The Broken Vessel

The Broken Vessel

Thursday, December 28, 2017


1 Corinthians 15:33 "Do not be misled: "Bad company corrupts good character." Proverbs 18:24 One who has unreliable friends soon comes to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.

Recognize friendship as a remarkable gift and responsibility by establishing clearly in our minds that the primary purpose of every friendship is to help each other become better versions of ourselves, like Jesus.  We should seek an earthly friendship that elevates, encourages, challenges, and brings us to life.  Not a friendship drains our energy and enables us to betray ourselves and our purpose and separate ourselves from these relationships. Some people will never be true friends because they are too self-absorbed or bitter and only be around people they can use to build themselves up. Others are so bitter it makes them untrustworthy because they trust no one. But, if they are connected to the Spirit, there is a chance for true friendship.

Father, surround us with like-minded people, not those who seek their own glory.  Lord, remove the mask that self-absorbed, bitter, and broken people wear to convince others that they're someone they're not; and reveal to the world who they really are so we can keep our distance or guide them to You.   Father, let their deeds show their motive, so we are not lead astray by following them into darkness.  Lord surrounded us with Spiritual Soldiers that kept us marching in the right direction with the right attitude.  Surround us with those who lift us up and not hide in the shadows of envy and jealousy, tearing us down.  Father, thank You for Guarding Angles that protect us from enemies disguised as friends.  Jesus, thank You for removing us from those relationships that drain our energy and use us to lift ourselves up.  Thank You for Your faithfulness, even when we are not.  in Jesus' name, Amen

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