God is not just a powerful figure in the world, He is the creator of the world. He brought it into existence with all of its interconnected processes, animate and inanimate. He created the earth and its environment. We know God created the world, and we are only its stewards or trustees. The very first verse of the Bible says, “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth”. When we see the world as a gift from God, we will do our best to take care of it and use it wisely, instead of poisoning our waters and destroying the air we breathe.
Father, You said to Love others as ourselves, I think that taking care of the environment falls under that for sure. Lord, when we pollute our environment we are not loving the people that will come after us. Lord, You are not just a powerful figure in this world, You are the creator of the world; and brought it into existence with all of its interconnected processes, animate and inanimate. Lord, forgive us our sins against Your world and Your people. Father, we dump trash, plastic, and human waste into our water, even Poison. Father, let us not burn harmful chemicals that pollute the air our children and our children's children breathe. Lord, before this earth is destroyed by those You put in charge to care for it, take charge Lord. Stop The big companies and politicians from killing the Earth and Your people. Father, we come to You praying for the earth and all that You created, in Jesus name, Amen
Drawing @ Shades of Gray Art Studio 7th ave Tampa
When we see the world as a gift from God, we will do our best to take care of it and use it wisely, instead of poisoning our waters and destroying the air we breathe.