1 Peter 2:4-10 As we come to Him, a living stone rejected by men but in the sight of God chosen and precious, we ourselves like living stones are being built up as a spiritual house, to be a holy priesthood, to offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. For it stands in Scripture: “Behold, I am laying in Zion a stone, a cornerstone chosen and precious, and whoever believes in Him will not be put to shame.” So the honor is for us who believe, but for those who do not believe, “The stone that the builders rejected has become the cornerstone,” and “A stone of stumbling, and a rock of offense.” They stumble because they disobey the word, as they were destined to do
When we know the Word and continue to sin, there is no sacrifice. Jesus sacrificed Himself for our sins and He expected us to sacrifice our worldly desires for Him. When we know the Word and act according to its guidance, we become part of a living temple that is God's unique possessions, the chosen race. Believers are a chosen race of people, people of all colors creed and religion; joined together by the Spirit, a royal priesthood that is willing to make the fleshly sacrifice for Christ.
Father, we have been called out of darkness, into Your marvelous light. Lord, we are Your people who are called by Your name: black, white, yellow, and brown; walking in one accord and unity through Christ. We have been rejected by man, but in Your sight, we are chosen and precious; whom You protect, guide, and comfort in times of trouble. Lord, You are the pathway to the grace we cannot see, but we are able to feel it's presence and peace. Lord, You have appeal to us, by the mercies of God, to present our bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to the Father, which has given us. So, give us Your strength and courage to help us be submissive to the Word and put our flesh to rest. Lord, baptize us in the Holy Spirit that unifies Your people from every Nation. Lord, just as it was when You made this world Your home; it is still a hateful and cruel place. So, we ask that You would guide our thoughts and actions as believers. Please give us an eagerness to be humble, kind, and gentleness, to help us have hearts of patience and forbearance. Father, we thank You for the hope we have in You; may Your hope unify our thoughts and decisions, that will invoke peace through the Spirit and this world, in Jesus name Amen.
The Broken Vessel

Wednesday, October 31, 2018
Tuesday, October 30, 2018
Acts 7:51 You thick-necked people with uncircumcised hearts and ears! You always resist the Holy Spirit, just as your fathers did.
Father, we believe in the unseen and we pray praise and worship You; as we help others from what You have provided for us, and we believe in what You have revealed to us and the Hereafter. Father, You have set a seal on our hearts, our hearing, and over our eyes is a veil; to protect us from those who seek to deceive us, so they only deceive themselves. Lord, in our disobedient hearts, there is sickness, as it is in the hearts of the non-believers. But we who have received You, understand we need You and the unbeliever are still in denial. So, You have increased their sickness, because they are thick-necked people and they will suffer painful punishment because of their denial. Lord, when we come across those who are hard-hearted, let us pray for them so when they are alone with the enemy, they will not ridicule us. Because, it is they who will be ridiculed by You Lord, who will leave them bewildered in their transgressions. Father, help them understand, that if they do not repent; You will take away their light, and leave them in darkness, unable to see because of their unbelief. But, repentance is available from You for those who commit evil out of ignorance and then repent soon after; but death to those who knew You and rejected You. So, Lord, help us repent and turn away from whatever separates us from You, in Jesus name, Amen
Father, we believe in the unseen and we pray praise and worship You; as we help others from what You have provided for us, and we believe in what You have revealed to us and the Hereafter. Father, You have set a seal on our hearts, our hearing, and over our eyes is a veil; to protect us from those who seek to deceive us, so they only deceive themselves. Lord, in our disobedient hearts, there is sickness, as it is in the hearts of the non-believers. But we who have received You, understand we need You and the unbeliever are still in denial. So, You have increased their sickness, because they are thick-necked people and they will suffer painful punishment because of their denial. Lord, when we come across those who are hard-hearted, let us pray for them so when they are alone with the enemy, they will not ridicule us. Because, it is they who will be ridiculed by You Lord, who will leave them bewildered in their transgressions. Father, help them understand, that if they do not repent; You will take away their light, and leave them in darkness, unable to see because of their unbelief. But, repentance is available from You for those who commit evil out of ignorance and then repent soon after; but death to those who knew You and rejected You. So, Lord, help us repent and turn away from whatever separates us from You, in Jesus name, Amen
Friday, October 26, 2018
2 Corinthians 10:3-5 For though we walk in the flesh, we are not waging war according to the flesh. The weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine power to destroy strongholds. We destroy arguments, and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God and take every thought captive to obey Christ.
Father, we intercede in prayer for our families, friends, and Country; Lord, You know our needs; strengthen our faith and help us with our unbelief's. Father, baptize us in the Holy Spirit to help remove all that does not bring honor to You or help build up Your Kingdom. Lord, surround us with like-minded people who will encourage us and pray with and for us, in Jesus' name. Lord, You said when our burdens are too much for us to carry, cast them on You, and You will sustain us. So, we stand on Your Word with the faith of a mustard seed as we wait patiently on You to manifest our request. Father, hold our hands and walk us through this valley of death so we will humble ourselves under Your mighty hand as You keep a hedge of protection around us. Father, we are Your children who are called by Your name, we cry out to You, search our hearts and remove all that is not of You, so we can come to the Throne with a clean heart so You will hear and answer our prayers. Lord, we are overwhelmed by life situations, and our cross is heavy, worry fills our mind, and sadness consumes our hearts'. But, You are a healer, and You have the last say over our problems, so we surrender to You right now all that is weighing us down. Father, allow us to lean on You and not focus on the confusion around us, as we release every burden and stronghold in our lives, in Jesus' name, Amen.
Father, we intercede in prayer for our families, friends, and Country; Lord, You know our needs; strengthen our faith and help us with our unbelief's. Father, baptize us in the Holy Spirit to help remove all that does not bring honor to You or help build up Your Kingdom. Lord, surround us with like-minded people who will encourage us and pray with and for us, in Jesus' name. Lord, You said when our burdens are too much for us to carry, cast them on You, and You will sustain us. So, we stand on Your Word with the faith of a mustard seed as we wait patiently on You to manifest our request. Father, hold our hands and walk us through this valley of death so we will humble ourselves under Your mighty hand as You keep a hedge of protection around us. Father, we are Your children who are called by Your name, we cry out to You, search our hearts and remove all that is not of You, so we can come to the Throne with a clean heart so You will hear and answer our prayers. Lord, we are overwhelmed by life situations, and our cross is heavy, worry fills our mind, and sadness consumes our hearts'. But, You are a healer, and You have the last say over our problems, so we surrender to You right now all that is weighing us down. Father, allow us to lean on You and not focus on the confusion around us, as we release every burden and stronghold in our lives, in Jesus' name, Amen.
Wednesday, October 24, 2018
Unforgiveness is an enemy we create between God, ourselves, and others. Matthew 6:14-15
"For if you forgive others for their transgressions, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. "But if you do not forgive others, then your Father will not forgive your transgressions
"For if you forgive others for their transgressions, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. "But if you do not forgive others, then your Father will not forgive your transgressions
Father, when we replay our past within our minds. We can’t seem to let go of what has happened, it hurts our heart, each and every time and the anger that is caused has separated from You and others. These thoughts of unforgiveness are consuming us daily and any relationship we have with others and You. Lord, please help us save ourselves, give us Your strength and understanding to help us overcome the unforgiveness that is hindering our lives and Spiritual growth. Lord, we don’t see any way out of this situation but, Lord; we know You will make a way. Please order our steps accordingly, to do the right thing based on Your will. Father, help us to forgive not because the person deserves to be forgiven, but because we deserve peace; so we can live a full and peaceful life. Father, we understand that being a parent comes with no instructions and we may sometimes do the thing that our children do not understand. But, we ask You to help our children understand that whatever we did, we did it out of love; we know they may not see it now, but remind them of the good time and erase all the bad. Father, let Your Son be the center of our lives, let everything else fall away. We will not let anger, unforgiveness, doubt or fears overwhelm us, we will release it right now in the name of Jesus. Lord, do not let our bitter pass consume or hinder us no more, those who have wronged us; we now forgive and set aside our differences, as we allow the example of Christ to guide us, in Jesus name Amen
Tuesday, October 23, 2018
The Bible makes it clear that God does not condone compromising His standards: “Psalm 119:1-4 Joyful are people of integrity, who follow the instructions of the LORD. Joyful are those who obey His laws and search for Him with all their hearts. They do not compromise with evil, and they walk only in His paths. You have charged us to keep Your commandments carefully”
Christians that study the Word should understand the consequences of compromising Gods Word. Throughout Bible history every time God’s Word/Laws were compromised destruction came. The Old Testament explains how the Pharisees made perversions to God’s Laws as they added their own traditions to it. This is one reason Jesus was so upset as He cleansed the temple courtyard. They were using the temple for everything, but what it was designed for (just as we are using some of the Churches of today). The Old Testament is full of events of destruction after society and the government saw fit to compromises God’s Word, for popularity or social approval. We use to allow prayer in schools, but once we removed God the devil stepped in, now there are more killings in schools than it is in prison. Maybe it’s because we allow prayer and Bible reading in prison, but not our schools and workplace. Everything that is happening in today’s world is already written in the Bible, you would think that our Spiritual Leaders and government would step in and at least try to define the Word of God. Satan has gotten so strong in some of our lives we can’t see how much compromising God’s Word is destroying this country and the people.
Father, let us not compromise Your Word, let us not make concessions or accommodations for someone who does not agree with the prevalent set of standards You put into place. Father help us understand that compromising with the world is a danger because we are no longer following Christ but man 'Romans 1:25 - Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator," Lord. give us eyes that see, how Satan works. He’s not usually frontal; he’s tricky. He fools us with ostensibly good causes and lures us into his den. Lord, Your Word makes it clear that the Father, does not condone compromising His standards: “Psalm 119:4 They do not compromise with evil, and they walk only in His paths. You have charged us to keep Your commandments carefully” So order our steps in Your will regardless what man or society says, If it's against Your will we will not follow, in Jesus name, Amen
Christians that study the Word should understand the consequences of compromising Gods Word. Throughout Bible history every time God’s Word/Laws were compromised destruction came. The Old Testament explains how the Pharisees made perversions to God’s Laws as they added their own traditions to it. This is one reason Jesus was so upset as He cleansed the temple courtyard. They were using the temple for everything, but what it was designed for (just as we are using some of the Churches of today). The Old Testament is full of events of destruction after society and the government saw fit to compromises God’s Word, for popularity or social approval. We use to allow prayer in schools, but once we removed God the devil stepped in, now there are more killings in schools than it is in prison. Maybe it’s because we allow prayer and Bible reading in prison, but not our schools and workplace. Everything that is happening in today’s world is already written in the Bible, you would think that our Spiritual Leaders and government would step in and at least try to define the Word of God. Satan has gotten so strong in some of our lives we can’t see how much compromising God’s Word is destroying this country and the people.
Father, let us not compromise Your Word, let us not make concessions or accommodations for someone who does not agree with the prevalent set of standards You put into place. Father help us understand that compromising with the world is a danger because we are no longer following Christ but man 'Romans 1:25 - Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator," Lord. give us eyes that see, how Satan works. He’s not usually frontal; he’s tricky. He fools us with ostensibly good causes and lures us into his den. Lord, Your Word makes it clear that the Father, does not condone compromising His standards: “Psalm 119:4 They do not compromise with evil, and they walk only in His paths. You have charged us to keep Your commandments carefully” So order our steps in Your will regardless what man or society says, If it's against Your will we will not follow, in Jesus name, Amen
Saturday, October 20, 2018
When you know a person is a backbiter; no matter where you see them, they are backbiting on someone. You know to steer clear of them, listen do not speak; because the same thing they do to others they will do to you. Backbiters’ like to talk about others to feel superior in their shortcomings or they just have an evil and dark soul. Roman 16;17 I appeal to you, brothers, to watch out for those who cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine that you have been taught; avoid them. 18 For such persons do not serve our Lord Christ, but their own appetites, and by smooth talk and flattery they deceive the hearts of the naive.
Friday, October 19, 2018
2 Corinthians 12;8-9 Three times I pleaded with the Lord to take it away from me. 9 But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me.
Tuesday, October 16, 2018
2 Peter 2:20-22 For if, after they have escaped the defilements of the world through the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, they are again entangled in them and overcome, the last state has become worse for them than the first. For it would have been better for them never to have known the way of righteousness than after knowing it to turn back from the holy commandment delivered to them. What the true proverb says has happened to them: “The dog returns to its own vomit, and the sow, after washing herself, returns to wallow in the mire.”
Some of us know Christ and have experienced freedom from sin, but because we have been serving the flesh longer than the spirit we get weak and return to our old ways and become entangled again. Now, we are worse off than we were in the beginning, because we are no longer in a state of ignorance, now we have rejected Christ. We would have been better off, not to have known the ways of righteousness, than to know and reject Him. Believers are in a constant battle with our flesh and our spirit and the one we nourish the most will win out. Our day to day living is consumed by either moving toward God or moving from Him. This is why we need to communicate with Christ daily for His courage, strength, and the Holy Spirit, that keeps us moving toward Him and not backward.
Father, we understand that there will be ups, downs, and unexpected turns in our walk with Christ, Lord, please hold our hands and let us not go backward Spiritually. Lord, baptize us in the Holy Spirit so we do not go back to our undesirable ways. Father, let us not forget to pray, study the Word, or fellowship with other believers' to help us not backslide. Lord, order our steps in Your will, so we do not deliberately indulge in a life of sinful pleasures, but focus on the things of the spirit, so we will honor and be submissive to You. Father, help us understand that our backsliding will also sadden and bring grief to our loved ones, as well as turmoil in our lives. Lord, let our guilt and Your Word give us conviction, correction, and guidance so we can stand on Your Word without wavering, in Jesus name Amen
Some of us know Christ and have experienced freedom from sin, but because we have been serving the flesh longer than the spirit we get weak and return to our old ways and become entangled again. Now, we are worse off than we were in the beginning, because we are no longer in a state of ignorance, now we have rejected Christ. We would have been better off, not to have known the ways of righteousness, than to know and reject Him. Believers are in a constant battle with our flesh and our spirit and the one we nourish the most will win out. Our day to day living is consumed by either moving toward God or moving from Him. This is why we need to communicate with Christ daily for His courage, strength, and the Holy Spirit, that keeps us moving toward Him and not backward.
Father, we understand that there will be ups, downs, and unexpected turns in our walk with Christ, Lord, please hold our hands and let us not go backward Spiritually. Lord, baptize us in the Holy Spirit so we do not go back to our undesirable ways. Father, let us not forget to pray, study the Word, or fellowship with other believers' to help us not backslide. Lord, order our steps in Your will, so we do not deliberately indulge in a life of sinful pleasures, but focus on the things of the spirit, so we will honor and be submissive to You. Father, help us understand that our backsliding will also sadden and bring grief to our loved ones, as well as turmoil in our lives. Lord, let our guilt and Your Word give us conviction, correction, and guidance so we can stand on Your Word without wavering, in Jesus name Amen
Monday, October 15, 2018
Romans 13:13 Let us walk properly as in the daytime, not in orgies and drunkenness, not in sexual immorality and sensuality, not in quarreling and jealousy. Colossians 2:6 Therefore, as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him
When we accept Christ as our Savior that is the first step to Holy living, but it does not stop there. Now we must build a relationship with Christ, we have to communicate with Him daily through the Word; because the more we study the Word "with understanding", the closer we will draw to Christ, the more like Him we become. Now we will never be completely like Christ until we are no longer in the flesh. But, we can be submissive to the Word, like Christ in the flesh. When Christ is truly in our hearts we will not indulge in all kind of impurity or be full of greed; we would no longer live as Gentiles but as children of God, helping others and building His Kingdom.
Father, help us follow Your instruction for life, help us tap into our children natural curiosity to help them discover the majestic of You. Lord, let us not only cling to You in time of troubles but help us be Your daily walking partners so Your arms of grace will transform us. Father, You created us for the enjoyment of companionship, dialogue, intimacy, joint decision-making, mutual delight, and sharing Your dominion. So give us perseverance as we will stand on Your Word and no longer live as slaves to our sinful nature. Let us not be dark in our understanding or separated from You so our hearts will not be hardened. Father, baptize us in the Holy Spirit that will keep us from indulging in every kind of impurity and greed, and help us be submissive to Your Word, in Jesus name Amen
When we accept Christ as our Savior that is the first step to Holy living, but it does not stop there. Now we must build a relationship with Christ, we have to communicate with Him daily through the Word; because the more we study the Word "with understanding", the closer we will draw to Christ, the more like Him we become. Now we will never be completely like Christ until we are no longer in the flesh. But, we can be submissive to the Word, like Christ in the flesh. When Christ is truly in our hearts we will not indulge in all kind of impurity or be full of greed; we would no longer live as Gentiles but as children of God, helping others and building His Kingdom.
Father, help us follow Your instruction for life, help us tap into our children natural curiosity to help them discover the majestic of You. Lord, let us not only cling to You in time of troubles but help us be Your daily walking partners so Your arms of grace will transform us. Father, You created us for the enjoyment of companionship, dialogue, intimacy, joint decision-making, mutual delight, and sharing Your dominion. So give us perseverance as we will stand on Your Word and no longer live as slaves to our sinful nature. Let us not be dark in our understanding or separated from You so our hearts will not be hardened. Father, baptize us in the Holy Spirit that will keep us from indulging in every kind of impurity and greed, and help us be submissive to Your Word, in Jesus name Amen
Sunday, October 14, 2018
If we learn to deal with people for who they are we will be able to get along with everyone. When you know a person is a backbiter; no matter where you see them, they are backbiting on someone. You know to steer clear of them, listen do not speak; because the same thing they do to others they will do to you. Backbiters’ like to talk about others to feel superior in their shortcomings or they just have an evil and dark soul. Roman 16;17 I appeal to you, brothers, to watch out for those who cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine that you have been taught; avoid them. 18 For such persons do not serve our Lord Christ, but their own appetites, and by smooth talk and flattery they deceive the hearts of the naive.
Then we have the opportunist that only deal with you when there is a need of your services or help. They normally surround themselves with needed and weak people that are easy to manipulate. They have very little morals if any and will stop at nothing to get what they want, they will destroy families and homes, not out of love, but out of greed. An opportunist will not make a good friend, because they will turn on you for less than thirty pieces of silver. So once you understand this weigh your need of them against their need of you then handle yourself accordingly, that way you're in control. Isaiah 10:3-5 3 How will you opportunists handle the day of reckoning? What will you do when trouble comes from far away? Will you run away from the disaster you caused? Who will help you?
Father, teach us to steer clear of backbiters and opportunist, let us not be misled by them or used by their sneaky ways. Lord, give us Your wisdom and knowledge of those around us and keep Your hedge of protection around our families, friends, ourselves and our enemies. Lord, give us eyes that see these disruptive characters in those around us, so we can separate ourselves from them and let them not bring division or pain. Father, give us ears that hear You and only You while they are speaking, so we do not get caught in their snares. Lord, we thank You for giving us another day in our right minds; with health and strength. Thank You for watching over us last night and thank You in advance for tomorrow if it's Your will. Father, thank You for our Spiritual growth and blessings in Jesus name, Amen
Then we have the opportunist that only deal with you when there is a need of your services or help. They normally surround themselves with needed and weak people that are easy to manipulate. They have very little morals if any and will stop at nothing to get what they want, they will destroy families and homes, not out of love, but out of greed. An opportunist will not make a good friend, because they will turn on you for less than thirty pieces of silver. So once you understand this weigh your need of them against their need of you then handle yourself accordingly, that way you're in control. Isaiah 10:3-5 3 How will you opportunists handle the day of reckoning? What will you do when trouble comes from far away? Will you run away from the disaster you caused? Who will help you?
Father, teach us to steer clear of backbiters and opportunist, let us not be misled by them or used by their sneaky ways. Lord, give us Your wisdom and knowledge of those around us and keep Your hedge of protection around our families, friends, ourselves and our enemies. Lord, give us eyes that see these disruptive characters in those around us, so we can separate ourselves from them and let them not bring division or pain. Father, give us ears that hear You and only You while they are speaking, so we do not get caught in their snares. Lord, we thank You for giving us another day in our right minds; with health and strength. Thank You for watching over us last night and thank You in advance for tomorrow if it's Your will. Father, thank You for our Spiritual growth and blessings in Jesus name, Amen
Friday, October 12, 2018
The Bible is inspired by God, providing guidelines for our behavior. It provides an orderly system of rules and regulation by which our society use to be governed. We are now under a new covenant because God's law is perfect and we are sinners, saved by grace. But Jesus did not abolish the law, we were released from persecution OF the law through our faith, obedience, and belief in Christ. Does this means we are free to sin, no it means that through our faith, repentance, and beliefs we are forgiven? When we love Christ we will choose to be submissive to the Word. Because we know all Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness and if we believe and receive Christ as our Savior we will be transformed, I know He transformed me.
John 15:15 “I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master’s business. Instead, I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you.
Father, thank You for understanding that Your law is perfect, but we are not; so thank You for a new covenant that we are able to keep. By believing Christ died and receiving Him as our Savior, His spirit dwells in us and we are saved. Thank You that we are no longer persecuted by the law, but by our beliefs and faith in Christ. Thank You, for establishing through a direct revelation from You the guidelines for which we can live in this wicked world and eternity in Your Kingdom. Father, the enemy wants nothing more than for us to miss it, he wants to keep everything hidden so we are stumbling around in the darkness. So, give us eyes that see the light to the path You have made for us. Lord, help us come to the revelation of who You are and what is available to us in Christ. Lord, remove all roadblocks and obstacles in our path so we do not stumble and fall. Father, search our hearts and remove all that hinder our blessings or keeps us from sitting at Your feet, in Jesus name Amen
John 15:15 “I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master’s business. Instead, I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you.
Father, thank You for understanding that Your law is perfect, but we are not; so thank You for a new covenant that we are able to keep. By believing Christ died and receiving Him as our Savior, His spirit dwells in us and we are saved. Thank You that we are no longer persecuted by the law, but by our beliefs and faith in Christ. Thank You, for establishing through a direct revelation from You the guidelines for which we can live in this wicked world and eternity in Your Kingdom. Father, the enemy wants nothing more than for us to miss it, he wants to keep everything hidden so we are stumbling around in the darkness. So, give us eyes that see the light to the path You have made for us. Lord, help us come to the revelation of who You are and what is available to us in Christ. Lord, remove all roadblocks and obstacles in our path so we do not stumble and fall. Father, search our hearts and remove all that hinder our blessings or keeps us from sitting at Your feet, in Jesus name Amen
Wednesday, October 10, 2018
Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, plans for welfare and not evil, to give you a future and hope.''This is why our plans do not work; we do not include God.''
Matthew 19:26 But Jesus looked at them and said, With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible. ''So for all those whose lives are out of control and it seems there's no way out, ask God to show us His plans for our lives
Lord, teach us Your plans for our lives, help us not lean on our understanding but Yours. Father, we understand that our thoughts are not Your thoughts, neither are our ways Your ways. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are Your plans for us. Lord, just as You water the earth, making it bring forth fruit, water our hearts and minds with Your Word so we may be fruitful. Father, allow Your words to accomplish that which is Your purpose, and we shall succeed in all things. Father, right now there are those who are anxious about tomorrow, help them to understand that their plans for tomorrow may never come. Lord, help them focus on You and teach them Your purpose so that they may have hope and peace. We pray together in Jesus name Amen
Matthew 19:26 But Jesus looked at them and said, With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible. ''So for all those whose lives are out of control and it seems there's no way out, ask God to show us His plans for our lives
Lord, teach us Your plans for our lives, help us not lean on our understanding but Yours. Father, we understand that our thoughts are not Your thoughts, neither are our ways Your ways. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are Your plans for us. Lord, just as You water the earth, making it bring forth fruit, water our hearts and minds with Your Word so we may be fruitful. Father, allow Your words to accomplish that which is Your purpose, and we shall succeed in all things. Father, right now there are those who are anxious about tomorrow, help them to understand that their plans for tomorrow may never come. Lord, help them focus on You and teach them Your purpose so that they may have hope and peace. We pray together in Jesus name Amen
Tuesday, October 9, 2018
Revelation 9;20 The rest of mankind who were not killed by these plagues still did not repent of the work of their hands; they did not stop worshiping demons, and idols of gold, silver, bronze, stone, and wood idols that cannot see or hear or walk
Why do we idolize man and the material things of this world; why do we think the more stuff we have the more accomplished we are, what is it we’re missing. Material accomplishments will keep us in doubt, stressed out, and they will soon fade away, but the things of the Spirit are everlasting. Yet we tend to idolize people and worldly possessions over righteousness and things of the spirit. Why is it so easy for us to follow people and the material things of his world; that can and will lead us down the wrong path, but we can’t or won’t follow Christ, who gives us the correction, protection, direction, and peace? Scripture strongly advises against the following of idols other than God. Idolatry, in this sense, means abandoning the way of God for material possessions and man.
Father, we shall have no other gods before You. we shall not make for ourselves an image in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below. Father, help those that idolize people that are not worthy of their attention; give them correction and order their steps in Your will so they will not be manipulated by man and material things of this world. Lord, let us not get caught in the dark shadows of idolizing man but be guided by the light of Christ. Father, we are so lost in what man and this dark world have to offer that we cannot focus on the death it brings. Lord, give us eyes that see and a heart that desire the things of the Spirit. Father, baptize us in the Holy Spirit so we will be willing to follow You with patience, wisdom, and love; so we can be used to lift others up and help build up Your Kingdom. Father, continue to keep Your hedge of protection around our children, our children’s children as well as ourselves. Lord, thank You for shielding us from the lying lips and fiery arrows of our enemies. Lord, help us be inward changed men and women who worship praise, idolize, and love You, in Jesus name Amen
Why do we idolize man and the material things of this world; why do we think the more stuff we have the more accomplished we are, what is it we’re missing. Material accomplishments will keep us in doubt, stressed out, and they will soon fade away, but the things of the Spirit are everlasting. Yet we tend to idolize people and worldly possessions over righteousness and things of the spirit. Why is it so easy for us to follow people and the material things of his world; that can and will lead us down the wrong path, but we can’t or won’t follow Christ, who gives us the correction, protection, direction, and peace? Scripture strongly advises against the following of idols other than God. Idolatry, in this sense, means abandoning the way of God for material possessions and man.
Father, we shall have no other gods before You. we shall not make for ourselves an image in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below. Father, help those that idolize people that are not worthy of their attention; give them correction and order their steps in Your will so they will not be manipulated by man and material things of this world. Lord, let us not get caught in the dark shadows of idolizing man but be guided by the light of Christ. Father, we are so lost in what man and this dark world have to offer that we cannot focus on the death it brings. Lord, give us eyes that see and a heart that desire the things of the Spirit. Father, baptize us in the Holy Spirit so we will be willing to follow You with patience, wisdom, and love; so we can be used to lift others up and help build up Your Kingdom. Father, continue to keep Your hedge of protection around our children, our children’s children as well as ourselves. Lord, thank You for shielding us from the lying lips and fiery arrows of our enemies. Lord, help us be inward changed men and women who worship praise, idolize, and love You, in Jesus name Amen
Monday, October 8, 2018
1 Peter 5;6-7 Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God so that at the proper time he may exalt you, casting all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you.
Lord we come to You because You are our healer and You are the only one that can fix this broken world. Lord, we understand that destruction can come in a moment, but healing may take a lifetime, so let not hate, wickedness or darkness Destroy us. Father give us perseverance, teach us how to care for each other and let us not think too highly of ourselves. Lord, we pray for our Country, God of the weak, God of the broken-hearted, God of the living, and God of the dead, send healing to America. Send hopes to the children who are being held in Texas 'in Concentration camps' and serve justice to those who abuse them. Father intervene for all the children who have been sold as sex slaves, give them peace and Persecute those that use them. Send strength and healing to the wounded soldiers who are fighting for our freedom, comfort and strengthens them and keep a hedge of protection around them. Lord let our Veterans that suffered through war not suffer at home. Father Fill the leaders of this World with the wisdom to raise their cities states and people up. Give our world leaders the knowledge of what America and other Countries needs and the wisdom to work across the lines to achieve it. Lord, we pray for our President search his heart and remove all that is not of You and replace it with the things of the Spirit. Lord break down this unjust system and the enemies of hate envy unforgiveness backbiting pride and Jealousy. Father, please remove every leader with demonic Intentions, who have taken money from the people, who have Distributed money unfairly to our cities, and those who are Prideful, self-center and show no compassion. Lord, give our leaders and the people Your strength and courage to speak up for what's right in Your sight because there comes a time when silence is betrayal and we are there. Father, we are Your children who are called by Your name; we come to You humble as we know how, please heal this land. So we stand on Your promise that if we humble ourselves and prayer you will heal us. We need healing right now, In Jesus name. Amen
Lord we come to You because You are our healer and You are the only one that can fix this broken world. Lord, we understand that destruction can come in a moment, but healing may take a lifetime, so let not hate, wickedness or darkness Destroy us. Father give us perseverance, teach us how to care for each other and let us not think too highly of ourselves. Lord, we pray for our Country, God of the weak, God of the broken-hearted, God of the living, and God of the dead, send healing to America. Send hopes to the children who are being held in Texas 'in Concentration camps' and serve justice to those who abuse them. Father intervene for all the children who have been sold as sex slaves, give them peace and Persecute those that use them. Send strength and healing to the wounded soldiers who are fighting for our freedom, comfort and strengthens them and keep a hedge of protection around them. Lord let our Veterans that suffered through war not suffer at home. Father Fill the leaders of this World with the wisdom to raise their cities states and people up. Give our world leaders the knowledge of what America and other Countries needs and the wisdom to work across the lines to achieve it. Lord, we pray for our President search his heart and remove all that is not of You and replace it with the things of the Spirit. Lord break down this unjust system and the enemies of hate envy unforgiveness backbiting pride and Jealousy. Father, please remove every leader with demonic Intentions, who have taken money from the people, who have Distributed money unfairly to our cities, and those who are Prideful, self-center and show no compassion. Lord, give our leaders and the people Your strength and courage to speak up for what's right in Your sight because there comes a time when silence is betrayal and we are there. Father, we are Your children who are called by Your name; we come to You humble as we know how, please heal this land. So we stand on Your promise that if we humble ourselves and prayer you will heal us. We need healing right now, In Jesus name. Amen
Thursday, October 4, 2018
1 Corinthians 1:10 10 I appeal to you, brothers and sisters, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all of you agree with one another in what you say and that there be no divisions among you, but that you be perfectly united in mind and thought.
Lord, let Your will be our choice; help us to keep our focus on You, as You transform us into holy people. Guard our minds against anxious thoughts, and may You be the center of our desires. Father, our country is in turmoil our unjust laws are destroying what was built on Your Word, and by Your people. Lord, we are praying for unity and peace; because we are all of one blood and one race, regardless of the color of our skin. So, Lord, help us dismantle racism; Father, we are aware that we struggle not merely against flesh and blood, but against those institutions and systems that keep racism alive. Lord, we are all the same in Your sight; none is inferior or superior to the other. Father, let not religion that is man made separate us, or those who harbor hate in their hearts. Lord, give us Your wisdom and knowledge to rid ourselves of racial stereotypes that oppress some people unjustly; while providing entitlement to others. Father, help us become one nation under God; and embrace the hopes and fears of all people, in this world You created. Lord, heal us of envy, jealousy, and hate; so we can become one with You, in Jesus mighty name. Lord, touch the hearts of those that come in contact with our children with gentleness and kindness; so they will treat our children with respect, and our children will in return give respect. Father, we need You more than ever, You invite us who are weary to come to You; so we come asking for healing for our countries and our souls. Lord, allow Your healing hands to heal and redirect the direction our government is trying to take us. Father, give us eyes that see the harm that is being done to the reputation of America, Lord, our government has strip children as young as two from their parents. Lord, touch the hearts of our Spiritual and Political Leaders with Your courage, so they will not remain silent to this injustice and fill us with Your infinite love for all people. Father, touch our minds with Your wisdom and the knowledge to implement You back in our lives. Lord, we ask You to reveal and remove all those who are filled with hate and darkness. Lord, show us how to reach out to You in our needs and help us lead others to You by our example. In Jesus name, Amen
Lord, let Your will be our choice; help us to keep our focus on You, as You transform us into holy people. Guard our minds against anxious thoughts, and may You be the center of our desires. Father, our country is in turmoil our unjust laws are destroying what was built on Your Word, and by Your people. Lord, we are praying for unity and peace; because we are all of one blood and one race, regardless of the color of our skin. So, Lord, help us dismantle racism; Father, we are aware that we struggle not merely against flesh and blood, but against those institutions and systems that keep racism alive. Lord, we are all the same in Your sight; none is inferior or superior to the other. Father, let not religion that is man made separate us, or those who harbor hate in their hearts. Lord, give us Your wisdom and knowledge to rid ourselves of racial stereotypes that oppress some people unjustly; while providing entitlement to others. Father, help us become one nation under God; and embrace the hopes and fears of all people, in this world You created. Lord, heal us of envy, jealousy, and hate; so we can become one with You, in Jesus mighty name. Lord, touch the hearts of those that come in contact with our children with gentleness and kindness; so they will treat our children with respect, and our children will in return give respect. Father, we need You more than ever, You invite us who are weary to come to You; so we come asking for healing for our countries and our souls. Lord, allow Your healing hands to heal and redirect the direction our government is trying to take us. Father, give us eyes that see the harm that is being done to the reputation of America, Lord, our government has strip children as young as two from their parents. Lord, touch the hearts of our Spiritual and Political Leaders with Your courage, so they will not remain silent to this injustice and fill us with Your infinite love for all people. Father, touch our minds with Your wisdom and the knowledge to implement You back in our lives. Lord, we ask You to reveal and remove all those who are filled with hate and darkness. Lord, show us how to reach out to You in our needs and help us lead others to You by our example. In Jesus name, Amen
Wednesday, October 3, 2018
Making decisions can be difficult and how do we know if it’s the right choice? This is why we have to include God in our decision making so we will not go against His will. Proverbs 16:10 You may make your plans, but let God direct your actions.
Everyone comes to a point in their lives where they need to make a decision. But, before we make any decisions talk to God about it, He gives us options, not orders, and He has faith in us that we will make the right choices when the time comes. Our feelings and emotions can hinder, and deceive us, especially if we depend on them alone for making a decision. God has given us our emotions, and they are important, but God also has given us our mental abilities, and when we face a decision, we also need to look at it carefully, spiritually, and logically. Part of discerning God’s will is to ask Him to help us see all sides of an issue or problem. Emotion and intellect alone are not enough, however. When we face a decision, we need to do it prayerfully, unbiased and trust God to lead us. We also need to do it in light of God’s Word, the Bible. God will never lead you to do something that is not in accordance with the Bible, never. If our decisions do not line up with the Word of God, then it's the wrong choice.
Father, when we lack wisdom in making a decision, we pray for Your will to be done. Lord, any decision You are a part of will bring peace, gentleness, and friendship; it will be filled with compassion and produce a great harvest of good deeds. If our decisions make us wander off the road Father, let Your Word be a lamp that guides us to Your path for us. Lord, with every decision we make, let us not be conformed to the standards of this world, but let Jesus transform us inwardly so we will make the right decision. Lord, help us do our best to preserve the unity which the Spirit gives that bind us together. Lord, where there is no guidance, we will stumble and fall; but in Your counsel we are safe. So, whatever we do, whether we eat, drink, dress, or just live; let us do it all to the glory of You, in Jesus name, Amen
Everyone comes to a point in their lives where they need to make a decision. But, before we make any decisions talk to God about it, He gives us options, not orders, and He has faith in us that we will make the right choices when the time comes. Our feelings and emotions can hinder, and deceive us, especially if we depend on them alone for making a decision. God has given us our emotions, and they are important, but God also has given us our mental abilities, and when we face a decision, we also need to look at it carefully, spiritually, and logically. Part of discerning God’s will is to ask Him to help us see all sides of an issue or problem. Emotion and intellect alone are not enough, however. When we face a decision, we need to do it prayerfully, unbiased and trust God to lead us. We also need to do it in light of God’s Word, the Bible. God will never lead you to do something that is not in accordance with the Bible, never. If our decisions do not line up with the Word of God, then it's the wrong choice.
Father, when we lack wisdom in making a decision, we pray for Your will to be done. Lord, any decision You are a part of will bring peace, gentleness, and friendship; it will be filled with compassion and produce a great harvest of good deeds. If our decisions make us wander off the road Father, let Your Word be a lamp that guides us to Your path for us. Lord, with every decision we make, let us not be conformed to the standards of this world, but let Jesus transform us inwardly so we will make the right decision. Lord, help us do our best to preserve the unity which the Spirit gives that bind us together. Lord, where there is no guidance, we will stumble and fall; but in Your counsel we are safe. So, whatever we do, whether we eat, drink, dress, or just live; let us do it all to the glory of You, in Jesus name, Amen
2 Timothy 1;9 Who saved us and called us to a holy calling, not because of our works but because of his own purpose and grace, which he gave us in Christ Jesus before the ages began
God does not make adjustments in His love or His Word for His believers. We walk in God's will when we walk in His way and His way is clearly stated in His Word. Unless we have made some kind of secret agreements nobody else know about with God, then whatever we're doing against his will makes us weak. Because we're telling Him I believe in You but my fleshly desire is stronger. This is not a judgment on anyone because I am judging myself. I am truly not concerned with no one else's opinions, life, or relationships, because I am working on me. Now it does not matter if I am reading the Qur'an The Holy Bible the Jewish Bible the Catholic Bible. Whatever Religion we are following has two things in common "there is a God and we Honor Him through love, faith, justice, forgiveness, prayer, worship, praise, and helping each other". So why is it so hard for us to get it right, "we of little faith."
Father, sitting here meditating on Your Word, I see my fault and I am Prepare to sacrifice my fleshly desires for Your will. "Lord, You said in a new covenant, that all I have to do is have faith and believe Jesus died for me" and I do. Lord, I am trying to walk in Your will in this Valley of death, so give me Your strength and courage to overcome whatever Separates me from You. Lord, I declare victory over every demonic spirit around my children and my children's children in Jesus name. I decree and declare that my book will be a number one seller because it represents Your will and not mine. Please continue working in and through me so I can be completely transformed into a disciple, in Jesus name. Lord, help me be a good steward with Your money and I declare prosperity. Give me discernment over whom I should help and then keep me in Your will with helping them. Father, I thank You for the Spirit of forgiveness, now I can focus on You and my witnessing. Thank You for the Spirit of completeness, that gives me self-control and understanding. Father, I have so much I can thank You for, but let me thank You for saving me and the peace that came with it, in Jesus name Amen
God does not make adjustments in His love or His Word for His believers. We walk in God's will when we walk in His way and His way is clearly stated in His Word. Unless we have made some kind of secret agreements nobody else know about with God, then whatever we're doing against his will makes us weak. Because we're telling Him I believe in You but my fleshly desire is stronger. This is not a judgment on anyone because I am judging myself. I am truly not concerned with no one else's opinions, life, or relationships, because I am working on me. Now it does not matter if I am reading the Qur'an The Holy Bible the Jewish Bible the Catholic Bible. Whatever Religion we are following has two things in common "there is a God and we Honor Him through love, faith, justice, forgiveness, prayer, worship, praise, and helping each other". So why is it so hard for us to get it right, "we of little faith."
Father, sitting here meditating on Your Word, I see my fault and I am Prepare to sacrifice my fleshly desires for Your will. "Lord, You said in a new covenant, that all I have to do is have faith and believe Jesus died for me" and I do. Lord, I am trying to walk in Your will in this Valley of death, so give me Your strength and courage to overcome whatever Separates me from You. Lord, I declare victory over every demonic spirit around my children and my children's children in Jesus name. I decree and declare that my book will be a number one seller because it represents Your will and not mine. Please continue working in and through me so I can be completely transformed into a disciple, in Jesus name. Lord, help me be a good steward with Your money and I declare prosperity. Give me discernment over whom I should help and then keep me in Your will with helping them. Father, I thank You for the Spirit of forgiveness, now I can focus on You and my witnessing. Thank You for the Spirit of completeness, that gives me self-control and understanding. Father, I have so much I can thank You for, but let me thank You for saving me and the peace that came with it, in Jesus name Amen
Monday, October 1, 2018
Romans 8:28 - And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.
Psalms 23:6 - Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever
Lord, we want to be Your servants, whom You uphold as, Your chosen ones whom You delight and filled with Your Spirit. Father, bring justice for Your people and the nations. Lord, we cry out for this nation that has removed You and lost our way. Lord, we now have open racism, hate, children being taken from their parents and injustice happening in our faces as our Spiritual and Political Leaders remain silent. Father, in faithfulness, bring forth justice for those falsely accused and those whose lives were taken. Lord, thank You for Your peace that came with Your promise and that gives us hope. Lord, we acknowledge our moral and Spiritual shortcomings, please order our steps where we are weak. Father, let goodness be the foundations of our character to help us serve our purpose and others. Lord, let us not become so heavenly minded, that we forget where You brought us from and let us not be morally deprived servants so our missions are not hindered. Lord, let us have a hunger for You so we will understand that our goodness does not come from our good deeds. But from loving You, in Jesus name Amen
Psalms 23:6 - Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever
Lord, we want to be Your servants, whom You uphold as, Your chosen ones whom You delight and filled with Your Spirit. Father, bring justice for Your people and the nations. Lord, we cry out for this nation that has removed You and lost our way. Lord, we now have open racism, hate, children being taken from their parents and injustice happening in our faces as our Spiritual and Political Leaders remain silent. Father, in faithfulness, bring forth justice for those falsely accused and those whose lives were taken. Lord, thank You for Your peace that came with Your promise and that gives us hope. Lord, we acknowledge our moral and Spiritual shortcomings, please order our steps where we are weak. Father, let goodness be the foundations of our character to help us serve our purpose and others. Lord, let us not become so heavenly minded, that we forget where You brought us from and let us not be morally deprived servants so our missions are not hindered. Lord, let us have a hunger for You so we will understand that our goodness does not come from our good deeds. But from loving You, in Jesus name Amen
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