1 John 5:4 - For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, our faith Acts 3:19 Repent ye, therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord;
The Broken Vessel

Wednesday, January 31, 2018
Monday, January 29, 2018
Amos 5:24 But let justice roll down like waters, and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream. Proverbs 21:15 When justice is done, it is a joy to the righteous but terror to evildoers.
For those who kill and think it's over, you have a higher authority to answer to; all you have done in the dark will be brought to the light. And if you have a conscience, we pray it beats you until you confess.
Father, I come to You as humble as I can be right now, asking You to release me from the anger in my heart in the name of Jesus. Lord, I know that I can overcome anything in this world; because Your Blood gives me that power, so right now, I ask You to fill me with Your Spirit. So, I can forgive, and justice can be served in Your will for my son, and give me the Spirit of patience; so I can wait with the right attitude because I know justice is coming to those who kill. Father, do not let me be drawn into temptation by the enemy and protect me from their firey arrows; while You continue working in and through me to reach others. Father, thank You for giving me eyes that see the enemy around me; and for giving me a place of rest from the evil ones. Father, tame my tongue, so the words of my mouth and feelings in my heart are acceptable in Your sight. Father, help me be directed by my belief in You and not by my own understanding, so I do not stumble and fall; right now, remove all the obstacles that keep me from sitting at Your feet and those that hinder my blessings. Lord, do not let my Spiritual growth be paralyzed by worldly desire, and thank You for justice, in Jesus' name, Amen.
Romans 13:4 For the one in authority is God's servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for rulers do not spear the sword for no reason. They are God's servants, agents of wrath to bring punishment on the wrongdoer.
For those who kill and think it's over, you have a higher authority to answer to; all you have done in the dark will be brought to the light. And if you have a conscience, we pray it beats you until you confess.
Father, I come to You as humble as I can be right now, asking You to release me from the anger in my heart in the name of Jesus. Lord, I know that I can overcome anything in this world; because Your Blood gives me that power, so right now, I ask You to fill me with Your Spirit. So, I can forgive, and justice can be served in Your will for my son, and give me the Spirit of patience; so I can wait with the right attitude because I know justice is coming to those who kill. Father, do not let me be drawn into temptation by the enemy and protect me from their firey arrows; while You continue working in and through me to reach others. Father, thank You for giving me eyes that see the enemy around me; and for giving me a place of rest from the evil ones. Father, tame my tongue, so the words of my mouth and feelings in my heart are acceptable in Your sight. Father, help me be directed by my belief in You and not by my own understanding, so I do not stumble and fall; right now, remove all the obstacles that keep me from sitting at Your feet and those that hinder my blessings. Lord, do not let my Spiritual growth be paralyzed by worldly desire, and thank You for justice, in Jesus' name, Amen.
Romans 13:4 For the one in authority is God's servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for rulers do not spear the sword for no reason. They are God's servants, agents of wrath to bring punishment on the wrongdoer.
Sunday, January 28, 2018
2 Timothy 1:7 For the Spirit God gives us does not make us timid but gives us power, love, and self-discipline.
When we choose faith over worrying and fear, it activates God's promise. Stop thinking about negative things because they will come to pass if we focus on them. "John 14:27 Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. So, Do not let your hearts be troubled, and do not be afraid." Instead, meditate on God's promise of prosperity, health, peace, and long life, and that is what will come to pass. To meditate on His Word, we must know His Word; how do we know the Word by studying His Word.
Father, although things are not going our way, we will not worry; because You are with us, help us discipline our thoughts that activate Your promise in our lives. Father, teach us not to speak demonic Spirits over our children's lives by dwelling on all the bad things that can happen; instead, we talk about peace, health, love, and prosperity in their lives, and may they discover their destiny. Lord, with so much hate and chaos in the world today, we pray for those in need. Father, right now, we pray for self-control and let Your Spirit feed our faith, so our fears will be eliminated by the things of the Spirit. Right now, there's someone in need of a job; we speak employment into existence; Lord, there is so many sick, we speak healing into existence. Father, our children need guidance and understanding, so order their steps in Your will. Lord, there's someone in pain, Father, we speak comfort into their lives. Father, someone needs financial relief; help them be better stewards of Your money and let the Bands and the financial institutes practice fair lending. Father, we thank You for Your wisdom and the knowledge of using Your power in our lives. Father, thank You for forgiveness and the strength to forgive others. Lord, we are Your people, and we pray for peace and understanding in the name of Jesus, Amen.
When we choose faith over worrying and fear, it activates God's promise. Stop thinking about negative things because they will come to pass if we focus on them. "John 14:27 Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. So, Do not let your hearts be troubled, and do not be afraid." Instead, meditate on God's promise of prosperity, health, peace, and long life, and that is what will come to pass. To meditate on His Word, we must know His Word; how do we know the Word by studying His Word.
Father, although things are not going our way, we will not worry; because You are with us, help us discipline our thoughts that activate Your promise in our lives. Father, teach us not to speak demonic Spirits over our children's lives by dwelling on all the bad things that can happen; instead, we talk about peace, health, love, and prosperity in their lives, and may they discover their destiny. Lord, with so much hate and chaos in the world today, we pray for those in need. Father, right now, we pray for self-control and let Your Spirit feed our faith, so our fears will be eliminated by the things of the Spirit. Right now, there's someone in need of a job; we speak employment into existence; Lord, there is so many sick, we speak healing into existence. Father, our children need guidance and understanding, so order their steps in Your will. Lord, there's someone in pain, Father, we speak comfort into their lives. Father, someone needs financial relief; help them be better stewards of Your money and let the Bands and the financial institutes practice fair lending. Father, we thank You for Your wisdom and the knowledge of using Your power in our lives. Father, thank You for forgiveness and the strength to forgive others. Lord, we are Your people, and we pray for peace and understanding in the name of Jesus, Amen.
Saturday, January 27, 2018
We must learn how to fight temptation when people hurt or wrong us; by not retaliating or talking about them, and yes, we know it is hard, but not with Christ. "Romans 12:19 Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God, for it is written, "Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord." When we walk away and let God take control, we are blessed, and the enemy will be persecuted in God's will. If we believe what Jesus says, He will empower us to do the same.
Father, help us fight temptation when people wrong us by allowing Christ to fight for us. Lord, we know that we cannot do this on our own; we must rely on Christ's strength to accomplish this through our faith and His faithfulness. Father, when we are tempted to respond, give us Your courage and wisdom to walk away; so the enemy we will have to answer to You. Lord, we ask You to fill us with the Holy Spirit and the knowledge of the Word when we are under attack, so we do not react under our own understanding but our faith in the Word. So, Lord, we ask You to remove the unforgiveness in our hearts for those who wronged us, so You will forgive us and fight our battles, a battle that only You can win. Lord, fill us with patience so we will not grow weary waiting for Your will to be done, in Jesus' name Amen.
Father, help us fight temptation when people wrong us by allowing Christ to fight for us. Lord, we know that we cannot do this on our own; we must rely on Christ's strength to accomplish this through our faith and His faithfulness. Father, when we are tempted to respond, give us Your courage and wisdom to walk away; so the enemy we will have to answer to You. Lord, we ask You to fill us with the Holy Spirit and the knowledge of the Word when we are under attack, so we do not react under our own understanding but our faith in the Word. So, Lord, we ask You to remove the unforgiveness in our hearts for those who wronged us, so You will forgive us and fight our battles, a battle that only You can win. Lord, fill us with patience so we will not grow weary waiting for Your will to be done, in Jesus' name Amen.
Friday, January 26, 2018
Acts 3:19 Repent, then, and turn back, so that your sins may be wiped away, 20 that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord, and that He may send Jesus, the Christ, who has been appointed for you. Acts 17:30 In the past God overlooked such ignorance, but now he commands all people everywhere to repent.
Our problem with sin is the way the gospel is being preached. We are told that when we ask for forgiveness with faith we are forgiven, but what about repentance; the Word says we are forgiven once we repent and turn away from our sins. "Matthew 7:14 From that time Jesus began to preach his message: “Turn away from your sins because the Kingdom of heaven is near!” So we are forgiven once we confess and turn away from that sin; we cannot willfully keep sinning and be forgiven. Luke 13:3 I tell you, no! But unless you repent, you too will all perish. 4 Or those eighteen who died when the tower in Siloam fell on them—do you think they were more guilty than all the others living in Jerusalem? 5 I tell you, no! But unless you repent, you too will all perish.”
Father, give us new life, help us repent so we will be filled with the Holy Spirit; let Your Spirit raise us up; so we will be in Your presence, and develop a relationship with You. Give us Your wisdom and the knowledge of You, Father, heal this land and it will be healed, save us and we will truly be saved. Father, there’s no greater love than that shown by the sacrifice of Your only Son, to free us through repentance and faith in Him. Lord, Your, forgiving love is one of the greatest manifestations of Your divine nature, thank You for sharing Your love with us. Even though we are still sinners, You give us grace, mercy, and favor; once we repent and turn away from our sins. Please continue working in us, and draw us nearer to Thee. Lord, we respond to Your love with gratitude and thank You for not rejecting us. Father, search our hearts and remove the evil source of our behavior, and let the Word be the method, source, purpose, intent, and the principle; that help us cast sin aside and never turn back. in Jesus name, Amen
Wednesday, January 24, 2018
Ephesians 5:2 And walk in the way of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God. Titus 2:14 Who gave himself for us to redeem us from all wickedness and purify for himself a people that are his very own, eager to do what is good.
Have you ever sacrificed for Christ? I am not talking about something we wanted to give up, like smoking; that's not a sacrifice for Christ but for our health. I'm talking about sacrificing fleshly desires: adultery, backbiting, envy, hate, jealousy, Pride, self-praise, unforgiveness, Etc. Let's offer for Christ-like He sacrificed for us; give up something that separates us from the Father, gives up what He hates, SIN. The more we SACRIFICE our flesh, the more like Christ we become and the closer our relationship grows.
Father, we delivered Your only Son over to the chief priests and teachers of the law so they could condemn Him to death. Thank You, Lord, for suffering in the body to have freedom from sin through the Spirit. Lord, please use us as an instrument of righteousness and let not Your death be in vain; so fill us with the Holy Spirit, and order our steps in Your will. Father, we witness His healing powers and Jesus soul transforming teachings; yet we handed Him over to the Gentiles to be mocked, flogged, and crucified; please forgive us; we knew not what we did. Lord, we surrender our souls to You; we will not offer any part of ourselves to sin or be used as an instrument for wickedness, but rather offer ourselves to Christ, who brought us with His life. Lord, keep us humble under Your mighty hand so You will lift us up when the time comes, in Jesus' name Amen.
Have you ever sacrificed for Christ? I am not talking about something we wanted to give up, like smoking; that's not a sacrifice for Christ but for our health. I'm talking about sacrificing fleshly desires: adultery, backbiting, envy, hate, jealousy, Pride, self-praise, unforgiveness, Etc. Let's offer for Christ-like He sacrificed for us; give up something that separates us from the Father, gives up what He hates, SIN. The more we SACRIFICE our flesh, the more like Christ we become and the closer our relationship grows.
Father, we delivered Your only Son over to the chief priests and teachers of the law so they could condemn Him to death. Thank You, Lord, for suffering in the body to have freedom from sin through the Spirit. Lord, please use us as an instrument of righteousness and let not Your death be in vain; so fill us with the Holy Spirit, and order our steps in Your will. Father, we witness His healing powers and Jesus soul transforming teachings; yet we handed Him over to the Gentiles to be mocked, flogged, and crucified; please forgive us; we knew not what we did. Lord, we surrender our souls to You; we will not offer any part of ourselves to sin or be used as an instrument for wickedness, but rather offer ourselves to Christ, who brought us with His life. Lord, keep us humble under Your mighty hand so You will lift us up when the time comes, in Jesus' name Amen.
Tuesday, January 23, 2018
Father, we come to You asking You to search our hearts and remove all unforgiveness, jealousy, Envy, hates, and strife, so we may come boldly to the throne with a clean heart, and You will hear our prayer. Lord, we come to You because You are a Healer, and You have the last say over our lives. Lord, we pray for those stricken with cancer, COVID, or any other diseases, which is now coming from the food we eat and the water we drink. Lord, help us clean up our environment and let us understand that we cannot keep robbing the Earth of resources and keep Nature's balance. Lord, we pray for cleaner air; we pray for water with no chemicals; we pray for those who succumb to cancer and their families left behind. Lord, we thank You. They have no more pain and no more sorrow. Father, give their loved ones peace, knowing they are at rest and waiting for Your return. JESUS, we pray for strength and courage for those that are still fighting; we pray for comfort where there is pain, search their hearts and remove all that is not of the spirit so they can have peace. Father, touch those responsible for their care with love, kindness, and understanding to help them cope with the situation and let Your Word give them hope. Lord, YOU said if your people called by your name come together on one Accord in prayer that you will hear us and heal the land. So we come together, and we stand on Your word with the faith of a mustard seed, that You will keep Your promise; to those who are submissive to Your Word in Jesus name Amen.
Sunday, January 21, 2018
Life in the Spirit
Romans 8:1 Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, 2 because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit who gives life has set you free from the law of sin and death. 3 For what the law was powerless to do because it was weakened by the flesh, God did by sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh to be a sin offering. And so he condemned sin in the flesh, 4 in order that the righteous requirement of the law might be fully met in us, who do not live according to the flesh but according to the Spirit. 5 Those who live according to the flesh have their minds set on what the flesh desires, but those who live in accordance with the Spirit have their minds set on what the Spirit desires. 6 The mind governed by the flesh is death, but the mind governed by the Spirit is life and peace. 7 The mind governed by the flesh is hostile to God; it does not submit to God's law, nor can it do so. 8 Those who are in the realm of the flesh cannot please God. 9 You, however, are not in the realm of the flesh but are in the realm of the Spirit, if indeed the Spirit of God lives in you. And if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, they do not belong to Christ.
But for all this to work we must do our part, we have to repent and turn away from sin. Once we know the Word and receive the Word, it gives us the power to change and be submissive to our Savoir's will.
Father, those who Jesus Spirit dwell in are not judged guilty, we are forgiven and made free from sin through His death, our faith in Him, and our obedience to the Word. Father, You did what the Law could not do; by sending Jesus to teach us how to live here on earth, as it is in heaven. Father, You use Your only Son, as a sacrifice to destroy and release us from our sinful nature; by receiving Him as our Savior gives us the power to live righteously, and separate ourselves from the world. Jesus, we understand that if we build a relationship with You; You will give us desires for the things of the Spirit, that helps us keep our fleshly desires at rest. Lord, when we are weak and weary, please give us Your strength and courage to stand by Your Word; and forgive us for falling short of You grace and mercy. Father, search our hearts and remove all that is not of You so we can become the Christ-like people You created. Lord, forgive us for not training our children and our children's children the way to go; and help us guide them back to You so they will not perish, Jesus name, Amen
But for all this to work we must do our part, we have to repent and turn away from sin. Once we know the Word and receive the Word, it gives us the power to change and be submissive to our Savoir's will.
Father, those who Jesus Spirit dwell in are not judged guilty, we are forgiven and made free from sin through His death, our faith in Him, and our obedience to the Word. Father, You did what the Law could not do; by sending Jesus to teach us how to live here on earth, as it is in heaven. Father, You use Your only Son, as a sacrifice to destroy and release us from our sinful nature; by receiving Him as our Savior gives us the power to live righteously, and separate ourselves from the world. Jesus, we understand that if we build a relationship with You; You will give us desires for the things of the Spirit, that helps us keep our fleshly desires at rest. Lord, when we are weak and weary, please give us Your strength and courage to stand by Your Word; and forgive us for falling short of You grace and mercy. Father, search our hearts and remove all that is not of You so we can become the Christ-like people You created. Lord, forgive us for not training our children and our children's children the way to go; and help us guide them back to You so they will not perish, Jesus name, Amen
Friday, January 19, 2018
It’s amazing how Jesus chosen people were the ones who hated and disobeyed Him, they read and heard the Word but would not receive Him; because they wanted to continue to live in their glory, instead of glorifying Him. Even Saul a non-believer who persecuted and killed those that followed Jesus was converted into a believer through the revelation of Christ. When Jesus gave Saul sight back, he was so grateful that he was intertwined with a deep affection for Christ; this gave him confidence and trust in Jesus, which most Jews did not have. Saul was so overwhelmed with the Spirit, he began to preach the Word in Damascus, and he would often talk and argue with the Jewish people; about the way they lived. Jesus, will not force us to receive Him because He can use anyone even a nonbeliever to serve His purpose.
Acts 9:30-31 when the followers learned of this, they took Saul to Caesarea and from there sent him to Tarsus. The Church everywhere in Judea, Galilee, and Samaria had a time of peace and became stronger. Respecting the Lord by the way they lived, and being encouraged by the Holy Spirit, the group of believers continued to grow.
Father, forgive us for not respecting You by the way we live, help us to become more Christ-like; so the Holy Spirit will give us guidance and order our steps in Your will. Lord, help us develop the Fruit of the Spirit so we can drown out the confusion of the world and focus on You and the things pertaining to the Spirit. Father, forgive us for falling short in our prayer life, worship and praise; fill us with Your wisdom and the knowledge to implement what we learn from You in our lives. Father, Your Word tells us that we should always pray and not be faint; please forgive us for forgetting about You when things are good. Lord, we when we are weak help us pray with the Spirit and give us understanding; so we can mature into Disciples and follow You. Lord, keep us humble so we will glorify You and not our selves, in Jesus name Amen
Acts 9:30-31 when the followers learned of this, they took Saul to Caesarea and from there sent him to Tarsus. The Church everywhere in Judea, Galilee, and Samaria had a time of peace and became stronger. Respecting the Lord by the way they lived, and being encouraged by the Holy Spirit, the group of believers continued to grow.
Father, forgive us for not respecting You by the way we live, help us to become more Christ-like; so the Holy Spirit will give us guidance and order our steps in Your will. Lord, help us develop the Fruit of the Spirit so we can drown out the confusion of the world and focus on You and the things pertaining to the Spirit. Father, forgive us for falling short in our prayer life, worship and praise; fill us with Your wisdom and the knowledge to implement what we learn from You in our lives. Father, Your Word tells us that we should always pray and not be faint; please forgive us for forgetting about You when things are good. Lord, we when we are weak help us pray with the Spirit and give us understanding; so we can mature into Disciples and follow You. Lord, keep us humble so we will glorify You and not our selves, in Jesus name Amen
Thursday, January 18, 2018
We have to stop comparing ourselves to what society motto of success and worthiness; that keeps us chasing money and serving the world's view and values, when we should be serving the Spirit. 2 Corinthians 10:12 For we dare not make ourselves of the number, or compare ourselves with some that commend themselves: but they measuring themselves by themselves, and comparing themselves among themselves, are not wise. Saints should only want to be compared to Jesus so we can please God; who will save us, not a man who cannot even save himself.
Lord, we still fall short of Your mercy, grace, and favor, but You still love us. Father, touch our hearts with Your wisdom and the knowledge to implement You in our daily lives. Lord, do not let us hinder our Spiritual growth or blessings with guilt, baggage, or comparison. Father, we should only compare ourselves to Christ, because the world cannot save us, only Christ. Lord, thank You, for helping us carry our burdens, so we do not grow weary of doing good. Father, thank You, for freeing us through the blood of Christ, so we are no longer guilty of our sins; when we repent and turn away we are forgiven and restored to our Father. Lord, we want to be more like Christ, so we will be submissive to the Word, and have a strong desire to please You, and not man. Lord, examine our hearts and remove all that is not of You, remove every demonic spirit and every generation curse; so we will have the joy of serving You and others. Lord, we understand that we need money to pay for the things we need to live, but let us not love money to the point of sinning to have it, In Jesus name Amen
Lord, we still fall short of Your mercy, grace, and favor, but You still love us. Father, touch our hearts with Your wisdom and the knowledge to implement You in our daily lives. Lord, do not let us hinder our Spiritual growth or blessings with guilt, baggage, or comparison. Father, we should only compare ourselves to Christ, because the world cannot save us, only Christ. Lord, thank You, for helping us carry our burdens, so we do not grow weary of doing good. Father, thank You, for freeing us through the blood of Christ, so we are no longer guilty of our sins; when we repent and turn away we are forgiven and restored to our Father. Lord, we want to be more like Christ, so we will be submissive to the Word, and have a strong desire to please You, and not man. Lord, examine our hearts and remove all that is not of You, remove every demonic spirit and every generation curse; so we will have the joy of serving You and others. Lord, we understand that we need money to pay for the things we need to live, but let us not love money to the point of sinning to have it, In Jesus name Amen
Tuesday, January 16, 2018
Sunday, January 14, 2018
Luke 8:39 - Return to thine own house, and shew how great things God hath done unto thee. And he went his way and published throughout the whole city how great things Jesus had done unto him. 2 Timothy 1:8 - Be not thou therefore ashamed of the testimony of our Lord, nor of me his prisoner: but be thou partaker of the afflictions of the gospel according to the power of God.
Lord, we decree and declare that we will share our testimony as we practice the righteousness we have learned with You. Father, we praise You for blessing our families and friends as we remember all You have done for us. Lord, help us overcome our shortcomings by the blood of the Lamb and our faith; as we witness for You. Lord, every time we share what You have done in our lives, our faith is strengthened, and we give hope to others. Father, help us understand if we fail to give our testimony, we will often lose the blessings we have received or the blessings to come. Father, we decree and declare that we will hold fast the profession of our faith, and give us Your strength to help us not waver, as we witness Your transforming power; by our actions, worship and praise. Lord, let our deep affection for Christ show in the way we live and not in what we say because even the Devil knows scripture. Father, let us be charmed with a Christ-like character about our mission of spreading Your goodness to those without hope. Father, let Your Spirit manifest in us, so we will trust and love You, In Jesus' name Amen.
Lord, we decree and declare that we will share our testimony as we practice the righteousness we have learned with You. Father, we praise You for blessing our families and friends as we remember all You have done for us. Lord, help us overcome our shortcomings by the blood of the Lamb and our faith; as we witness for You. Lord, every time we share what You have done in our lives, our faith is strengthened, and we give hope to others. Father, help us understand if we fail to give our testimony, we will often lose the blessings we have received or the blessings to come. Father, we decree and declare that we will hold fast the profession of our faith, and give us Your strength to help us not waver, as we witness Your transforming power; by our actions, worship and praise. Lord, let our deep affection for Christ show in the way we live and not in what we say because even the Devil knows scripture. Father, let us be charmed with a Christ-like character about our mission of spreading Your goodness to those without hope. Father, let Your Spirit manifest in us, so we will trust and love You, In Jesus' name Amen.
Saturday, January 13, 2018
1Thessalonians 5:16 Rejoice always, 17 pray continually, 18 give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.
Heavenly Father, we humble ourselves under Your mighty hand. Forgive us for our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. Let us draw near to You with a pure heart full of confidence and faith, having our hearts free from sinful desires, and our bodies washed with the Word so we may be filled with the Holy Spirit. Let Your Word dwell in us so we will not follow false teaching with strange doctrines, let us study and hold on to what is good. Lord, let us not complain or chase after our lustful desires but let us be rich in good works, ready to obey and willing to share with others. We pray that the whole body is knit and joined together and that every part does its share causing growth to the body and others around us. Father, as each one of us, has received a gift, let us ministers it, looking out for the interests of others. Lord, let us love one another with a pure heart so that we do not lose the things we have been blessed with. Lord, let us become watchful in our prayers, as we wait for Your return. Father, help us run with endurance the race that is set before us and setting our minds on things above and not on things below. Lord, keep us pressing toward our calling, putting on the whole armor so we may stand against the evil of this lost world. Father, give us the courage to speak the Truth of Your Word, with great boldness so You will stretch forth Your hand to heal us, in Jesus name.
Heavenly Father, we humble ourselves under Your mighty hand. Forgive us for our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. Let us draw near to You with a pure heart full of confidence and faith, having our hearts free from sinful desires, and our bodies washed with the Word so we may be filled with the Holy Spirit. Let Your Word dwell in us so we will not follow false teaching with strange doctrines, let us study and hold on to what is good. Lord, let us not complain or chase after our lustful desires but let us be rich in good works, ready to obey and willing to share with others. We pray that the whole body is knit and joined together and that every part does its share causing growth to the body and others around us. Father, as each one of us, has received a gift, let us ministers it, looking out for the interests of others. Lord, let us love one another with a pure heart so that we do not lose the things we have been blessed with. Lord, let us become watchful in our prayers, as we wait for Your return. Father, help us run with endurance the race that is set before us and setting our minds on things above and not on things below. Lord, keep us pressing toward our calling, putting on the whole armor so we may stand against the evil of this lost world. Father, give us the courage to speak the Truth of Your Word, with great boldness so You will stretch forth Your hand to heal us, in Jesus name.
Thursday, January 11, 2018
This is what the Lord said: how terrible it will be for the foolish prophets who follow their own ideas and have not seen a vision from me! You said, "this is the message of the Lord, but that is a false vision, Your prophecies are lies because I have not spoken.
False teachers are a serious problem and we must guard against their deceptions. The Devil has penetrated the Church, he has his workers masquerading as ministers of truth and righteousness; even though they live a lie; they want us to believe that we can live as we choose without penalty. But the Word clearly states in Galatians 5:19 "The acts of the flesh are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity, and debauchery; 20 idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions 21 and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like. I warn you, as I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God." We live under the New Covenant, but we are still supposed to obey the Laws; Jesus death did not remove the Laws, it gave us a chance to repent and be restored to the Father. Matthew 5:17 “Don't even begin to think that I have come to do away with the Law and the Prophets. I haven't come to do away with them but to fulfill them. The Word has not changed the interpretation of the Word has changed; all the sins in the Bible the Old and New Testament, still stands and we will be held accountable for disobedience. Jesus did not die so we could live in sin, He died to give us freedom through repentance and turning away from sin.
Father, forgive us for the following of modernism of this world and helping Satan succeed in robbing the Church of power; by being more of the world than Christ. Lord, nothing has damaged the Church like modernism of Satan, and his untiring efforts to create an ever-increasing army of false teachers. Father, we have leaders of our Churches teaching our young men about being lovers of themselves by sleeping with them; they are committing adultery in the Sanctuaries, and causing division among the congregation. Father, teach us how to guard against this deception; as we study to show ourselves approved, and give us eyes to see the wolves in sheep clothing. Glory to You Lord, who can make us strong in faith, wisdom, and knowledge through the Word, so we are not misled by the false prophets of the world. Thank You, for making the secrets that was hidden in the past, but is now made known to all who seek to know You. in Jesus name Amen
False teachers are a serious problem and we must guard against their deceptions. The Devil has penetrated the Church, he has his workers masquerading as ministers of truth and righteousness; even though they live a lie; they want us to believe that we can live as we choose without penalty. But the Word clearly states in Galatians 5:19 "The acts of the flesh are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity, and debauchery; 20 idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions 21 and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like. I warn you, as I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God." We live under the New Covenant, but we are still supposed to obey the Laws; Jesus death did not remove the Laws, it gave us a chance to repent and be restored to the Father. Matthew 5:17 “Don't even begin to think that I have come to do away with the Law and the Prophets. I haven't come to do away with them but to fulfill them. The Word has not changed the interpretation of the Word has changed; all the sins in the Bible the Old and New Testament, still stands and we will be held accountable for disobedience. Jesus did not die so we could live in sin, He died to give us freedom through repentance and turning away from sin.
Father, forgive us for the following of modernism of this world and helping Satan succeed in robbing the Church of power; by being more of the world than Christ. Lord, nothing has damaged the Church like modernism of Satan, and his untiring efforts to create an ever-increasing army of false teachers. Father, we have leaders of our Churches teaching our young men about being lovers of themselves by sleeping with them; they are committing adultery in the Sanctuaries, and causing division among the congregation. Father, teach us how to guard against this deception; as we study to show ourselves approved, and give us eyes to see the wolves in sheep clothing. Glory to You Lord, who can make us strong in faith, wisdom, and knowledge through the Word, so we are not misled by the false prophets of the world. Thank You, for making the secrets that was hidden in the past, but is now made known to all who seek to know You. in Jesus name Amen
Wednesday, January 10, 2018
Everything we do is to honor Christ, not ourselves; everything we have is made and given to us through Christ when we follow His instruction. Jesus, when I am writing let it be You who speaks through me so “Luke 10:16 Who listen to me listens to You and whoever refuses to accept me refuses to accept You. And whoever refuses to accept You refuses to accept the One who sent You.
Father, when we are witnessing and praising You, let it be You the people hear and see; so they will be transformed by the power of Your Word. Lord, fill us with Your Spirit so we will love You with all our hearts, souls, strength, and mind; and help us love our neighbors as we love ourselves. Lord, You are the source of our wisdom, so give us the knowledge to implement Your wisdom in our lives. Father, give us a desire for Your Word, so Your Spirit will dwell in us and compel us to be submissive to You. Father, give us the patience to let You manifest in our lives; so we will walk in Your path of righteousness, and not our own. Lord, keep Your hedge of protection around us, our children and our children's children, so we are not blindsided by the enemy. Lord, help us be persistence in our worship, praise, study, and prayer; so will develop Fruit and Christ-like character. Father, let not our Churches be filled with people that work without any Spiritual power; so others will not give up before they have prevailed, please keep us focused on You and not the people around us. in Jesus name Amen
Father, when we are witnessing and praising You, let it be You the people hear and see; so they will be transformed by the power of Your Word. Lord, fill us with Your Spirit so we will love You with all our hearts, souls, strength, and mind; and help us love our neighbors as we love ourselves. Lord, You are the source of our wisdom, so give us the knowledge to implement Your wisdom in our lives. Father, give us a desire for Your Word, so Your Spirit will dwell in us and compel us to be submissive to You. Father, give us the patience to let You manifest in our lives; so we will walk in Your path of righteousness, and not our own. Lord, keep Your hedge of protection around us, our children and our children's children, so we are not blindsided by the enemy. Lord, help us be persistence in our worship, praise, study, and prayer; so will develop Fruit and Christ-like character. Father, let not our Churches be filled with people that work without any Spiritual power; so others will not give up before they have prevailed, please keep us focused on You and not the people around us. in Jesus name Amen
Monday, January 8, 2018
Jesus is love and everything connected to Him knows and gives love to all, not just family and friends. Scripture tells us not to just help those we love, that is expected of us. God wants us to give to and help those we do not know or care for, yes, even our enemies “that’s the test.” We cannot pick and choose the commands we will obey or the people we will help; because if we do we are walking on our own will, not His. This is why unforgiveness and love are so important in our walk; we have to give up self-rightness in order for His will to be done. What if the person we cannot forgive is the person God placed in our lives for a reason; but we push them away, along with our blessings because of unforgiveness. We cannot expect God to give us mercy if we do not give mercy to others. We cannot expect God to help us if we do not help others. God bless us so we would bless others; God loves us so we would love others, and God forgives us so we will forgive others. You can always tell who's close to Christ, they are the ones that act like Him.
Psalm 25:4-5 Teach us Your ways, O Lord; make them known to us. Teach us to live according to Your truth, for You are our God, who saves us, we will always trust in You.
Father, reveal to us the knowledge and wisdom of Your Word and help us develop Fruit. Father, give us eyes that see and ears that hear the Truth, no matter how it is written or what book we read, let us hold to what is good. Jesus, remove everything from us that is not of You, every generational curse, every demonic Spirit; and replace it with the things of the Spirit. Lord, thank You for the revelation of forgiveness so we will be forgiven; Lord, thank You, for the revelation of patience, so we will not walk ahead of You and out of Your protection. Father, thank You for guidance as we walk through the valleys of death and evil, and thank You, Lord, for our Guarding Angles who protect us from the fiery arrows of our enemies. Lord, thank You for grace and help us give that same mercy and love to others. Jesus, help us overcome self-righteousness so we can walk in Your will and not our own. Father, give us the self-control and faithfulness of Daniel so we will have Spiritual and moral discipline, and we will be submissive to the Word. In Jesus name Amen
Psalm 25:4-5 Teach us Your ways, O Lord; make them known to us. Teach us to live according to Your truth, for You are our God, who saves us, we will always trust in You.
Father, reveal to us the knowledge and wisdom of Your Word and help us develop Fruit. Father, give us eyes that see and ears that hear the Truth, no matter how it is written or what book we read, let us hold to what is good. Jesus, remove everything from us that is not of You, every generational curse, every demonic Spirit; and replace it with the things of the Spirit. Lord, thank You for the revelation of forgiveness so we will be forgiven; Lord, thank You, for the revelation of patience, so we will not walk ahead of You and out of Your protection. Father, thank You for guidance as we walk through the valleys of death and evil, and thank You, Lord, for our Guarding Angles who protect us from the fiery arrows of our enemies. Lord, thank You for grace and help us give that same mercy and love to others. Jesus, help us overcome self-righteousness so we can walk in Your will and not our own. Father, give us the self-control and faithfulness of Daniel so we will have Spiritual and moral discipline, and we will be submissive to the Word. In Jesus name Amen
Saturday, January 6, 2018
Stop feeling you're not good enough, smart enough, or pretty enough, we are wonderfully made in the Spiritual image of our Father; so stop focusing on what's on the outside, and focus on what makes us perfectly ourselves our Spirit because that is what matters. We must stop comparing ourselves to others and do not covet what they have and appreciate our blessings. When we covet over what others have we stop our blessings and Spiritual growth.
2 Corinthians 10:12 Not that we dare to classify or compare ourselves with some of those who are commending themselves. But when they measure themselves by one another and compare themselves with one another, they are without understanding
Father, let us not compare ourselves to others because we do not really know who they are or what they believe; so do not let us lose ourselves trying to be like others. Instead, in every moment and in every circumstance, help us focus on being more like Christ so we will be perfectly ourselves. Lord, teach us to consult with You in all decisions we make and give us the patience to let You guide us on the best course of action. Lord, help us actively seek You in our lives as You order our steps in Your will. Father, let us not covet over what others have and help us practice what we have learned from Your wisdom and knowledge. Lord, we want to be good and faithful servants, so help us be available to those in need and to You, in Jesus name Amen
2 Corinthians 10:12 Not that we dare to classify or compare ourselves with some of those who are commending themselves. But when they measure themselves by one another and compare themselves with one another, they are without understanding
Father, let us not compare ourselves to others because we do not really know who they are or what they believe; so do not let us lose ourselves trying to be like others. Instead, in every moment and in every circumstance, help us focus on being more like Christ so we will be perfectly ourselves. Lord, teach us to consult with You in all decisions we make and give us the patience to let You guide us on the best course of action. Lord, help us actively seek You in our lives as You order our steps in Your will. Father, let us not covet over what others have and help us practice what we have learned from Your wisdom and knowledge. Lord, we want to be good and faithful servants, so help us be available to those in need and to You, in Jesus name Amen
Friday, January 5, 2018
It is natural for us to choose whom we will reach out to, but believers are not allowed to be selective with our compassion. Jesus, mingled with all people, mostly the poor and undesirables. So for those Believers that feel they are socially acceptable because they live better than the poor or more educated, news flesh Jesus, does not care about our earthly status, He cares about His temple "our hearts." When we develop Christ-like character we come out of our smug existence; which allows us to mingle with our needy brothers and sisters, so they can see the light of Jesus shine through us.
When we do for those in need, we do for Christ. "Matthew25:37 “Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? 38 When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? 39 When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?" When we see those in need we are looking at Jesus and when we help them, we help Him.
Father, we know we are to care for each other, so fill us with love and compassion for all people; so we will do unto others, as we have them do unto to us. Lord, let those who You have blessed, get off their smug high horses and bless others; because to whom much is given, much is required. Lord, restore unity, harmony, and love to our people and this hateful world; so we can work together, no matter the race, gender, creed, or beliefs, to build up Your Kingdom and each other. Father, fill us with the Holy Spirit so we will obey Your Word, and not look down on what society, considers undesirables; and let us not think too highly of ourselves, putting others needs ahead of our own needs. Father, we pray special blessings for those who are being sold into to slavery in Lybia and around the world; Lord, bless those that have no shelter and touch the hearts of those that can help, with love, kindness, and understanding. Lord, You said that generous people will be blessed, so give us all a generous heart for our brothers and sisters in need, in Jesus name, Amen
When we do for those in need, we do for Christ. "Matthew25:37 “Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? 38 When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? 39 When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?" When we see those in need we are looking at Jesus and when we help them, we help Him.
Father, we know we are to care for each other, so fill us with love and compassion for all people; so we will do unto others, as we have them do unto to us. Lord, let those who You have blessed, get off their smug high horses and bless others; because to whom much is given, much is required. Lord, restore unity, harmony, and love to our people and this hateful world; so we can work together, no matter the race, gender, creed, or beliefs, to build up Your Kingdom and each other. Father, fill us with the Holy Spirit so we will obey Your Word, and not look down on what society, considers undesirables; and let us not think too highly of ourselves, putting others needs ahead of our own needs. Father, we pray special blessings for those who are being sold into to slavery in Lybia and around the world; Lord, bless those that have no shelter and touch the hearts of those that can help, with love, kindness, and understanding. Lord, You said that generous people will be blessed, so give us all a generous heart for our brothers and sisters in need, in Jesus name, Amen
Wednesday, January 3, 2018
Acts 12:6-7 On the very night when Herod was about to bring him forward, Peter was sleeping between two soldiers, bound with two chains, and guards in front of the door were watching over the prison. And behold, an angel of the Lord suddenly appeared and a light shone in the cell; and he struck Peter's side and woke him up, saying, "Get up quickly " And his chains fell off his hands.
Jesus can and will break every worldly chain that we are bound too if we ask Him with faith He will release us. Acts 16:26 and suddenly there came a great earthquake so that the foundations of the prison house were shaken, and immediately all the doors were opened and everyone's chains were unfastened. What Jesus did for Peter He will do for us, believe and stand on His promise.
Heavenly Father, we come to You now in Jesus name, asking for forgiveness of our sins. We ask that You break the chains of our ancestors from us as well as our children, and our children's children. Lord, give us Your strength of obedience so we will not slander Your name. Lord, we decree and declare to take the authority You have given us; to break the power of darkness and the Spiritual forces of evil. We ask, that You search our hearts and remove everything that is not of You; we ask You, Jesus, to break the chains every demonic spirit of depression, destruction, anger, unforgiveness, sickness, diseases, pain, fear and doubt to flee from us. Lord, we decree and declare that our addictions to food, alcohol, drugs, sex, and gambling be broken in Jesus name. Lord, we ask that You break every worldly chain that we are bound to be broken; help us put on our armor, so we can be ready when evil comes, and be able to stand on Your Word against whatever comes. In Jesus mighty name Amen
Jesus can and will break every worldly chain that we are bound too if we ask Him with faith He will release us. Acts 16:26 and suddenly there came a great earthquake so that the foundations of the prison house were shaken, and immediately all the doors were opened and everyone's chains were unfastened. What Jesus did for Peter He will do for us, believe and stand on His promise.
Heavenly Father, we come to You now in Jesus name, asking for forgiveness of our sins. We ask that You break the chains of our ancestors from us as well as our children, and our children's children. Lord, give us Your strength of obedience so we will not slander Your name. Lord, we decree and declare to take the authority You have given us; to break the power of darkness and the Spiritual forces of evil. We ask, that You search our hearts and remove everything that is not of You; we ask You, Jesus, to break the chains every demonic spirit of depression, destruction, anger, unforgiveness, sickness, diseases, pain, fear and doubt to flee from us. Lord, we decree and declare that our addictions to food, alcohol, drugs, sex, and gambling be broken in Jesus name. Lord, we ask that You break every worldly chain that we are bound to be broken; help us put on our armor, so we can be ready when evil comes, and be able to stand on Your Word against whatever comes. In Jesus mighty name Amen
Do your best with everything and take every chance to be of service; even if we are not recognized for doing so by man. God tells us "As Christians, we should view our jobs, our volunteer time, and our lives as an opportunity to serve through practicing what we have learned in our day to day walk. Showing patience, love, and mercy to others, by serving them with a kind and gentle heart, "a Christ-like attitude, so to speak." Each day we wake up, it is an opportunity for us to serve our purpose: in our homes, at work, Church, or a gathering of friends; by acknowledging to others through our help and service; the goodness and grace of God, and an opportunity to grow in virtue and character.
1 Chronicles 29:17 "Since we know, O God, that You try the heart and delight in uprightness, I, in the integrity of my heart, have willingly offered all these things; so now with joy I have seen Your people, who are present here, make their offerings willingly to You. 2 Peter 1:5 Now for this very reason also, applying all diligence, in our faith supply moral excellence, and in our moral excellence, knowledge.
Father, help us uphold You with integrity, in everything we do; help us represent You with a Christ-like attitude so we can give others the same forgiveness and mercy You give to us. Lord, let us do our best at paying attention to details of how we can make it better for others; fill us with Your love for the least of us, and help us develop our self-denial. Father, give us eyes that identify all the people and things that bring confusion to our lives and help us remove them. Lord, give us Your wisdom and knowledge so we can witness to others about the goodness of You. Jesus, let them hear You through us so they may receive the transforming power of Your Word. The Word, which renews our hearts and minds; that gives us moral excellence, to help us walk in righteousness and be servant of Jesus Christ, Amen
1 Chronicles 29:17 "Since we know, O God, that You try the heart and delight in uprightness, I, in the integrity of my heart, have willingly offered all these things; so now with joy I have seen Your people, who are present here, make their offerings willingly to You. 2 Peter 1:5 Now for this very reason also, applying all diligence, in our faith supply moral excellence, and in our moral excellence, knowledge.
Father, help us uphold You with integrity, in everything we do; help us represent You with a Christ-like attitude so we can give others the same forgiveness and mercy You give to us. Lord, let us do our best at paying attention to details of how we can make it better for others; fill us with Your love for the least of us, and help us develop our self-denial. Father, give us eyes that identify all the people and things that bring confusion to our lives and help us remove them. Lord, give us Your wisdom and knowledge so we can witness to others about the goodness of You. Jesus, let them hear You through us so they may receive the transforming power of Your Word. The Word, which renews our hearts and minds; that gives us moral excellence, to help us walk in righteousness and be servant of Jesus Christ, Amen
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