Where sin is measurable, grace abides immeasurably; where sin is finite, grace abides infinitely; and where corruption was colossal, God's grace is supercolossal. Jesus' death was the payment for our sins by putting grace into action from the cross.
Father, have mercy on us, continue blessing and showing us Your kindness, so the world will receive Your teachings, and all nations will be saved. Lord, we praise You for who You are in us and the unconditional love that gives us grace and forgiveness. Father, we are sorry we could not keep Your Laws and thank You that You gave Your Son's life to restore us to You in our weakness. Lord, we understand that our salvation comes freely from You; once we receive Your Son as our Savior, which gives us the power to turn away from sin. Father, baptize us in the Holy Spirit so we will be compelled to obey You and receive Your promise, in Jesus name Amen
The Broken Vessel

Saturday, March 31, 2018
Friday, March 30, 2018
Praise Him In Advance - Marvin Sapp
Mark 11:24 Jesus said, “When you pray and you ask for something, believe that you have received it and you will be given what you asked for”
Faith is not believing God can do something, faith is not hoping He will do something; faith is thanking and praising God in advance for what we prayed for because we believe He will answer.
Lord, thank You, for justice for my son, let those who plotted and killed him; get caught up in their own snares, Lord, pull the cover off them for all the world to see. Father, let their greed consume them to the point they are drowning in their own mess. Lord, let everything their hand's touch fall apart and let their hearts be heavy the same heaviness I felt when they took his life. Father, I thank You, for comfort through my Grief and the peace I will receive when You bring all involved in my son's murder to justice, in Jesus name Amen
John 9:1 as he went along, he saw a man blind from birth. 2 His disciples asked him, “Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?” “Neither this man nor his parents sinned,” said Jesus, “but this happened so that the works of God might be displayed in him. 4 As long as it is day, we must do the works of him who sent me. The night is coming, when no one can work. 5 While I am in the world, I am the light of the world.” 6 After saying this, he spit on the ground, made some mud with the saliva, and put it on the man’s eyes. 7 “Go,” he told him, “wash in the Pool of Siloam” (this word means “Sent”). So the man went and washed, and came home seeing.
Christ deals with each of us differently, just like the man that was blind from birth He gave him sight; so people could see the Father work through Him, but like the Pharisees, some of us are still blind. To follow Jesus means not to walk in darkness and He choose a man that could not see; who has lived in darkness all his life, but now he sees. How glad I am that our Savior is the light of the world and can come into any darkened heart that wants to know Him and give light.
Father open our hearts and baptize us in the Holy Spirit so Your light can shine in us. Lord, open our eyes to the miracles in Your teachings; so we are not strangers to You here on earth. Lord, we know You are the Son of God, and forgive us for rejecting You; we knew not what we were doing. Lord, free us from the dark night of death, let the light of resurrection dawn within our hearts; to bring us to the radiance of eternal life. We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, who lives, and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit in us, forever and ever. Amen
Christ deals with each of us differently, just like the man that was blind from birth He gave him sight; so people could see the Father work through Him, but like the Pharisees, some of us are still blind. To follow Jesus means not to walk in darkness and He choose a man that could not see; who has lived in darkness all his life, but now he sees. How glad I am that our Savior is the light of the world and can come into any darkened heart that wants to know Him and give light.
Father open our hearts and baptize us in the Holy Spirit so Your light can shine in us. Lord, open our eyes to the miracles in Your teachings; so we are not strangers to You here on earth. Lord, we know You are the Son of God, and forgive us for rejecting You; we knew not what we were doing. Lord, free us from the dark night of death, let the light of resurrection dawn within our hearts; to bring us to the radiance of eternal life. We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, who lives, and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit in us, forever and ever. Amen
Wednesday, March 28, 2018
The vast array of evil and malicious spirits are making war against the people of God. The principalities and powers of Satan are always plowing around in the unseen realms of our flesh to oppose everything that is of God.
Father, help us, be strong in the Word and in Your mighty power. Lord, keep us dressed in the full armor of God so that we can take our stand against the devil’s schemes. Lord, we know our struggles are not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. So, Father, help us put on the full armor of Your grace, so that when the day of evil comes, we may be able to stand our ground, and after we have done everything, to stand. We will take the belt of truth and buckle it around our waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with our feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. Father, in addition to all this, give us Your strength to take up the shield of faith, with which we can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Lord, let us take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is Your Word. Father, we decree and declare Your power and wisdom, that all strongholds of sin be broken In Jesus name Amen
Father, help us, be strong in the Word and in Your mighty power. Lord, keep us dressed in the full armor of God so that we can take our stand against the devil’s schemes. Lord, we know our struggles are not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. So, Father, help us put on the full armor of Your grace, so that when the day of evil comes, we may be able to stand our ground, and after we have done everything, to stand. We will take the belt of truth and buckle it around our waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with our feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. Father, in addition to all this, give us Your strength to take up the shield of faith, with which we can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Lord, let us take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is Your Word. Father, we decree and declare Your power and wisdom, that all strongholds of sin be broken In Jesus name Amen
Faithful Is Our God - Hezekiah Walker
2 Timothy 2:13 If we are faithless, he remains faithful— for he cannot deny himself. Deuteronomy 7:9 Know therefore that the Lord your God is God, the faithful God who keeps covenant and steadfast love with those who love him and keep his commandments, to a thousand generations,
Lord, no matter what trials await us today, may we never forget the blessings You have shown us. Help us cling to You as our anchor, so we are not tossed back and forward, but stand strong in Your Word. Help us remember Your steadfast love and faithfulness for us in all things. Father, even though we have fears and doubts, You remain faithful; open our hearts to Your Spirit, so we can be filled with Your grace and love that make us whole. Lord, You have shown us, what is good and what You require of us; to act justly, to love mercifully, and to walk humbly with You. In Jesus' Name, Amen
Monday, March 26, 2018
Sometimes all that’s needed is a little encouragement and ears that hear “The right word spoken at the right time is as beautiful as gold apples in a silver bowl. (Proverbs 25:11)” We are always in a rush, and since technology, we hardly ever talk to each other anymore; so it’s hard to tell if a person is having a hard time and need a little encouragement or someone to talk too. Communicate daily take time to listen to your children, spouse, family, and friends, although they’re not always saying something. If we take time to listen to those that God sends to us for encouragement, we will know what to say to lift them up. The right words at the right time could save a life, mend a marriage, or give someone peace.
Father, help us be better listeners especially when it comes to our family so we will not miss an opportunity to encourage them and help them with any situation. Lord, help us with time management so we will always have a few minutes to talk and pray with those that need an ear or shoulder to cry on. Lord, we all need a little encouragement sometimes, especially through Spiritual warfare; that most times we are not prepared for and need that extra encouragement. Lord, guide us to someone that needs to be encouraged today so we can help make them become stronger and able to stand on Your Word. Father, open our hearts and minds to Your wisdom and the knowledge to implement You in our witness. So, they will receive the Truth and transforming power of Your grace, in Jesus name Amen
Father, help us be better listeners especially when it comes to our family so we will not miss an opportunity to encourage them and help them with any situation. Lord, help us with time management so we will always have a few minutes to talk and pray with those that need an ear or shoulder to cry on. Lord, we all need a little encouragement sometimes, especially through Spiritual warfare; that most times we are not prepared for and need that extra encouragement. Lord, guide us to someone that needs to be encouraged today so we can help make them become stronger and able to stand on Your Word. Father, open our hearts and minds to Your wisdom and the knowledge to implement You in our witness. So, they will receive the Truth and transforming power of Your grace, in Jesus name Amen
Artwork by RonWatsonDrawings.com
Saturday, March 24, 2018
John 15:4-5 abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless it abide in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in me. I am the vine you are the branches. Whoever abide in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing good
Our righteous efforts are useless without Christ, when we rely on self-righteousness we set ourselves up for failure. Righteousness comes from our faith in Jesus, because we cannot forgive our sins; so we cannot Escape The Bondage of sin without Christ. We can do nothing good without Jesus, and to know Jesus we must build a relationship through daily communication. Who We Are is about who lives in us, and we recognize that from the fruit we bear.
Father, we understand that without You, we cannot bear fruit and walk in righteousness. So search our hearts and remove our human pride and worldly desires that lead us astray and fill us with the things of the Spirit. Lord, let us not rely on our ability, but stay focused on You; through the studying of the Word, prayer, fellowship, worship, and praise. Father, forgive us for our doubts and fears, strengthen our faith and help us with our unbelief; give us Christ-like strength and courage to stand on Your Word and Trust in Your promises. Father, we can do nothing without You so please baptize us in the Holy Spirit teach us how to walk in righteousness in Jesus name Amen
Our righteous efforts are useless without Christ, when we rely on self-righteousness we set ourselves up for failure. Righteousness comes from our faith in Jesus, because we cannot forgive our sins; so we cannot Escape The Bondage of sin without Christ. We can do nothing good without Jesus, and to know Jesus we must build a relationship through daily communication. Who We Are is about who lives in us, and we recognize that from the fruit we bear.
Father, we understand that without You, we cannot bear fruit and walk in righteousness. So search our hearts and remove our human pride and worldly desires that lead us astray and fill us with the things of the Spirit. Lord, let us not rely on our ability, but stay focused on You; through the studying of the Word, prayer, fellowship, worship, and praise. Father, forgive us for our doubts and fears, strengthen our faith and help us with our unbelief; give us Christ-like strength and courage to stand on Your Word and Trust in Your promises. Father, we can do nothing without You so please baptize us in the Holy Spirit teach us how to walk in righteousness in Jesus name Amen
Wednesday, March 21, 2018
Father, thank You, for another day, thank You for provision; thank you for shelter and food on the table. Thank You for our health and being in our right minds, thank You for the hedge of protection You have around our children and our children's children. Thank You for our family and friends and all the spiritual soldiers YOU have around us. Father, there are so many day to day struggles we face; thank You for ordering our step through this valley, and let us continue walking in Your will, Lord, we ask for wisdom and the knowledge to implement You in our daily lives and our children's lives. Father, we pray a special blessing for those who have lost their loved ones to greed, gun violence, or Police brutality. Lord, please help us stop the senseless killings of our children, and our children's children; remove every generational curse from them, right now in the name of Jesus. Father, touch the hearts of everyone that come in contact with our children, fill them with compassion, kindness, and love. Father, we ask You to bless those who have been falsely incarcerated, we pray that Justice be served for them and to those responsible for taking their freedom. Father, forgive us for our sins, and give us Your strength, understanding, and love; so we can forgive others. Jesus, remove every demonic Spirit from around us and baptize us in the Holy Spirit so we can obey Your Word and walk in righteousness. Father, although our lives may not be how we want it to be, but we are right where we need to be; so we thank You for Your sacrifice, love, and grace, Amen
Cece Winans "It Wasn't Easy" lyrics
Isaiah 53:3-5 We despised him and rejected him; he endured suffering and pain. No one would even look at him we ignored him as if he were nothing. “But he endured the suffering that should have been ours, the pain that we should have borne. All the while we thought that his suffering was punishment sent by God. But because of our sins, he was wounded, beaten because of the evil we did. We are healed by the punishment he suffered, made whole by the blows he received.
This could not have been easy for Him, considering the way we treated Him; like He deserved the way we killed Him when the whole time He lived He knew He was going to die for us. But, He had removed I from the equation before He got here, He came to do God's will not His own; because when that time came Jesus had to pray for strength and courage not once but twice, (Matt. 26;39-43) and the Father, give Him the strength and courage He needed to carry out His plan. It's not easy following Christ, but it is worth it.
Tuesday, March 20, 2018
Mark3:24 And if a kingdom is divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand. 25 And if a house is divided against itself, that house cannot stand. 26 And if Satan rises up against himself, and be divided, he cannot stand, but hath an end.
Why are so many people separated by death, most times it's because of money, greed, or material possessions. You get this out poring of love and kindness from family and friends; then you're hit in the face with greed, anger, and truth of who people really are "their True character shows" doing times of death
Father, we come to You on behalf of the families that have lost loved ones, because in time of grief we are so easily deceived, We have experienced the separation of death and the feeding of our own bellies so many times. in the last few years. We pray that Your Spirit fill the hearts of those that are dealing with the loss of a loved one, give them comfort where there are pain and peace where there is sorrow. Lord, search their hearts and remove all pride, jealousy, envy, strife, and greed that will cause confusion between the family and friends, so their loved one will RIP. Jesus let the loss of their loved one bring them closer together and let not self-righteousness or greed tear them apart. Father, help their loved ones understand that they are in a better place, so baptize these family in the Holy Spirit so they will be filled with Your love, patient, and understanding for each other. Give them Your strength and courage so they can give back to You what You have so graciously given to them, and thank You for the time we shared with them, Lord, let them be mindful that money and possessions are useless if they are not using it to build up Your Kingdom and help others. In Jesus name, Amen
Why are so many people separated by death, most times it's because of money, greed, or material possessions. You get this out poring of love and kindness from family and friends; then you're hit in the face with greed, anger, and truth of who people really are "their True character shows" doing times of death
Father, we come to You on behalf of the families that have lost loved ones, because in time of grief we are so easily deceived, We have experienced the separation of death and the feeding of our own bellies so many times. in the last few years. We pray that Your Spirit fill the hearts of those that are dealing with the loss of a loved one, give them comfort where there are pain and peace where there is sorrow. Lord, search their hearts and remove all pride, jealousy, envy, strife, and greed that will cause confusion between the family and friends, so their loved one will RIP. Jesus let the loss of their loved one bring them closer together and let not self-righteousness or greed tear them apart. Father, help their loved ones understand that they are in a better place, so baptize these family in the Holy Spirit so they will be filled with Your love, patient, and understanding for each other. Give them Your strength and courage so they can give back to You what You have so graciously given to them, and thank You for the time we shared with them, Lord, let them be mindful that money and possessions are useless if they are not using it to build up Your Kingdom and help others. In Jesus name, Amen
Sunday, March 18, 2018
Mark 10:42-45 And Jesus called them to him and said to them, “You know that those who are considered rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their great ones exercise authority over them. But it shall not be so among you. But whoever would be great among you must be your servant, and whoever would be first among you must be a slave of all. For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many
Lord, You gave us an assignment of helping the least of us, so we are leaning on You to help us serve Your purpose; of being servants and helping others with their basic and Spiritual needs. Jesus, You know being a servant can become overwhelming, so we are asking for Your help and guidance. Father, help us come together with others from different backgrounds, culture, and with those who will help support justice, unity, and equality for all, in Jesus name. Jesus, we know we cannot do this without You and the support of others, please surround us with Spiritual Soldiers that we can delegate to represent on one accord Your purpose. Father, search our hearts and remove all that is not of You and order our steps in Your will. Father, we know we fall short of Your glory, so give us a strong desire for the things of the Spirit; so we will stay humble and focused on You. Lord, continue using us to bring people together and help us build each other up; by letting Your light shine through us. Father, let all believers unite people who wouldn’t normally be united and remove every obstacle that will hinder love, harmony, and peace In Jesus name Amen
Lord, You gave us an assignment of helping the least of us, so we are leaning on You to help us serve Your purpose; of being servants and helping others with their basic and Spiritual needs. Jesus, You know being a servant can become overwhelming, so we are asking for Your help and guidance. Father, help us come together with others from different backgrounds, culture, and with those who will help support justice, unity, and equality for all, in Jesus name. Jesus, we know we cannot do this without You and the support of others, please surround us with Spiritual Soldiers that we can delegate to represent on one accord Your purpose. Father, search our hearts and remove all that is not of You and order our steps in Your will. Father, we know we fall short of Your glory, so give us a strong desire for the things of the Spirit; so we will stay humble and focused on You. Lord, continue using us to bring people together and help us build each other up; by letting Your light shine through us. Father, let all believers unite people who wouldn’t normally be united and remove every obstacle that will hinder love, harmony, and peace In Jesus name Amen
Saturday, March 17, 2018
The Word warns us that this world will not last forever. “Heaven and earth will pass away,” ".Matthew 24:35 Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away.” This means that trusting Jesus is wiser than trusting man. Man cannot offer us anything that lasts forever, most friendships do not last, relationships do not last, marriages do not last, cars do not last, jobs do not last, and status does not last. Nothing material that man has to offer will last, so why do we honor man more than we honor our Savior. Could it be that we only believe in what we can see and our faith in our Savior is weak; so we let our fears and doubt win out over our trust in Him. Think back to our lives has God ever let us down, He may not handle things when and how we want it, but He has always taken care of us.
Father, knowing that heaven and earth will pass away, please open our hearts and minds and fill us with the things of the Spirit that will last through eternity. Lord, we are looking forward to the new heaven and the new earth where the righteous will dwell. So help us not store up material things that have no value, where moths and rust can destroy them, and thieves can break in and steal them.
Father, it is so easy to get caught up and enticed by the things of the world, so give us eyes that see You and ears that hear Your Word; so when temptation arises we will have an escape, through our teachings, and faith in You. Father, we are looking forward to sitting at Your feet, so remove all that is not of You and anything that hinders our blessing, in Jesus name, Amen
Father, knowing that heaven and earth will pass away, please open our hearts and minds and fill us with the things of the Spirit that will last through eternity. Lord, we are looking forward to the new heaven and the new earth where the righteous will dwell. So help us not store up material things that have no value, where moths and rust can destroy them, and thieves can break in and steal them.
Father, it is so easy to get caught up and enticed by the things of the world, so give us eyes that see You and ears that hear Your Word; so when temptation arises we will have an escape, through our teachings, and faith in You. Father, we are looking forward to sitting at Your feet, so remove all that is not of You and anything that hinders our blessing, in Jesus name, Amen
Thursday, March 15, 2018
Men whether you realize it or not, Jesus is the most important person in your life. He is more important than what you do for a living, who you are dating or married to, or what you earn. I am convinced that Christ is the bottom line of life. You cannot have 'real life' without Him. When you allow God to lead you, you become a better man, the man God created. When you become a man of God, you learn how to love, forgive, show compassion, and understand life like never before. You will lose selfish pride and you will humble yourself to God, your spouse, and your children; but not in a weak way, but a godly way, that will build them up and draw them closer to God and you.
1 King 2:2-4 Be strong, and show yourself a man, and keep the charge of the Lord your God, walking in his ways and keeping his statutes, his commandments, his rules, and his testimonies, as it is written in the Law of Moses, that you may prosper in all that you do and wherever you turn, that the Lord may establish his word that he spoke concerning me, saying, ‘If your sons pay close attention to their way, to walk before me in faithfulness with all their heart and with all their soul, you shall not lack a man on the throne of Israel.’
Lord, we decree and declare that the hearts and minds of our men, young and old will be open to You; help them see how critical a relationship a with Jesus is for their existence as human beings. Father, teach them to be connected to you through Your Son Jesus. Father, let Your Kingdom come and Your will be done in the lives of our men on earth as it is in heaven. By faith, we call our men saved, sanctified, and filled with Your Spirit. Your Word instructs that faith without works is dead and useless, so we decree and declare that our men will work to develop and demonstrate their Christian faith, daily. We decree and declare that they will be providers and protectors of their families. We decree and declare that as they submit to Your Word, they will be transformed into new men by changing the way they think and act. Lord, we decree and declare that their belief systems and behavior patterns will reflect Your righteousness in their personal and professional lives. We decree and declare that the light of Jesus will be reflected in their actions; as they fellowship with one another. Lord, we decree and declare that Your favor surrounds them like a shield. We decree and declare that they will earn, save, spend and invest money in obedience to Your perfect plan for their lives and families. We decree and declare that their finances are blessed and they are lenders, not borrowers; we ask You to keep Your hedge of protection around them and let those that are in authority treat them with dignity and respect. Jesus, above all, we decree and declare that they are victorious in everything they do because Your future for them is filled with hope, goodness, and prosperity. Lord, we pray for all men in Jesus name, Amen
1 King 2:2-4 Be strong, and show yourself a man, and keep the charge of the Lord your God, walking in his ways and keeping his statutes, his commandments, his rules, and his testimonies, as it is written in the Law of Moses, that you may prosper in all that you do and wherever you turn, that the Lord may establish his word that he spoke concerning me, saying, ‘If your sons pay close attention to their way, to walk before me in faithfulness with all their heart and with all their soul, you shall not lack a man on the throne of Israel.’
Lord, we decree and declare that the hearts and minds of our men, young and old will be open to You; help them see how critical a relationship a with Jesus is for their existence as human beings. Father, teach them to be connected to you through Your Son Jesus. Father, let Your Kingdom come and Your will be done in the lives of our men on earth as it is in heaven. By faith, we call our men saved, sanctified, and filled with Your Spirit. Your Word instructs that faith without works is dead and useless, so we decree and declare that our men will work to develop and demonstrate their Christian faith, daily. We decree and declare that they will be providers and protectors of their families. We decree and declare that as they submit to Your Word, they will be transformed into new men by changing the way they think and act. Lord, we decree and declare that their belief systems and behavior patterns will reflect Your righteousness in their personal and professional lives. We decree and declare that the light of Jesus will be reflected in their actions; as they fellowship with one another. Lord, we decree and declare that Your favor surrounds them like a shield. We decree and declare that they will earn, save, spend and invest money in obedience to Your perfect plan for their lives and families. We decree and declare that their finances are blessed and they are lenders, not borrowers; we ask You to keep Your hedge of protection around them and let those that are in authority treat them with dignity and respect. Jesus, above all, we decree and declare that they are victorious in everything they do because Your future for them is filled with hope, goodness, and prosperity. Lord, we pray for all men in Jesus name, Amen
Wednesday, March 14, 2018
John 4:14 but whoever drinks of the water that I will give him shall never thirst, but the water that I will give him will become in him a well of water springing up to eternal life
Jesus is the living water of life and those who drink of this water daily will never be thirsty. It is a believers responsibility to not only witness to others about the goodness of our Savior, but we need to give them food and drink as well. We must let those that are lost see Christ through us and sometimes it begins with offering a cup of water.
LORD, let all who forsake You be put to shame, and help them understand that those who turn away on earth will always be thirsty; because they have forsaken the fountain of living water. Father, give us a strong desire for the things of the Spirit, let us drink daily from Your cup; so we will be refreshed and ready to serve Your purpose. Lord, give us eyes that see those who are in need and help us meet their basic and spiritual needs. Lord, fill us with wisdom and understand that giving someone who's thirsty Your cup of water, allows Your stream to flow from us; and give them hope, in Jesus name, Amen
Jesus is the living water of life and those who drink of this water daily will never be thirsty. It is a believers responsibility to not only witness to others about the goodness of our Savior, but we need to give them food and drink as well. We must let those that are lost see Christ through us and sometimes it begins with offering a cup of water.
LORD, let all who forsake You be put to shame, and help them understand that those who turn away on earth will always be thirsty; because they have forsaken the fountain of living water. Father, give us a strong desire for the things of the Spirit, let us drink daily from Your cup; so we will be refreshed and ready to serve Your purpose. Lord, give us eyes that see those who are in need and help us meet their basic and spiritual needs. Lord, fill us with wisdom and understand that giving someone who's thirsty Your cup of water, allows Your stream to flow from us; and give them hope, in Jesus name, Amen
Grateful - Hezekiah Walker
Psalm 100:3-4 Know that the Lord, he is God! It is he who made us, and we are his; we are his people and the sheep of his pasture. Enter his gates with thanksgiving, and his courts with praise! Give thanks to him; bless his name
“O Come, let us sing for joy to the Lord; Let us shout joyfully to the rock of our salvation. Let us come into his presence with thanksgiving; let us make a joyful noise to Him with songs of praise! For the Lord is a great God, and a great King above all gods.” Thank You, Lord, for saving us Amen
James Fortune (FIYA) - I Believe
It is so easy to forget God's presence and power when we face uncertainty and difficult times. Our faith falters and we doubt that God is with us, sometimes even doubting that He real. God knew that we would struggle with this unbelief and has spoken reassuring words to us through the Bible.
1 Thessalonians 2:13 And we also thank God continually because, when you received the word of God, which you heard from us, you accepted it not as a human word, but as it actually is, the word of God, which is indeed at work in you who believe. 1 Timothy 4:10 That is why we labor and strive, because we have put our hope in the living God, who is the Savior of all people, and especially of those who believe.
those who believe.
1 Thessalonians 2:13 And we also thank God continually because, when you received the word of God, which you heard from us, you accepted it not as a human word, but as it actually is, the word of God, which is indeed at work in you who believe. 1 Timothy 4:10 That is why we labor and strive, because we have put our hope in the living God, who is the Savior of all people, and especially of those who believe.
those who believe.
Tuesday, March 13, 2018
Your sin my sins they're all sin and the Word tells us about abomination sins, and a none forgivable sin called blasphemy. But what about deliberately living in SIN turning away from His teachings and embracing what goes against His will. When we do not retain God in our Knowledge He will turn us over to a reprobate mind and reject us. Romans 1:28 God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do these things which are not convenient. Those that have a stronghold on their lives need to release it to Christ; trying to fight principality and dark force, it will only make us weary and weak. We cannot escape our failure to be righteous in our own strength. This is by God's design, because only when we understand our weakness will we consider relying on the atoning sacrifice of Jesus. Through His strength and courage, not our own; when we receive Christ as our Savior and have a will to change, change is inevitable. "Go and sin no more" yes it is possible I am a living witness.
Father, we pray for all who have been rejected and abandoned for our sins; Lord, pull us out of the pit of darkness and save us from a reprobate mind. Lord, help us retain Your knowledge; so we will be filled with righteousness, baptize us in the Holy Spirit so we are compelled to obey Your Word. Father, thank You, for saving us and allowing us to become a new creation who have repented for our sins; help us bring forth fruit which changes our attitude toward SIN as Your Spirit manifest in our lives. Father, help us be inward changed men and women so our actions and conduct show that we are true believers and not just professed believers. Father, we ask You, to please remove every generation curse from our children and our children's children; and help us teach them the way to go, so they will not drift far from Your teachings. Jesus, remove every demonic Spirit from around us and keep us focused on You. Father, we pray for the things of the Spirit, open our hearts and mins to Your wisdom and knowledge, in Jesus name Amen
Father, we pray for all who have been rejected and abandoned for our sins; Lord, pull us out of the pit of darkness and save us from a reprobate mind. Lord, help us retain Your knowledge; so we will be filled with righteousness, baptize us in the Holy Spirit so we are compelled to obey Your Word. Father, thank You, for saving us and allowing us to become a new creation who have repented for our sins; help us bring forth fruit which changes our attitude toward SIN as Your Spirit manifest in our lives. Father, help us be inward changed men and women so our actions and conduct show that we are true believers and not just professed believers. Father, we ask You, to please remove every generation curse from our children and our children's children; and help us teach them the way to go, so they will not drift far from Your teachings. Jesus, remove every demonic Spirit from around us and keep us focused on You. Father, we pray for the things of the Spirit, open our hearts and mins to Your wisdom and knowledge, in Jesus name Amen
Sunday, March 11, 2018
What makes the letter J so important and special is; JESUS was born in JUDEA which is in Jerusalem. His earthly father was JOSEPH the son of JACOB. He was baptized by John the Baptist in the most popular river JORDAN which is located in the wilderness of JUDEA. He was the king of the JEWS... JAMES and JOHN were among his twelve disciples. He was sold by Judas Iscariot for thirty pieces of silver and when he died, Joseph of Arimathea requested for his body and was buried in his tomb in Jerusalem. That's why he is the God of JUSTICE. His heavenly father is JEHOVAH JIREH
Father, as we are blessed to see a new day, we ask that You help us examine the various aspects of our lives: the physical, emotional, intellectual, Spiritual, professional, and financial; help us identify the things that are not of You, and replace them with the things of the Spirit. Lord, teach us how to master our moments of decisions through prayer and guidance from You. Father, let Your Word remind us daily that it is no longer us who live, but You in us and help us act accordingly. Lord, let us be mindful that money and possessions are useless if we are not using them to build up Your Kingdom and help others. Father, let the Word teach us how to become a better version of ourselves and let us not be driven by compulsion; but guided by the Spirit, through self-control.
Father, as we are blessed to see a new day, we ask that You help us examine the various aspects of our lives: the physical, emotional, intellectual, Spiritual, professional, and financial; help us identify the things that are not of You, and replace them with the things of the Spirit. Lord, teach us how to master our moments of decisions through prayer and guidance from You. Father, let Your Word remind us daily that it is no longer us who live, but You in us and help us act accordingly. Lord, let us be mindful that money and possessions are useless if we are not using them to build up Your Kingdom and help others. Father, let the Word teach us how to become a better version of ourselves and let us not be driven by compulsion; but guided by the Spirit, through self-control.
Stanchrist Odiale
here are so many people in pain, and there so many people that are capable of helping, BUT DON'T. Imagine what would or could happen if we function the way God created us too, helping and caring for the least of them. Unfortunately, people are so full of darkness, insecurities, acceptance, low self-esteem and no hope of a better tomorrow, most have given up. It fills my heart with pain and sorrow, to know our children as young as six are having sex and our youth have no respect and no guidance. Our young men and women are being killed at an alarming rate, and no one seems to care. We have the largest prison system in the world; now we are building private own prisons, which mean more and more people will get locked up for longer periods of time. And ninety percent of the evil and pain in this world is because of hate and the hunger for power and the love of money.
Churches are operated like a business instead of a Sanctuary; Pastors are living like rock stars, while souls are being condemned. Neighborhoods and community are falling apart, while gentrification and high taxes are pushing seniors out of their homes, and the lack of jobs makes our future look bleak. Our Political and Community Leaders are only concerned with their agendas once they are elected, they sell out for money or a better position; while the people they are supposed to serve continue to perish. So what does the Bible say about this subject? Where is God and how does He help us when life throws these curve balls at us and our struggles get stacked on top of another. In times like these are we to cling to the phrase “God won’t give you any more than you can handle”," No, the phrase God won’t give us more than we can handle” is referring to temptation, not life situation. So do we tighten our belts, take a deep breath and push forward, despite how we really feel? And when we have poured out all aspiration and at the end of our ropes; should we conclude that either God has let us down and not kept His Word, or are we just too weak to fight?
There is a Biblical answer found in Corinthians 1:8 "We do not want you to be uninformed, brothers and sisters, about the troubles we experienced in the province of Asia. We were under great pressure, far beyond our ability to endure, so that we despaired life itself. 9 Indeed, we felt we had received the sentence of death. But this happened that we might not rely on ourselves but on God, who raises the dead. 10 He has delivered us from such a deadly peril, and he will deliver us again. On him, we have set our hope that he will continue to deliver us, 11 as you help us by your prayers. Then many will give thanks on our behalf for the gracious favor granted us in answer to the prayers of many."
But to activate God's promise, we must have faith and trust in Him and His promise.
Father, let us change the negative energy in our homes and atmosphere to positive, by praying together and lifting each other up and not tearing each other down. Father, help us overhaul our lives one problem at a time; and discard everything that is not productive so we can move forward. Jesus, let us be mindful of the time and energy we direct toward worrying, about the things out of our control; and trust in You, so we do not grow weary trying to carry the load. Lord, each morning You allow us to see, we will establish a "go with the flow" attitude within ourselves and let Your Word nurture us through the various situations that arise. Lord, we will see each moment of each day as an opportunity to share Your love and goodness with every person that crosses our path, in Jesus name, Amen
Saturday, March 10, 2018
Galatians 2:20 "we have been crucified with Christ, and it is no longer we who live, but Christ lives in us; and the life which we now live in the flesh we live by faith in the Son of God, who loved us and gave Himself up for us.
Although God is a loving and forgiving God, we must know and understand that He is serious about everything He tells us. God established His rules with the knowledge of 100% certainty that His way is the best way, and we must follow His Word and make it a part of our daily lives. Under the New Covenant, we are judged by our hearts, even though we are still sinners in our hearts where God's Word reside is how we are judged. When we harbor hate, covetousness, greed, envy, and jealousy we will be judged for those sins. When we have greed in our hearts, we tend to do anything for money which is normally a sin. When we envy or covet what others have, we will commit adultery, steal, or even commit murder to get what we want.
Father, since we are judged by what's in our hearts, please take residence in our hearts and remove all that is not of You; and replace it with the things of the Spirit, so we can be baptist in the Holy Spirit and compelled to obey You. Lord, let those who have wronged anyone for greed, envy, hate, or jealousy; let them be punished and give us the strength and courage to forgive them, so we too will not fall into judgment. Father, strengthen our faith so we will believe that You are before all things and in You, all things hold together; then we can trust and know that You have everything under control. Lord, help us get rid of the toxic sludge that fuels our fears and worldly desires; so we can surrender our hearts and be filled with Your love, grace, and mercy. In Jesus name Amen
Although God is a loving and forgiving God, we must know and understand that He is serious about everything He tells us. God established His rules with the knowledge of 100% certainty that His way is the best way, and we must follow His Word and make it a part of our daily lives. Under the New Covenant, we are judged by our hearts, even though we are still sinners in our hearts where God's Word reside is how we are judged. When we harbor hate, covetousness, greed, envy, and jealousy we will be judged for those sins. When we have greed in our hearts, we tend to do anything for money which is normally a sin. When we envy or covet what others have, we will commit adultery, steal, or even commit murder to get what we want.
Father, since we are judged by what's in our hearts, please take residence in our hearts and remove all that is not of You; and replace it with the things of the Spirit, so we can be baptist in the Holy Spirit and compelled to obey You. Lord, let those who have wronged anyone for greed, envy, hate, or jealousy; let them be punished and give us the strength and courage to forgive them, so we too will not fall into judgment. Father, strengthen our faith so we will believe that You are before all things and in You, all things hold together; then we can trust and know that You have everything under control. Lord, help us get rid of the toxic sludge that fuels our fears and worldly desires; so we can surrender our hearts and be filled with Your love, grace, and mercy. In Jesus name Amen
Thursday, March 8, 2018
Acts 1:8 But we will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon us, and we will be witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.”
We are going to start being disciples not just believers, let's start with something simple like no more gossiping, lying, stealing, or back-bitting. Let's stop comparing ourselves to other, let start studying the Word daily, praying without, fellowship with other believers, praising and worshiping God for His goodness.
Matthew 28:19-20 Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age
Lord, You are the source of mercy and compassion, please weave Your Spirit into the fabric of our lives. Father, remove our desire for the world and give us eyes that see Your vision for our lives. To become Disciple so we can receive a reign of justice and compassion that will renew us and the world around us. Father, let Your Word transform our lives so we may accomplish Your purpose. Anoint us with the character of Christ, so we can bring the good news to the oppressed, bind up the brokenhearted, and proclaim freedom from sin and this dark world. Give us kindness and gentleness toward the hungry, the naked, and the homeless; let us reach out to those whom no one else will touch, to accept the unacceptable and embrace the enemy. Father, help us become Disciples, surround us with Your love, fill us with Your grace and strengthen us for Your service, in Jesus name Amen.
We are going to start being disciples not just believers, let's start with something simple like no more gossiping, lying, stealing, or back-bitting. Let's stop comparing ourselves to other, let start studying the Word daily, praying without, fellowship with other believers, praising and worshiping God for His goodness.
Matthew 28:19-20 Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age
Lord, You are the source of mercy and compassion, please weave Your Spirit into the fabric of our lives. Father, remove our desire for the world and give us eyes that see Your vision for our lives. To become Disciple so we can receive a reign of justice and compassion that will renew us and the world around us. Father, let Your Word transform our lives so we may accomplish Your purpose. Anoint us with the character of Christ, so we can bring the good news to the oppressed, bind up the brokenhearted, and proclaim freedom from sin and this dark world. Give us kindness and gentleness toward the hungry, the naked, and the homeless; let us reach out to those whom no one else will touch, to accept the unacceptable and embrace the enemy. Father, help us become Disciples, surround us with Your love, fill us with Your grace and strengthen us for Your service, in Jesus name Amen.
Nicole C. Mullen - My Redeemer Lives
Our Redeemer lived the life of every man and woman who will ever be created by the Hand of His Father. He developed a most literal and deep comprehension of the human condition which men were, and still are, to endure inside and outside of themselves in their daily dealings. Jesus, Son of the Almighty and Who is One with Him, had to become fully human in order to completely experience and exhaust, in Himself, the understanding which God could not really and truly fulfill, as He being Infinite and Perfect Creator had never endured, in mortal flesh, the constraint of being detached from His Own Self while in the form of a creature.
Lord, we love You, Lord, our strength. Lord, You are our rock, our fortress, and our deliverer; Our God, You are the rock, in whom we take refuge, Our shield against the firey arrows of our enemies and the horn of our salvation, our stronghold. We call to You Lord, who is worthy to be praised, who has saved us from the darkness. In our distress, we called on the Lord and from His temple, He heard our voices, and saved us. Father, thank You, making us inward changed men and women and not just religious fanatics. Thank You, for developing out Fruit of the Spirit and helping us become more Christ-like; more humble, loving, kind, gentle, faithful, joyful, and giving us peace. Thank You, Lord, for forgiveness and giving us the strength and courage to forgive, in Jesus name, Amen
Wednesday, March 7, 2018
John 6:51"I am the living bread that came down out of heaven; if anyone eats of this bread, he will live forever; and the bread also which I will give for the life of the world is My flesh."
Our bodies need food every day, and our soul’s needs to be fed every day too. The problem is that many of us neglect to give our souls the nourishment it deserves. We put our work, our kids, or even our friends ahead of our soul and that ends up getting us into trouble. Our Souls are at daily warfare and if we do not nourish our Souls daily it will get weak, and that’s when the Devil attacks us when we are weak.
Hebrews 5:12-14 For though by this time you ought to be teachers, you have need again for someone to teach you the elementary principles of the oracles of God, and you have come to need milk and not solid food.
Father, feed our hearts and minds with the things of the Spirit; so we will crave the things that honor and please You, and not the things of this world. Thank You, for giving us the same Dominion of authority over our lives, in the Spiritual realm. Thank You, for giving us the same free will to choose life over death, by choosing Christ as our Savior. Thank You, that we Are All Made in Your Spiritual Image, it's what we feed our Soul, that's helps us develop. Lord, help us not feed our hearts with Man image of life so will not be filled with greed, division, pride, envy, jealousy, and hate. Baptist us in the Spirit so we will strive to follow Christ; by practicing what we've learned from our study, prayer, fasting, fellowship, worship, and praise. Father, we learned that if we want Your forgiveness, we too must forgive. We learned that through the love we have for Christ and the unconditional love You have for us we can love those who wronged us, yes our enemies. You're, Words have transforming powers and if we are in it enough it will change us too. Lord, help us develop fruit and Christ-like character so we will fellowship with others, pray without ceasing, teach Your Word to our children and our children's children, witness to others, and attend Church like Christ. Never judging anyone, but praying for people instead of talking about them. Let us have a kind and gentle heart for the least of us and love helping our widows and orphans. The more we act like Christ the more we develop His character and become the disciple You need to serve Your purpose. Amen
Our bodies need food every day, and our soul’s needs to be fed every day too. The problem is that many of us neglect to give our souls the nourishment it deserves. We put our work, our kids, or even our friends ahead of our soul and that ends up getting us into trouble. Our Souls are at daily warfare and if we do not nourish our Souls daily it will get weak, and that’s when the Devil attacks us when we are weak.
Hebrews 5:12-14 For though by this time you ought to be teachers, you have need again for someone to teach you the elementary principles of the oracles of God, and you have come to need milk and not solid food.
Father, feed our hearts and minds with the things of the Spirit; so we will crave the things that honor and please You, and not the things of this world. Thank You, for giving us the same Dominion of authority over our lives, in the Spiritual realm. Thank You, for giving us the same free will to choose life over death, by choosing Christ as our Savior. Thank You, that we Are All Made in Your Spiritual Image, it's what we feed our Soul, that's helps us develop. Lord, help us not feed our hearts with Man image of life so will not be filled with greed, division, pride, envy, jealousy, and hate. Baptist us in the Spirit so we will strive to follow Christ; by practicing what we've learned from our study, prayer, fasting, fellowship, worship, and praise. Father, we learned that if we want Your forgiveness, we too must forgive. We learned that through the love we have for Christ and the unconditional love You have for us we can love those who wronged us, yes our enemies. You're, Words have transforming powers and if we are in it enough it will change us too. Lord, help us develop fruit and Christ-like character so we will fellowship with others, pray without ceasing, teach Your Word to our children and our children's children, witness to others, and attend Church like Christ. Never judging anyone, but praying for people instead of talking about them. Let us have a kind and gentle heart for the least of us and love helping our widows and orphans. The more we act like Christ the more we develop His character and become the disciple You need to serve Your purpose. Amen
Monday, March 5, 2018
Luke 6:27-36 27 “But to you who are listening I say: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, 28 bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you.
Father, right now all we want is You, You are our reward; everything else is short-lived; if we have not stored up treasures of heaven we have nothing, in Jesus name. Father, open our hearts and minds to forgiveness with kindness and gentleness so we can become true servants of Christ and others. The Bread of Life sent down from glory, a Holy King who came to serve, and those that follow Him are servants. Servants, to those who cannot speak for themselves, Servant for the call to justice for the unjust, Servant for the widow and orphans; servants for the lost. Father, help us understand we cannot pick and choose who we help or serve, but treat all the same.
Luck 6:32-42 32 If you only love the lovable, do you expect a pat on the back? Run-of-the-mill sinners do that. 33 If you only help those who help you, do you expect a medal? Garden-variety sinners do that.34 If you only give what you hope to get out of it, do you think that's charity? The stingiest of pawnbrokers do that. 35"I tell you, love your enemies. Help and give without expecting a return. You'll never - I promise - regret it. Live out this God-created identity the way our Father lives toward us, generously and graciously, even when we're at our worst. 36 Our Father is kind; you be kind. 37 "Don't pick on people, jump on their failures, criticize their faults - unless, of course, you want the same treatment. Don't condemn those who are down; that hardness can boomerang. Be easy on people; you'll find life a lot easier. 38Give away your life; you'll find life given back, but not merely given back - given back with bonus and blessing. Giving, not getting, is the way. Generosity begets generosity." 39 He quoted a proverb: "'Can a blind man guide a blind man?' Wouldn't they both end up in the ditch? 40 An apprentice doesn't lecture the master. The point is to be careful who you follow as your teacher. 41 "It's easy to see a smudge on your neighbor's face and be oblivious to the ugly sneer on your own. 42 Do you have the nerve to say, 'Let me wash your face for you,' when your own face is distorted by contempt? It's this I-know-better-than-you mentality again, playing a holier-than-thou part instead of just living your own part. Wipe that ugly sneer off your own face and you might be fit to offer a washcloth to your neighbor, let us put Your Lord, back in our schools, jobs, Churches, Homes, and our lives. LORD, I HAVE LEARNED HOW TO FORGIVE, DEAL WITH MY ENEMIES AND MOVE ON BECAUSE I KNOW THERE IS A GOD WHO FORGAVE ME, SO I TOO MUST FORGIVE, in Jesus name Amen
Father, right now all we want is You, You are our reward; everything else is short-lived; if we have not stored up treasures of heaven we have nothing, in Jesus name. Father, open our hearts and minds to forgiveness with kindness and gentleness so we can become true servants of Christ and others. The Bread of Life sent down from glory, a Holy King who came to serve, and those that follow Him are servants. Servants, to those who cannot speak for themselves, Servant for the call to justice for the unjust, Servant for the widow and orphans; servants for the lost. Father, help us understand we cannot pick and choose who we help or serve, but treat all the same.
Luck 6:32-42 32 If you only love the lovable, do you expect a pat on the back? Run-of-the-mill sinners do that. 33 If you only help those who help you, do you expect a medal? Garden-variety sinners do that.34 If you only give what you hope to get out of it, do you think that's charity? The stingiest of pawnbrokers do that. 35"I tell you, love your enemies. Help and give without expecting a return. You'll never - I promise - regret it. Live out this God-created identity the way our Father lives toward us, generously and graciously, even when we're at our worst. 36 Our Father is kind; you be kind. 37 "Don't pick on people, jump on their failures, criticize their faults - unless, of course, you want the same treatment. Don't condemn those who are down; that hardness can boomerang. Be easy on people; you'll find life a lot easier. 38Give away your life; you'll find life given back, but not merely given back - given back with bonus and blessing. Giving, not getting, is the way. Generosity begets generosity." 39 He quoted a proverb: "'Can a blind man guide a blind man?' Wouldn't they both end up in the ditch? 40 An apprentice doesn't lecture the master. The point is to be careful who you follow as your teacher. 41 "It's easy to see a smudge on your neighbor's face and be oblivious to the ugly sneer on your own. 42 Do you have the nerve to say, 'Let me wash your face for you,' when your own face is distorted by contempt? It's this I-know-better-than-you mentality again, playing a holier-than-thou part instead of just living your own part. Wipe that ugly sneer off your own face and you might be fit to offer a washcloth to your neighbor, let us put Your Lord, back in our schools, jobs, Churches, Homes, and our lives. LORD, I HAVE LEARNED HOW TO FORGIVE, DEAL WITH MY ENEMIES AND MOVE ON BECAUSE I KNOW THERE IS A GOD WHO FORGAVE ME, SO I TOO MUST FORGIVE, in Jesus name Amen
Luke 1:78 A new day will dawn on us from above because our God is loving and merciful. Romans 15:13, "May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope."
Father, as we are blessed to see a new day, we ask that You help us examine the various aspects of our lives: the physical, emotional, intellectual, Spiritual, professional, and financial; help us identify the things that are not of You, and replace them with the things of the Spirit. Lord, teach us how to master our moments of decisions through prayer and guidance from You. Father, let Your Word remind us daily that it is no longer us who live, but You in us and help us act accordingly. Lord, let us be mindful that money and possessions are useless if we are not using them to build up Your Kingdom and help others. Father, let the Word teach us how to become a better version of ourselves and let us not be driven by compulsion; but guided by the Spirit, through self-control. Father, let us change the negative energy in our homes and atmosphere to positive, by praying together and lifting each other up and not tearing each other down. Father, help us overhaul our lives one problem at a time; and discard everything that is not productive so we can move forward. Jesus, let us be mindful of the time and energy we direct toward worrying, about the things out of our control; and trust in You, so we do not grow weary trying to carry the load. Lord, each morning You allow us to see, we will establish a "go with the flow" attitude within ourselves and let Your Word nurture us through the various situations that arise. Lord, we will see each moment of each day as an opportunity to share Your love and goodness with every person that crosses our path, in Jesus name, Amen
Father, as we are blessed to see a new day, we ask that You help us examine the various aspects of our lives: the physical, emotional, intellectual, Spiritual, professional, and financial; help us identify the things that are not of You, and replace them with the things of the Spirit. Lord, teach us how to master our moments of decisions through prayer and guidance from You. Father, let Your Word remind us daily that it is no longer us who live, but You in us and help us act accordingly. Lord, let us be mindful that money and possessions are useless if we are not using them to build up Your Kingdom and help others. Father, let the Word teach us how to become a better version of ourselves and let us not be driven by compulsion; but guided by the Spirit, through self-control. Father, let us change the negative energy in our homes and atmosphere to positive, by praying together and lifting each other up and not tearing each other down. Father, help us overhaul our lives one problem at a time; and discard everything that is not productive so we can move forward. Jesus, let us be mindful of the time and energy we direct toward worrying, about the things out of our control; and trust in You, so we do not grow weary trying to carry the load. Lord, each morning You allow us to see, we will establish a "go with the flow" attitude within ourselves and let Your Word nurture us through the various situations that arise. Lord, we will see each moment of each day as an opportunity to share Your love and goodness with every person that crosses our path, in Jesus name, Amen
Saturday, March 3, 2018
Proverbs 21:15 When justice is done, it is a joy to the righteous but terror to evildoers. Amos 5:24 But let justice roll down like waters, and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream.
This is my son Eddie who was murdered for money in June 2017, please pray with me for justice.
Jehovah-Jireh our provided we come to You in the name of Jesus, praying for justice for my son Eddie. Lord, we come to You because without You there will be no Justice and we know that if we have the faith of a mustard seed justice will be served. So we come to You in faith asking You to serve justice to those who killed my son and those who paid for the killing, in Jesus name. Father, thank You, for comfort through this evil situation, and we know in Your time we will have peace. Lord, our God, if we have wronged anyone, if we have betrayed a friend without cause we ask for forgiveness. Father, we know You are a righteous God who judges our thoughts and actions. Stop the wickedness of evildoers and persecute them for all the harm, pain, and murders they have caused. Lord, You know all the wicked people who think up evil; they plan trouble and practice deception. Father, let the traps they set for others, they themselves get caught, so they are punished by their own evil and are hurt by their own violence. Father, let my son's murder haunt them for the rest of their lives so they will have no peace; and search my heart and remove anything that hinders justice in Jesus mighty name, Amen
Jehovah-Jireh our provided we come to You in the name of Jesus, praying for justice for my son Eddie. Lord, we come to You because without You there will be no Justice and we know that if we have the faith of a mustard seed justice will be served. So we come to You in faith asking You to serve justice to those who killed my son and those who paid for the killing, in Jesus name. Father, thank You, for comfort through this evil situation, and we know in Your time we will have peace. Lord, our God, if we have wronged anyone, if we have betrayed a friend without cause we ask for forgiveness. Father, we know You are a righteous God who judges our thoughts and actions. Stop the wickedness of evildoers and persecute them for all the harm, pain, and murders they have caused. Lord, You know all the wicked people who think up evil; they plan trouble and practice deception. Father, let the traps they set for others, they themselves get caught, so they are punished by their own evil and are hurt by their own violence. Father, let my son's murder haunt them for the rest of their lives so they will have no peace; and search my heart and remove anything that hinders justice in Jesus mighty name, Amen
Friday, March 2, 2018
Deitrick Haddon - Well Done
Matthew 25:22 Then the servant who had received two talents also came and said, ‘Master, you entrusted me with two talents. See, I have gained two more.’ 23 His master replied, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Enter into the joy of your master!’ 24 Finally, the servant who had received one talent came and said, ‘Master, I knew that you are a hard man, reaping where you have not sown, and gathering where you have not scattered seed
Father, we rise above defeat and all thoughts of fear; we will be the head and no longer the tail because when we know better we do better. So, thank You, Lord, for helping us do better by supporting ourselves by supporting each other. Lord, dominate the wedges that drive division and separation among us so we can join together in harmony to accomplish one goal; building economic development, to create jobs and income for everyone. Lord, remove those who think too highly of themselves because there is no room for conceit, egos, or hate in a team or growth; so Lord, keep us humble and in Your will, so we will stay focused on the purpose, Your will. Father, open our hearts and minds, baptize us in the Holy Spirit that compels us to obey and walk in righteousness; so we can hear You say, well done good and faithful servant. In Jesus name, Amen
God delivered us out of Egypt, but that was not enough when times got tough we wanted to go back to the old way. God feeds us from the sky and the ground for forty years, we never went hungry, but that was not enough, we complained about eating the same things. God, provided for all our needs, our shoes and clothes lasted forty years; but that was not enough, we complained about not having anything to wear. God, saved us from the elements and wild animals, but that was not enough. Today God has provided for all our needs but that's not enough, so tell me when is enough-enough for us to be grateful. Thankfulness should be a way of life for us, naturally flowing from our hearts and mouths for God goodness.
1 Thessalonians 5:18 in everything give thanks; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus. 1 Chronicles 16:34 O give thanks to the LORD, for He is good; For His lovingkindness is everlasting
Lord, we give praise to God for His deliverance. Father, “we will exalt You, O Lord, for You lifted us out of the depths and did not let our enemies gloat over us. O Lord our God, we call to You for help and You healed us. O Lord, You brought us up from the grave; You spared us from going down into the pit. You turned our wailing into dancing; You removed our sackcloth and clothed us with joy, that our hearts may sing to You and not be silent. O Lord our God, we will give You thanks forever” Father, we give You thanks for all circumstances, in Jesus name Amen (Ps. 30)
1 Thessalonians 5:18 in everything give thanks; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus. 1 Chronicles 16:34 O give thanks to the LORD, for He is good; For His lovingkindness is everlasting
Lord, we give praise to God for His deliverance. Father, “we will exalt You, O Lord, for You lifted us out of the depths and did not let our enemies gloat over us. O Lord our God, we call to You for help and You healed us. O Lord, You brought us up from the grave; You spared us from going down into the pit. You turned our wailing into dancing; You removed our sackcloth and clothed us with joy, that our hearts may sing to You and not be silent. O Lord our God, we will give You thanks forever” Father, we give You thanks for all circumstances, in Jesus name Amen (Ps. 30)
Thursday, March 1, 2018
Fred Hammond & RFC - You Are the Living Word
Hebrews 4:12 For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.
Father, Your Word gives us correction, guidance, and every lasting life and we are so grateful. Lord, thank You for dressing us in full body armor so we can stand firmly on Your Word. Lord, thank You for the buckle of truth, so we have wisdom and knowledge so we can witness the Truth to others. Father, thank You, for our breastplate the leads us to the path of righteousness and allowing our feet to be fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. Thank You, Lord, for our shield of faith that baptist us in the Holy Spirit and extinguish all the firey arrows of our enemies and the evil one. Thank You, Lord, for the helmet of salvation that delivered us from the power of sin and the sword of the Spirit, which give us Christ-like character, in Jesus name, Amen
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