God. Then let God, shine through us; give them our testimony, and let them know He can and will do the same for them. Remember, talk to them, not at them, reflect back to our days of darkness, show them love, understanding, and mercy, like God showed us. Then they will follow us back to Him, just the way we followed the light back to Him. "HALLELUJAH"
Father, forgive us for allowing the Word to drop, from the hearts and minds of our children, teach us how to guide them back to You. Lord, we are losing not one but two generation of Your people, because we have left You out of their lives. Father, help us draw our children and our children's children back to You; give us creative thoughts to get their attention, and give them eyes that see. Father, help us give our children and our children’s children, a desire to hear Your Word; and give them ears that hear the truth so they may be convicted, corrected, and restored to You. Lord, let us teach them with love, understanding, and gentleness; so they will receive Your Word, and implement it into their daily lives. Lord, we come to You, with the faith of a mustard seed, asking You to save our children like You saved us, in Jesus name. Amen
Today we need the rest of our Silent generation, our Baby-boomers, and our generation X that do know God; to teach what we know to others, let start at home. We all have someone in our family that need to know God. Our mother, father, sister, brother, auntie, uncle, cousin, friend, or the next door neighbor. Let them know when they have done all they can do, try God. Then let God, shine through us; give them our testimony, and let them know He can and will do the same for them. Remember, talk to them, not at them, reflect back to our days of darkness, show them love, understanding, and mercy, like God showed us. Then they will follow us back to Him, just the way we followed the light back to Him. "HALLELUJAH"
Father, forgive us for allowing the Word to drop, from the hearts and minds of our children, teach us how to guide them back to You. Lord, we are losing not one but two generation of Your people, because we have left You out of their lives. Father, help us draw our children and our children's children back to You; give us creative thoughts to get their attention, and give them eyes that see. Father, help us give our children and our children’s children, a desire to hear Your Word; and give them ears that hear the truth so they may be convicted, corrected, and restored to You. Lord, let us teach them with love, understanding, and gentleness; so they will receive Your Word, and implement it into their daily lives. Lord, we come to You, with the faith of a mustard seed, asking You to save our children like You saved us, in Jesus name. Amen
Thursday, February 23, 2017
Do not confuse God's will for our desires; sometimes, we feel that what is happening in our lives is God's will for us. If it is God's will, then we will not be stressed; if it's God's will, He will provide for us; if it's God's will, everything will work out for our good. If it's God's will for us, it will have a purpose and add meaning to our lives. If it's God's will, it will be evenly yoked and bring prosperity. If it's God's will, we will have the hope of a brighter future. If it's God's will, we will have peace and be equipped with everything good. So if we are not experiencing God's presence, peace, and joy, maybe what's going on in our lives is just our desire.
Proverbs 16:3 Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and he will establish your plans.
Father, let us not confuse our desires for Your will; please direct us to Your plan for our lives and not our own. Lord, give us a passion for Your Word, where we will find; Your will for our lives, a life of purpose, meaning, and discernment. Father, we understand that Your choice is for us to be sanctified; and free from sin, so please equip us with all our needs. Lord, help us deny ourselves and take up our cross as we follow You. Lord, give us Christ-like character so that we will trust in You, with all our hearts, and lean not on our own understanding, but in all, we do submit to You, in Jesus' name Amen.
Proverbs 16:3 Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and he will establish your plans.
Father, let us not confuse our desires for Your will; please direct us to Your plan for our lives and not our own. Lord, give us a passion for Your Word, where we will find; Your will for our lives, a life of purpose, meaning, and discernment. Father, we understand that Your choice is for us to be sanctified; and free from sin, so please equip us with all our needs. Lord, help us deny ourselves and take up our cross as we follow You. Lord, give us Christ-like character so that we will trust in You, with all our hearts, and lean not on our own understanding, but in all, we do submit to You, in Jesus' name Amen.
Wednesday, February 22, 2017
Nothing draws us closer to God than His Word; when we study to show ourselves approved, we experience the same love and grace as the Son. Learning and our faith are how we understand and receive the Word. But, let’s be clear, our faith is not based on or influenced by our personal feelings; our faith is grounded in the Word of God and the Christ-like character in us. We cannot rely on our opinion of faith; we must rely on scripture and what is written to receive the truth, and the truth brings conviction and correction. Correction brings repentance, and repentance restores us to our Father. God wants to have a relationship with us. Still, in a relationship, both parties must be willing to join in fellowship, spend quality time with one another, and communicate. The same holds true in the relationship between God and His followers. He is always ready and able, but we must do our part and start drawing near. (Have you study today)
James 4:8 submits ourselves to God, resists the devil, and he will flee from us. Draw near to God, and He will draw near to us, cleanse our hands, and purify our hearts.
Father, You said, if we seek You while You may be found; call upon You while You are near, You will save us. Lord, let us forsake our wicked ways and our sinful thoughts; and be restored to You, and You will have compassion on us, and give us abundantly pardon. Father, we are Your sheep, and we listen to Your voice; You know us, and we know You, You give us eternal life, and no one can snatch us out of Your hand. Father, rid us of doubt and fear and replace them with the Fruit of courage and faith; so we will stand on Your Word and draw near to thee. Father, fill our hearts and minds with Your Spirit; so we can be submissive to You, in Jesus name, Amen.
James 4:8 submits ourselves to God, resists the devil, and he will flee from us. Draw near to God, and He will draw near to us, cleanse our hands, and purify our hearts.
Father, You said, if we seek You while You may be found; call upon You while You are near, You will save us. Lord, let us forsake our wicked ways and our sinful thoughts; and be restored to You, and You will have compassion on us, and give us abundantly pardon. Father, we are Your sheep, and we listen to Your voice; You know us, and we know You, You give us eternal life, and no one can snatch us out of Your hand. Father, rid us of doubt and fear and replace them with the Fruit of courage and faith; so we will stand on Your Word and draw near to thee. Father, fill our hearts and minds with Your Spirit; so we can be submissive to You, in Jesus name, Amen.
Matthew 7:1-5 1 “Do not judge, or you too will be judged. 2 For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. 3 “Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your eye? 4 How can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when all the time there is a plank in your eye? 5 You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.
Jesus tells us to look at our sin before judging someone else. The Bible says we are to confront others sin with truth, love, in respect, and in prayer. We cannot judge anyone because we do not know their hearts; only God can judge a person's, heart. Allowing God to do His job, gives us freedom to examine ourselves for correction.
Father, help us accept each other without quarreling over disputable matters; because no one is in the same place with You, so let us not judge each other. Lord, we are all sinners and fall short of Your glory; so give us eyes that see our sins and no one else. Father, we are saved by grace through the conviction of Your Word, and none of us live for ourselves alone; because we have been brought with a price, His Blood. So if we live we live for the You, and if we die we die for You, because we belong to the Lord. So help us not judge each other; let us not treat each other with contempt, for we all will stand in the reckoning. Father, let us not put stumbling blocks or obstacle in each other's way; but work in unity and help all God's followers sit at His feet. Lord, we thank You for forgiveness, and remission of our sins, in Jesus name Amen
Jesus tells us to look at our sin before judging someone else. The Bible says we are to confront others sin with truth, love, in respect, and in prayer. We cannot judge anyone because we do not know their hearts; only God can judge a person's, heart. Allowing God to do His job, gives us freedom to examine ourselves for correction.
Father, help us accept each other without quarreling over disputable matters; because no one is in the same place with You, so let us not judge each other. Lord, we are all sinners and fall short of Your glory; so give us eyes that see our sins and no one else. Father, we are saved by grace through the conviction of Your Word, and none of us live for ourselves alone; because we have been brought with a price, His Blood. So if we live we live for the You, and if we die we die for You, because we belong to the Lord. So help us not judge each other; let us not treat each other with contempt, for we all will stand in the reckoning. Father, let us not put stumbling blocks or obstacle in each other's way; but work in unity and help all God's followers sit at His feet. Lord, we thank You for forgiveness, and remission of our sins, in Jesus name Amen
Monday, February 20, 2017
Lord, You have kept Your promise to us; even when we did not deserve it, You give us mercy. Father, help us give to other, what You give to us. Lord, thank You for judging us by our hearts; and not by the flesh, as man does. Father, help keep us in Spirit, through Your Daily Word; and forgive us for falling short of Your Glory. Lord, give us the Fruit of love and patience; so will not walk ahead of You, and out of protection. Lord, give us guidance so that we will stay on Your path, and help us find our way back when we get lost. Lord, thank You for Your provision, joy, and peace; even though we are still sinners, we are, saved by Your grace. Lord, You, said if we love You; we will obey Your teachings, Lord, touch our hearts with Your Word, so our love will grow and help us follow. Father, we need to have relationship with You; give us a Christ-like desire for the Word, increase our prayer life, fill us with Your Spirit as we worship, and praise You. Lord, show us the truth, of the Word and help us teach our children and our children's children. We heard about Your miracles; and we have witnessed it ourselves, through our transformation. Father, prepare us to do good work; and give us Your courage, as we witness to others, about the goodness in You. Father, give us Child like faith, so we will become the people You created us to be; where we would work together in unity and love, instead of fighting about things that won't matter. Father, rid us of jealousy, envy, backbiting and hate; so we can love each other, as we do ourselves. Father, thank You, for watching over us last night, and blessed the families who's loved one was called home; and thank You for keeping us. Father, please forgive us, for not making the sacrifice of our sins; that separate us from You, Lord give us Your strength to repent and turn away from sin, in Jesus name, Amen
Sunday, February 19, 2017
God knows His people, and His people know Him; He knows all that come before Him are sinners; not one is living a sinless life. But, Jesus is so full of love and compassion; that He continues to reach out His hand to us because He wants a relationship with all He created. Jesus, wants us to take His yoke upon us; and we do that by attaching ourselves to the Word, with faith and obedience. When we begin to love God, as He loves us; compliance becomes easy, we gain this love and relationship through His Word. Because anything we love, we try to please; so if we love Him, we will do what pleases Him. Not pick and choose what makes us comfortable, but what honors Him. Some of us even make an actual sacrifice to Him, by giving up the sins that separate us from Him.
John 14:23Jesus replied, “If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word. My Father will love him, and we will come to him and make Our home with him. 24Whoever does not love Me does not keep My words. The word that you hear is not My own, but it is from the Father who sent Me
Father, we are sinners saved by grace; give us Your love of the Word, and cleanse our Spirits. Lord, open our hearts and minds so we may hear the truth of the Word; which brings conviction and change. Father, continue to give us guidance, protection, and provisions; and help us develop fruit. Give us Your patience, joy, and peace; so our hearts will not be troubled, and let us not be afraid. Lord, let us not be religious fanatics, but inward changed men and women; that are ready to do good work. Father, we do love You, but we need Your strength to obey, You. Father, let Your Word touch our hearts; so we will be submissive to Your Word, in Jesus name Amen
John 14:23Jesus replied, “If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word. My Father will love him, and we will come to him and make Our home with him. 24Whoever does not love Me does not keep My words. The word that you hear is not My own, but it is from the Father who sent Me
Father, we are sinners saved by grace; give us Your love of the Word, and cleanse our Spirits. Lord, open our hearts and minds so we may hear the truth of the Word; which brings conviction and change. Father, continue to give us guidance, protection, and provisions; and help us develop fruit. Give us Your patience, joy, and peace; so our hearts will not be troubled, and let us not be afraid. Lord, let us not be religious fanatics, but inward changed men and women; that are ready to do good work. Father, we do love You, but we need Your strength to obey, You. Father, let Your Word touch our hearts; so we will be submissive to Your Word, in Jesus name Amen
Saturday, February 18, 2017
Revelation 22:7 “Behold, I am coming soon! Blessed is he who keeps the words of the prophecy of this book.” 8 Now I, John, saw and heard and saw these things. And when I had heard and seen them, I fell down to worship at the feet of the angel who showed me these things. 9 Then he said to me, do not do that. I am a fellow servant with you and with your brothers the prophets, and of those who keep the words of this book. Worship God!” 10 And he said to me, “Do not seal the words of the prophecy of this book, for the time is at hand. 11 He who is unjust, let him be unjust still; he who is vile, let him be vile still; he who is righteous, let him be righteous still; he who is holy, let him be holy still.” 12 “And behold, I am coming soon, and My reward is with Me, and I will give to everyone according to his work. 13 I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End, the Beginning and the End.
Father, no one knows the day or the hour; not even the angels or the Son, only You Lord. So, Lord, help us stayed prayed up and remove all doubt and fears; and replace it with Your courage and strength, let us be ready to receive You when our name is called. Father, give us a strong desire for the things of the Spirit, right now in the name of Jesus; wash us in the Blood, from the top of our heads to the soles of our feet. Lord, You, reward us for our righteousness and faithfulness; so please help us endure this battle to the end so that we can become whole. Father, forgive us for lacking in our prayer lives, our worship and praise; please give us the desire to do better, by You, our children, and ourselves. Father, You, said come to You when we are weary; so we come to You with the faith of a mustard seed, asking You to save us. Father, this world is so dark, please guide us to Your light; and give us eyes that see and ears that hear Your wisdom, let it fill us with the Holy Spirit, so we will be compled to be submissive to You. In Jesus name Amen
Father, no one knows the day or the hour; not even the angels or the Son, only You Lord. So, Lord, help us stayed prayed up and remove all doubt and fears; and replace it with Your courage and strength, let us be ready to receive You when our name is called. Father, give us a strong desire for the things of the Spirit, right now in the name of Jesus; wash us in the Blood, from the top of our heads to the soles of our feet. Lord, You, reward us for our righteousness and faithfulness; so please help us endure this battle to the end so that we can become whole. Father, forgive us for lacking in our prayer lives, our worship and praise; please give us the desire to do better, by You, our children, and ourselves. Father, You, said come to You when we are weary; so we come to You with the faith of a mustard seed, asking You to save us. Father, this world is so dark, please guide us to Your light; and give us eyes that see and ears that hear Your wisdom, let it fill us with the Holy Spirit, so we will be compled to be submissive to You. In Jesus name Amen
Friday, February 17, 2017
Foot-washing was an expression of hospitality extends to people in Biblical times. Foot-washing was typically performed by the lowest servants in the household. But at the Last Supper, Jesus washed His disciple's feet. He explained to them that this act is an example of the humble attitude that we must always be ready to perform for each other.
(Luke 7:44-50). Jesus was very humble, and He wants us to be humble to each other as well, this is what He was teaching His disciples by washing their feet. (John 13:5-14 5 After that, He poured water into a basin and began to wash the disciples’ feet, and to wipe them with the towel with which He was girded. 6 Then He came to Simon Peter. And Peter said to Him, “Lord, are You washing my feet?” 7 Jesus answered and said to him, “What I am doing you do not understand now, but you will know after this.” 13 You call Me Teacher and Lord, and you say well, for so I am. 14 If I then, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another’s feet.)
Father, keep us humble and in Your will; let us not think too highly of ourselves, but in humility value others more than ourselves. Lord, help us be patient bearing with one another in love and unity. Father, let us do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but do everything out of love. Lord, help us be willing to associate with people of low position and keep us lowly in Spirit so that we may gain honor from You. Father, let us not desire outward adornments, such as elaborate hairstyles, the wearing of gold jewelry, or beautiful clothes. Rather, it should be that of our inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quite Spirit, which is of great worth in Your sight, in Jesus name, Amen
(Luke 7:44-50). Jesus was very humble, and He wants us to be humble to each other as well, this is what He was teaching His disciples by washing their feet. (John 13:5-14 5 After that, He poured water into a basin and began to wash the disciples’ feet, and to wipe them with the towel with which He was girded. 6 Then He came to Simon Peter. And Peter said to Him, “Lord, are You washing my feet?” 7 Jesus answered and said to him, “What I am doing you do not understand now, but you will know after this.” 13 You call Me Teacher and Lord, and you say well, for so I am. 14 If I then, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another’s feet.)
Father, keep us humble and in Your will; let us not think too highly of ourselves, but in humility value others more than ourselves. Lord, help us be patient bearing with one another in love and unity. Father, let us do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but do everything out of love. Lord, help us be willing to associate with people of low position and keep us lowly in Spirit so that we may gain honor from You. Father, let us not desire outward adornments, such as elaborate hairstyles, the wearing of gold jewelry, or beautiful clothes. Rather, it should be that of our inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quite Spirit, which is of great worth in Your sight, in Jesus name, Amen
Luke 22:20 But God said unto him, Thou fool, this night thy soul shall be required of thee: then whose shall those things be, which thou hast provided?
We are programmed, that the more material things we have; the more power and status we possess, but without reference to God, none of our earthly treasures will matter. What is important is our relationship with the one Supreme Being, the power of love peace and joy. We worry about how we look more than our Souls; we will invest in shoes, bags, jewelry, cars, and hair, things that keep us in debt and stressed for money. (Luke 12:23 life is more than food, and the body more than clothes) But, we will not use what God gives us; to help build up God's people and His kingdom. "If we invested in helping the least of us, then we are lifting up His people and His Kingdom." (Matt. 25:40 Truly I tell you, whatever you did for the least of them, you did for Me.) When our names are called to leave here; all our earthly treasures will be left behind, for someone to enjoy, sale, or lose. Why not invest in an investment that gives back, God and our Souls.
Father, take away our earthly desires; that keeps us in debt and stressed for money. Lord, remove all the destructive desires and emotions of hate, envy, jealousy; and replace them with things of the Spirit. Lord, You said that all we need is the faith of a mustard seed, so Lord, we come to You now with that hope, save us. Father, give us eyes that see the false prophet and our enemies, and ears that hear Your truth; with understanding and conviction, so we are transformed men and women, not religious fanatics. Lord, thank You for forgiveness, and we ask for Your strength and courage to forgive those that wronged us. Lord, we are so grateful for Your grace and mercy; and a new start of another day, in Jesus name, Amen
Wednesday, February 15, 2017
God can and will use us where we are, even though; we dishonor Him. There are many different things written in books about Him. But what I get from cross readings; we are all His people, from the day we are born. Now, it depends on what Book, we're reading, what we believe; But one thing is the same in them all, "there is a Higher Source of Hope, God." And He ordained a pattern of Biblical Laws to live by; as well as government, to maintain natural order and control.
Think about it, anytime there's no penalty; there is no law, God did not send His Son, to abolish the Law, He sent Him to save us from it through grace. He allowed His only Son, to be born of woman; to teach us how to live, even after we witness His power; we still crucified Him. Everything in His Word tells us of the things; that will come to pass, and they have, but we do not believe.
The last thing He said was "Father forgive them, for they no not what they do" which gave us grace, and love that restored us to our Father. Not by force, but by choice; even though we are not worthy. If we believe, why is it so hard to follow Him; because we're in the flesh more than we are in the Spirit, this is why we must study and pray without ceasing, to keep our flesh at rest.
We know God keeps His promise; as He has proven Himself to His people, time after time. He keeps His promise about His blessings; and also His wrath, there will be punishment for our sins; if we do not repent and turn away from them.
Father, make Your message clear to us, with the truth of Your Word; so we may receive the Holy Spirit. Lord, let the Spirit guide us and keep us in Your will; through this journey in this dark world. Father, cover our children in the Blood; while they do not know; and help us all draw near to You. Father, help us teach them Your Word day and night; as we grow closer as a family and closer to You. Lord, give us the desire for the Spirit instead of the world; that keeps us in debt and sin. Father, we pray for Your courage, strength, peace and love, In Jesus name, Amen
Think about it, anytime there's no penalty; there is no law, God did not send His Son, to abolish the Law, He sent Him to save us from it through grace. He allowed His only Son, to be born of woman; to teach us how to live, even after we witness His power; we still crucified Him. Everything in His Word tells us of the things; that will come to pass, and they have, but we do not believe.
The last thing He said was "Father forgive them, for they no not what they do" which gave us grace, and love that restored us to our Father. Not by force, but by choice; even though we are not worthy. If we believe, why is it so hard to follow Him; because we're in the flesh more than we are in the Spirit, this is why we must study and pray without ceasing, to keep our flesh at rest.
We know God keeps His promise; as He has proven Himself to His people, time after time. He keeps His promise about His blessings; and also His wrath, there will be punishment for our sins; if we do not repent and turn away from them.
Father, make Your message clear to us, with the truth of Your Word; so we may receive the Holy Spirit. Lord, let the Spirit guide us and keep us in Your will; through this journey in this dark world. Father, cover our children in the Blood; while they do not know; and help us all draw near to You. Father, help us teach them Your Word day and night; as we grow closer as a family and closer to You. Lord, give us the desire for the Spirit instead of the world; that keeps us in debt and sin. Father, we pray for Your courage, strength, peace and love, In Jesus name, Amen
Tuesday, February 14, 2017
Lord, we have heard with our ears, O God, our parents, and grandparents have told us, what works You did in their days, in the times of old. How, You, Drove out the heathen with Your hand and planted them; Lord, we ask that You remove every demonic Spirit from us, cast them out and replace them with Spiritual Soldiers. Father, remove all doubt and fear and replace them with Christ-like courage and strength; so will have the patience to wait on You. Father, we are who we are because of Your Son; grace, and favor, and we are so grateful. Lord, give us Your protection and push down our enemies: by Your name will we tread them under that rise against us. Father, we put our trust in You, because only You, can save us. So in You, we boast all the day long and praise Your name for ever. Lord, fill us with the Word and anoint our lips with Your grace; clothe us with splendor, as we ride forth victoriously speaking of You. Lord, give us joy and peace; so that we may overflow with hope, and the power of the Holy Spirit, in Jesus name, Amen
Monday, February 13, 2017
Philippians 2: 12-13 Therefore, my beloved, just as you have always obeyed; not only in my presence but now even more in my absence. Continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling. 13 For it is God who works in us to will and to act on behalf of His good pleasure.
Studying the Word will give us Spiritual Inspiration: peace, guidance, protection, comfort, and provisions; when we receive the revelation of the Word of God. The revelation of God's Word will transform us into the believers He created us to be; then we can activate the power of His Word, that helps draw others and ourselves to Him.
Father, give us the revelation of Your Word and give us the desire and the power to do what pleases You. Lord, help us receive Your Son as our Savoir; and give us His strength, to help us obey You. Father, fill us with the knowledge of the Word and the wisdom to implement the Word in our daily lives. Thank You, Lord, for using us, Your broken people for the sake of Your mission. Lord, forgive us for falling short in our worship, study, and prayer life; as well as our sins. Father, help us develop Christ-like character' and use us for the building of Your kingdom and our lives, in Jesus name, Amen
Studying the Word will give us Spiritual Inspiration: peace, guidance, protection, comfort, and provisions; when we receive the revelation of the Word of God. The revelation of God's Word will transform us into the believers He created us to be; then we can activate the power of His Word, that helps draw others and ourselves to Him.
Father, give us the revelation of Your Word and give us the desire and the power to do what pleases You. Lord, help us receive Your Son as our Savoir; and give us His strength, to help us obey You. Father, fill us with the knowledge of the Word and the wisdom to implement the Word in our daily lives. Thank You, Lord, for using us, Your broken people for the sake of Your mission. Lord, forgive us for falling short in our worship, study, and prayer life; as well as our sins. Father, help us develop Christ-like character' and use us for the building of Your kingdom and our lives, in Jesus name, Amen
Saturday, February 11, 2017
It cost us nothing to be kind, but it does pay dividends in life. A kind word will prevent a person from taking their life, or reassure an abused child who is frightened. Kindness will clothe the homeless, or feed the starving. Kindness can save our lives, just like it saved Rahab and her family; during the fall of Jericho. Because of Rahab kindness to the Israel spies, who came to Jericho, Rahab and her entire family were spared. Kindness did not only save Rahab and her family from certain death, but her compassion eventually wound its scarlet cord into the very lineage of Christ.
Read Joshua chapter 2; it tells a fascinating story of a prostitute who lied to the government officials to protect the spies. Rahab kindness gave her a place forever in Hebrew History. Because Rahab noticed the greatness of God in the Israelite's, she risked her life by defying her king to save them. Joshua 2:8-9 before the spies lay down for the night, she went up on the roof and said to them, " I know that the Lord has given this land to you and that a great fear of you has fallen on us.
Father, help us develop the fruit of kindness; so we may be kind to each other, even our enemies. Lord, speak to our hearts of the importance of compassion that leads to Your good works. Lord, forgive us for the times we were not considerate to those in need, please help us do better. Father, we may not be able to change the world, but let our kindness inspire someone to draw near to You. Father, let us symbolize Your presence in us, to others through our compassion; love, and peace. Lord, let the glory of pure holiness shine through us for all the world to see; with mercy and grace. Father, remove any cruelty or harshness from our hearts; and replace it with sympathy and mildness, in Jesus name Amen
Friday, February 10, 2017
God can and will use anyone "John 14:12 I tell you the truth, anyone who has faith in me will do what I have been doing. You will do even greater things than these because I am going to the Father." Once we receive Christ as our Savior "Galatians 2:20 we have been crucified with Christ, and we no longer live, but Christ lives in us." Once we receive the Holy Spirit we are no longer govern by the flesh; but by the Spirit in the flesh, through our faith in Christ. Then God will use us to build His Kingdom, just as He used Noah who was a drunk. " I have a family member that is an alcoholic but can pray the roof off." Moses stuttered, but He leads His people to the promised land; Sampson was a womanizer; as many of our Spiritual Leaders are, but God use them as well. So no matter where we are in our walk with Christ; God can and will use us for the edification of our lives and His Kingdom, even a child.
Father, help surrender to You so that You can use us for the edification of our lives and Your Kingdom. Lord, give us Your guidance, protection, and peace; as You free us from the flesh, through our faith. Father, we know we are responsible for our thoughts and action; so please forgive us for our ideas and measures that offend You. Father, You are our Shepherd, please shield us from our enemies; Lord, remove every demonic Spirit around us, and replace them with Spiritual Soldiers. Lord, even when we gambled with the issue of our salvation; Your grace clothe us in the uniform of Christ. So, we thank You for lifting us out of the slime pits; and restoring us to You, in Jesus name, Amen
Father, help surrender to You so that You can use us for the edification of our lives and Your Kingdom. Lord, give us Your guidance, protection, and peace; as You free us from the flesh, through our faith. Father, we know we are responsible for our thoughts and action; so please forgive us for our ideas and measures that offend You. Father, You are our Shepherd, please shield us from our enemies; Lord, remove every demonic Spirit around us, and replace them with Spiritual Soldiers. Lord, even when we gambled with the issue of our salvation; Your grace clothe us in the uniform of Christ. So, we thank You for lifting us out of the slime pits; and restoring us to You, in Jesus name, Amen
Wednesday, February 8, 2017
The Holy Spirit is the third entity of the Trinity which helps us exercise the power of the Father and the Son in creation and redemption. The Holy Spirit is the power by which we are compelled to obey the Word; and it gives us a new look on faith, and brings a closer to God than we are to ourselves. Romans 8:2-4 There is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit set us free from the law of sin and death. For what the law was powerless to do because the flesh weakened the law, God did by sending His Son in the likeness of sinful flesh to be a sin offering. And so He condemned sin in the flesh, so that the righteous requirement of the Lord be fully met in us; who do not live according to the flesh but according to the Spirit.
Father, fill us with the Holy Spirit so that we can be submissive to Your Word; and not live according to the flesh, but live according to the Spirit. Lord, please let us be governed by the Spirit so we may have life, and not regulated by the flesh that brings death. Father, thank You for Your love that causes You to help our troubled souls, just as grace moves You to forgive us. Lord, let the Holy Spirit guide us around the obstacle that causes us to stumble and fall. Lord, fill us with the peace that the Holy Spirit gives us, the peace of completeness, soundness, and well-being, of a child of God. Father, we thank You for reconciliation; redemption, and regeneration, that has changed us and allowed us to respond to You with faith. In Jesus name Amen
Father, fill us with the Holy Spirit so that we can be submissive to Your Word; and not live according to the flesh, but live according to the Spirit. Lord, please let us be governed by the Spirit so we may have life, and not regulated by the flesh that brings death. Father, thank You for Your love that causes You to help our troubled souls, just as grace moves You to forgive us. Lord, let the Holy Spirit guide us around the obstacle that causes us to stumble and fall. Lord, fill us with the peace that the Holy Spirit gives us, the peace of completeness, soundness, and well-being, of a child of God. Father, we thank You for reconciliation; redemption, and regeneration, that has changed us and allowed us to respond to You with faith. In Jesus name Amen
No one has experienced more grief than Christ; it is enough grief for me, to think He bore all our pain so we "sinners" could be restored, to the Father. Isaiah 53:4-6 Surly he has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows; yet we esteemed Him stricken, smitten by God and afflicted. He was wounded for our transgressions; He was crushed for our iniquities; upon Him was the chastisement that brought us peace, and by His stripes, we are healed. We are all like sheep, that have gone astray; each of us has turned to our ways. Believers should have an emotion of sorrow when we disobey God's Word; we should feel the same pain and suffering our freedom cost Him. We crucify Christ daily in our corrupt and dishonest hearts; just like when He died between two immoral and dishonest men on the cross. And today we still bring grief to our Father, even after all He and His Son has done for us; we are still ungrateful. How much more pain and suffering must He endure for us.
Lord, we are so grateful that You gave Your life; hung between two immoral and dishonest men, for our sake. Father, we are still like lost sheep, who has gone astray; please give us protection and guidance, as we find our way back to You. Lord, give us Your love for the Word; so our feet will be motivated to the message, as we receive the victory of grace. Father, let us go out into this lost world with Your courage, wisdom, and knowledge; to preach the gospel as we are called. Father, Your Son was oppressed and afflicted for our sins, yet He never complained; give us your peace during our times of grief, pain, and sorrows, and let us not complain. In Jesus name Amen.
Lord, we are so grateful that You gave Your life; hung between two immoral and dishonest men, for our sake. Father, we are still like lost sheep, who has gone astray; please give us protection and guidance, as we find our way back to You. Lord, give us Your love for the Word; so our feet will be motivated to the message, as we receive the victory of grace. Father, let us go out into this lost world with Your courage, wisdom, and knowledge; to preach the gospel as we are called. Father, Your Son was oppressed and afflicted for our sins, yet He never complained; give us your peace during our times of grief, pain, and sorrows, and let us not complain. In Jesus name Amen.
Saturday, February 4, 2017
We will never be perfect, because God knows if we did not have adversity in our lives; we will not call on Him, think about it. When all our bills are paid, the children are not going crazy; and our marriage or relationships are comfortable, we pray less. Not to mention, when our pockets are fat; we have little or no need for God, the Word, or prayer. WRONG, no matter what is going on in our lives; we still need God, because the Devil never stop trying to destroy us. This is another reason God will never; answer our prayers that takes us out of His plan for our lives. When we are in need, we are diligently in prayer and study; because we know we need Him, but let all be well, God is the last thing on our minds. But when we are having problems, with our children, our husbands, our wives, our health or our finances; ONLY then we seek Him first. This is why God says " that it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of God." The love of money and greed has separated so many of us from God. Money is not the root of all evil, what's evil is what some people will do to get it.
Father, let not death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present, nor things to come, nor power, nor height, nor depth, nor any other created thing separate us from You. Lord, let us not lose heart, but let our flesh decay; as we are renewed day by day, and let us not be weary as You put our flesh to rest. Father, Your grace, is sufficient for us; and we gain power in our weakness, so let us boast about our weakness, so the power of Christ will dwells in us. Lord, You said, all things work together for the good of those who love You, and to those who are called for Your purpose. Father, we stand on Your Word; with the faith of a mustard seed, that You will keep Your promise, if we believe in and love You and Your Son. Lord, fill us with the Holy Spirit; so the Spirit will compel us to obey Your Word, in Jesus name Amen.
Thursday, February 2, 2017
The best description of conversion is, when we open our eyes and see light instead of darkness; when we turn from the snares of Satan to the power of God. Our conversion comes from receiving the Word and believing in what is written about our Savior, Jesus Christ. Accepting Christ as our Savior, is the initial change of attitude; that brings us into the right relationship with God. The more we study the Word, the closer we come to God; and the closer we come to Him, the more conviction we receive for our sins. Conviction is the process that the Word activates; because once we receive wisdom and knowledge of the Word, our conscience begin to corrected us. God's Word gives our inborn conscious the revelation of Spiritual right and wrong; that leads to repentance and eternal life.
Lord, please let us receive the truth of Your Word; the truth that gives us correction, and conviction of our sins. Father, we are all sinners saved by grace, the grace that Jesus blood gives us. Lord, let not our adversary or our sins hinder our blessings from You; and help us with our suffering, that brings purification as we identify with Christ. Father, give us a strong desire for Your Word, and a great love for Your will. Lord, give us assurance from bondage, fear, and uncertainty; strengthen our faith and help us with our unbelief, as we grow near to You. Father, continue blessings us as we place our trust in You; and trust in Your promise for our salvation, in Jesus name, Amen
Our body are the temple of God, His Spirit dwells in us. When we do things to hurt our bodies, we are hurting God as well. When we abuse drugs, food, and alcohol, we are abusing the place that God Spirit dwells; our bodies that He brought with the price of His blood. 1 Corinthians 10:31 tells us whatever we eat or drink or whatever we do, do it all for the glory of God. God also tells us that all things are permitted, but just because it's permitted does not mean it is good or helpful for us. In other words we can drink and eat what we want, but evidently the bad things we eat and drink will catch up with us. The Bible tells us (Proverbs 23:20) not to be among drunkards or among gluttonous eaters of meat. When we disobey these Scripture about drinking to much; we suffer the consequences of: liver disease, pancreatitis, osteoporosis, just to name a few. And when we over eat particularly when we overeat high-fat, and high calorie foods; it increase our risk of heart disease, diabetes, cancers, gallbladder diseases, high blood pressure, and obesity.
The Word of God is a Book of instruction for every aspect of living; it covers our minds, bodies, and souls. Everything we need to know on how to live a better or Holy life is written in His Word.
Father, You are our bread of life; and if we believe in You, we will never go hunger and we shall never thirst. Lord, Your Word tell us " if we serve You, You will bless our bread and our water; and You will take sickness away from us. Father, keeps us from becoming drunkards and excessively greedy eaters; so we do not come to poverty, and bad health. Father, please remove the earthly desire of alcohol, drugs, and over eating from us; and replace them with the desires for things of the Spirit. Father, help us remember You, in everything we say or do; and help us hold on to Your teachings, as we become more like Christ. The earth is Your's and everything in it, help us follow Your Son's example when He walked this earth. In Jesus name Amen.
The Word of God is a Book of instruction for every aspect of living; it covers our minds, bodies, and souls. Everything we need to know on how to live a better or Holy life is written in His Word.
Father, You are our bread of life; and if we believe in You, we will never go hunger and we shall never thirst. Lord, Your Word tell us " if we serve You, You will bless our bread and our water; and You will take sickness away from us. Father, keeps us from becoming drunkards and excessively greedy eaters; so we do not come to poverty, and bad health. Father, please remove the earthly desire of alcohol, drugs, and over eating from us; and replace them with the desires for things of the Spirit. Father, help us remember You, in everything we say or do; and help us hold on to Your teachings, as we become more like Christ. The earth is Your's and everything in it, help us follow Your Son's example when He walked this earth. In Jesus name Amen.
Wednesday, February 1, 2017
Love and faith is the only free gifts that matters to God. The kind of love that is not pushy, painful, pricey, or self-serving. The kind of love that heals what worldly love injure; the kind of love that listen and not just hear; the kind of love that carry no vengeance, just forgiveness; the kind of love that give way to arguments, demands or pressure; the kind of love that serve with an open heart our Lord and others. We need Christ-like love, the kind of love that never cease on giving.
When our hearts and minds are filled with the wisdom and knowledge of the Word, the gifts of love, faith, and hope, take up resident.
Love is the first and the most important characteristic of the Fruit of the Spirit. If we develop the fruit of love, everything else in the fruit basket will grow; then all we have to do is prune our fruit with the Word, which will develop our Christ-like character.
Father, because of Your love for us, You allowed Your only Son to die; that we may be restored to You. Lord, on the Cross Christ bore the shame of our sins, so we too are called to bear the reproach of Christ and to suffer for His name sake. So, Father, help us turn away from our disobedience; and fill us with true repentance, a godly sorrow for our sins. Father, give us Your wisdom and Your knowledge that leads to fundamental change in us. Lord, let Your Word, reprove, correct, and guide us in the way to go; as Your Spirit gives us new life, through the development of our Fruits. Lord, fill our hearts with the respect and admiration of Your love; so we may show the same love for You and others, in Jesus name Amen
Father, because of Your love for us, You allowed Your only Son to die; that we may be restored to You. Lord, on the Cross Christ bore the shame of our sins, so we too are called to bear the reproach of Christ and to suffer for His name sake. So, Father, help us turn away from our disobedience; and fill us with true repentance, a godly sorrow for our sins. Father, give us Your wisdom and Your knowledge that leads to fundamental change in us. Lord, let Your Word, reprove, correct, and guide us in the way to go; as Your Spirit gives us new life, through the development of our Fruits. Lord, fill our hearts with the respect and admiration of Your love; so we may show the same love for You and others, in Jesus name Amen
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