Hebrews 12:11 For the moment all discipline seems painful rather than pleasant, but later it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it. Proverbs 3:11-12 "So" My son, do not despise the Lord's discipline or be weary of his reproof, for the Lord reproves those whom He loves.
Discipline comes with Spiritual growth, if there's no discipline there is no growth. Without discipline we are blind to the fact that we are Spiritual naked. We must have discipline to help us repent and turn away from our old ways. Spiritual discipline gives us insight and dress with His grace
Father, we thank You, for Spiritual discipline that gives us the strength to humble ourselves to Your will. Thank You, for the discipline to forgive and deal with those who have wronged us. Thank You, for the discipline to be a better Stewart with Your money; thank You for the discipline that helps us tame our tongues, so You can speak through us. Thank You, for the discipline that keeps us focused on You and not the confusion around us. Thank You, for the discipline to stay faithful in our marriages, and relationships, especially the one with Christ. Thank You, for the discipline that separate us from backbiters and bad company. Lord, If we are left without discipline, in which all have participated, then we are illegitimate children. So, thank You, for loving us enough to discipline us when we reveal a lack of natural affection, love, compassion, kindness, faith, or Spiritual growth, in Jesus name Amen
The Broken Vessel

Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Monday, July 29, 2019
Joshua 9:14 So the men of Israel took some of their provisions, and did not ask for the counsel of the LORD.
We often get ourselves into trouble because we fail to "ask counsel of the Lord". Prayer is life's greatest time saver as well as trouble saver. If we would pray about everything we would have less stress in our lives.
Father, we come to You with a thankful heart and we are so grateful for Your forgiveness. Lord, we come thanking You for another day of life health and strength. Father, our biggest request is for the things of the Spirit. But we also ask for guidance with eating better to extend our lives and lose weight. We pray for protection around our children, grandchildren, family and friends. We ask for understanding, kindness, and love, so we can unity as one body in Spirit. Lord, we ask for Your wisdom and knowledge that help us develop Christ like character, so we can grow in grace. Lord, You have provided for us and kept Your promise, let Your Spirit strength our faith and help us be submissive to Your Word. Lord, please move every demonic Spirit around us, remove every obstacle that hinders our blessings, and keep us from sitting at Your feet, in Jesus name Amen
We often get ourselves into trouble because we fail to "ask counsel of the Lord". Prayer is life's greatest time saver as well as trouble saver. If we would pray about everything we would have less stress in our lives.
Father, we come to You with a thankful heart and we are so grateful for Your forgiveness. Lord, we come thanking You for another day of life health and strength. Father, our biggest request is for the things of the Spirit. But we also ask for guidance with eating better to extend our lives and lose weight. We pray for protection around our children, grandchildren, family and friends. We ask for understanding, kindness, and love, so we can unity as one body in Spirit. Lord, we ask for Your wisdom and knowledge that help us develop Christ like character, so we can grow in grace. Lord, You have provided for us and kept Your promise, let Your Spirit strength our faith and help us be submissive to Your Word. Lord, please move every demonic Spirit around us, remove every obstacle that hinders our blessings, and keep us from sitting at Your feet, in Jesus name Amen
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Having an extra $25 in your pocket to spend is awesome, but using to serve God's purpose, priceless
People say what can $25 do in these days and times. It can feed 10 or more homeless people a meal. A family pack of franks depending on where you buy it may cost $ 8.00 (24 franks), two loaves of bread $4.00, 5 cans of beans $5.50, and a pack of plates, cups, spoons, and 3 gallons of water from the dollar store, say $6.50. Now thats $25 well spent
People say what can $25 do in these days and times. It can feed 10 or more homeless people a meal. A family pack of franks depending on where you buy it may cost $ 8.00 (24 franks), two loaves of bread $4.00, 5 cans of beans $5.50, and a pack of plates, cups, spoons, and 3 gallons of water from the dollar store, say $6.50. Now thats $25 well spent
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Our journeys through the valleys of death are inevitable and painful. But in our hopelessness, we discover His love and power that sustain us. God invites us to experience His promise and peace even in the Valley of death. It's in our pain and suffering that God becomes our comforter and protector.
Psalm 34:17 God responds to the cry of His children when they suffer. “The righteous cry, and the Lord heareth, and delivereth them out of all their troubles”
Father, we discover who You are in times of severe crisis. Lord, when terrible times test our faith, strengthen our Spirits and reveal our Christ like character. Let not our relationship with Christ be weak so we do not panic and seek ungodly counsel or the way of fear, in times of trouble. But, let us choose the way of faith, so we will progressively move from fear to trust by seeking Your face through prayer and Your Word. Father, we know You have kept Your promise to us over and over again, so help us stand on Your Word, as Christ stood on the Word. Lord, fill our hearts with confidence and endurance to bring us to Spiritual maturity; as we yield to You in the midst of our adversaries and adversity. In Jesus name Amen
Psalm 34:17 God responds to the cry of His children when they suffer. “The righteous cry, and the Lord heareth, and delivereth them out of all their troubles”
Father, we discover who You are in times of severe crisis. Lord, when terrible times test our faith, strengthen our Spirits and reveal our Christ like character. Let not our relationship with Christ be weak so we do not panic and seek ungodly counsel or the way of fear, in times of trouble. But, let us choose the way of faith, so we will progressively move from fear to trust by seeking Your face through prayer and Your Word. Father, we know You have kept Your promise to us over and over again, so help us stand on Your Word, as Christ stood on the Word. Lord, fill our hearts with confidence and endurance to bring us to Spiritual maturity; as we yield to You in the midst of our adversaries and adversity. In Jesus name Amen
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
- Lord, we know there's a reason for every season in our lives and with life eventually comes death. So, to all those who has loss a loved one, lets thank God for the time that we spent with them, all the fun we had all the love we shared. Father, we are grateful that You released our loved one from this wicked and dark world. We are so grateful that they no longer have to deal with these day to day struggles. Thank You, Lord, they have no more pain and sorrow and glory to Your Son, their problems and worries have been laid at the altar. Now Lord we give back to You what You so graciously had given to us, and we thank You for receiving their souls. In Jesus name Amen
No one today can say for sure exactly how people of Bible times pronounced YHWH. However, should this prevent us from using God’s name? In Bible times, the name Jesus may have been pronounced Yeshua or possibly Yehoshua—no one can say for certain. Yet, people the world over today use different forms of the name Jesus, pronouncing it in the way that is common in their language.
Jehovah is His name.. It's very important that we learn how to use God's name. When Moses asked about God's name, Jehovah replied: " I shall prove to be what I shall prove to be." Jehovah can become whatever is needed in order to fulfill His purpose. Here are few terms that Jehovah is used: Jehovah (Yahweh) "The Lord"; Jehovah Jireh, "The Lord will provide"; Jehovah Nissi, "The Lord our banner"; Jehovah Rapha, "The Lord our healer"; Jehovah Rohi " The Lord our shepherd" and the list goes on. Most Christians lack knowledge of its wonderful meaning. Jehovah will become whatever it takes to fulfill His promises. Learn to use God's name as well as His title, using His name will draw you closer to Him as well.
Thank You, Jehovah Jireh, for providing for us all our needs and showing us favor. Thank You, Jehovah Rapha, for healing "Physically and mentally. Thank You, for good health, we decree and declare no more diseases or cancer and please heal this land. Thank You, Jehovah Rohi "our shepherd" for keeping Your hedge of protection around us, our children and children's children. Father, we lack knowledge of "the glorious meaning of your name." Fill our hearts and minds with it's splendor and grace, in Jesus name Amen
Jehovah is His name.. It's very important that we learn how to use God's name. When Moses asked about God's name, Jehovah replied: " I shall prove to be what I shall prove to be." Jehovah can become whatever is needed in order to fulfill His purpose. Here are few terms that Jehovah is used: Jehovah (Yahweh) "The Lord"; Jehovah Jireh, "The Lord will provide"; Jehovah Nissi, "The Lord our banner"; Jehovah Rapha, "The Lord our healer"; Jehovah Rohi " The Lord our shepherd" and the list goes on. Most Christians lack knowledge of its wonderful meaning. Jehovah will become whatever it takes to fulfill His promises. Learn to use God's name as well as His title, using His name will draw you closer to Him as well.
Thank You, Jehovah Jireh, for providing for us all our needs and showing us favor. Thank You, Jehovah Rapha, for healing "Physically and mentally. Thank You, for good health, we decree and declare no more diseases or cancer and please heal this land. Thank You, Jehovah Rohi "our shepherd" for keeping Your hedge of protection around us, our children and children's children. Father, we lack knowledge of "the glorious meaning of your name." Fill our hearts and minds with it's splendor and grace, in Jesus name Amen
Sunday, July 21, 2019
1 Corinthians 5:11 But now I am writing to you that you must not associate with anyone who claims to be a brother or sister but is sexually immoral, greedy, an idolater,slanderer, a drunkard or swindler. Do not even eat with such people.
Just in case you're wondering why you don't see me with a lot of people; I don't do bad company even if their family. Life is real and so am I and I don't deal with people that can't keep it that way. I love everyone, I just don't deal with everyone. Even though Scriptures tells us to seek unity and show no partiality, we are also warned to stay away from bad company and some people no matter what you do for them, can be bad company. So I Separate myself from them
Lord, help us not repay evil with evil or insult with insult. Father, we need Your strength to repay evil with blessing, because we cannot do it alone. Lord, order our steps in Your will, so we will walk with the wise and become wise, for a companion of fools suffers harm. Father, You know our hearts, so help us forgive those that wronged us, so we are able to love them with understanding. Lord, let us not be confused that forgiving and loving someone does not means we have to socialize with them, because they are still bad company. So Lord, give us compassion and kindness, so when we are in their presence, we act according to Your will and not our flesh. Lord, we rest on Your Word, so please line our hearts and minds up with Your Spirit, so we can exhibit love and forgiveness to all, even our enemies, in Jesus name Amen
Saturday, July 20, 2019
2 Peter 1:5-7 In view of all this, make every effort to respond to God’s promises. Supplement your faith with a generous provision of moral excellence, and moral excellence with knowledge, 6and knowledge with self-control, and self-control with patient endurance, and patient endurance with godliness, 7and godliness with brotherly affection, and brotherly affection with love for everyone.
The Ladder of Faith is goodness, self-control, endurance, godliness, brotherly affection, love, wisdom, and the knowledge to implement God in our daily lives
Lord, by Your divine power, You have given us everything we need for living a godly life. Father, we have received all power by coming to know Your Son, Jesus, the one who called us to Himself by means of His marvelous glory and excellence. Lord, because of Your sacrifice, glory, and excellence, You have given us Your great and precious promises. The promise that enable us to share in Your divine nature and escape this world’s corruption and death, and we are so grateful. Father, because of You and the acknowledgment of Christ, we will make every effort to live up to our calling and living a righteous life. Lord, our hope is to enter into Your eternal Kingdom through our faith and being well groomed in the Truth, in Jesus name Amen
The Ladder of Faith is goodness, self-control, endurance, godliness, brotherly affection, love, wisdom, and the knowledge to implement God in our daily lives
Lord, by Your divine power, You have given us everything we need for living a godly life. Father, we have received all power by coming to know Your Son, Jesus, the one who called us to Himself by means of His marvelous glory and excellence. Lord, because of Your sacrifice, glory, and excellence, You have given us Your great and precious promises. The promise that enable us to share in Your divine nature and escape this world’s corruption and death, and we are so grateful. Father, because of You and the acknowledgment of Christ, we will make every effort to live up to our calling and living a righteous life. Lord, our hope is to enter into Your eternal Kingdom through our faith and being well groomed in the Truth, in Jesus name Amen
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
What is the center of your worship, is it music, prayer, sermon, communion, or is it Christ? How can we show more praise and worship to our Lord. We can attend worship service more, pray without ceasing, become active in the Church and the community. Most of all study His Words daily, so He will reveal His plan and perfect kingdom to us, when we make Him the center of our praise and worship.
1 Chronicles 16:23-31
23 Sing to the LORD, all the earth; proclaim his salvation day after day. 24 Declare his glory among the nations, his marvelous deeds among all peoples.
We praise You for how great and worthy You are of our praise; You are to be feared above all gods. For all the gods of the nations are idols, but You made the heavens and we are so grateful. With all Splendor and majesty are before us; You put strength and joy in our hearts, Your dwelling place. Lord, we humble ourselves before You, please firmly establish us in Your Word; so the Spirit cannot be moved from our hearts. Let all believers rejoice, let the whole earth be glad. Father search our hearts and remove all that separate us from You, in Jesus name Amen
1 Chronicles 16:23-31
23 Sing to the LORD, all the earth; proclaim his salvation day after day. 24 Declare his glory among the nations, his marvelous deeds among all peoples.
We praise You for how great and worthy You are of our praise; You are to be feared above all gods. For all the gods of the nations are idols, but You made the heavens and we are so grateful. With all Splendor and majesty are before us; You put strength and joy in our hearts, Your dwelling place. Lord, we humble ourselves before You, please firmly establish us in Your Word; so the Spirit cannot be moved from our hearts. Let all believers rejoice, let the whole earth be glad. Father search our hearts and remove all that separate us from You, in Jesus name Amen
Saturday, July 13, 2019
Luke 21:36 But stay awake at all times, praying that you may have strength to escape all these things that are going to take place, and to stand before the Son of Man.”Matthew 24:44 Therefore you also must be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not know
Many people are wondering what is happening with all these disasters, wars, worldwide economic woes, animal deaths and a general degredation in society. And the Bible has the answer. They are the signs that the end of the world as we know it is close.
Father, conflict and war rages across the globe. Disaster after disaster is unfolding upon the Nations. Economies are collapsing around the world. We are killing ourselves and our animals with pollution and diseases. Our water is poison and we are feeding people food coated with plastic. Lord, wickedness and sin is rampant, people only care about themselves, especially our Politicians. Lord, You are giving us plenty of warning! Please keep Your hedge of protection around The families in flood areas, those that are dealing with earth quakes and those whom water systems have been poisoned, in Jesus name. Father, we need You to intervene right now, in the name of Jesus Amen
Many people are wondering what is happening with all these disasters, wars, worldwide economic woes, animal deaths and a general degredation in society. And the Bible has the answer. They are the signs that the end of the world as we know it is close.
Father, conflict and war rages across the globe. Disaster after disaster is unfolding upon the Nations. Economies are collapsing around the world. We are killing ourselves and our animals with pollution and diseases. Our water is poison and we are feeding people food coated with plastic. Lord, wickedness and sin is rampant, people only care about themselves, especially our Politicians. Lord, You are giving us plenty of warning! Please keep Your hedge of protection around The families in flood areas, those that are dealing with earth quakes and those whom water systems have been poisoned, in Jesus name. Father, we need You to intervene right now, in the name of Jesus Amen
Micah 6:3-8 "what does the LORD require of you but to do justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God"
Every Christian has the need of God's healing powers. The Lost have that same needs and they need for us to help them experience God at work in our lives. God bless us through each other, this why the commandment love is so important in this fallen world. The righteous are to lead the lost to God and we do this through the Holy Spirit within us.
Lord we are interceding for ALL who are in need of a blessing, right now, in the name of Jesus. Father You said if we have the faith of a mustard seed, You will hear us " Lord we are here asking for directions. guidance, strength, and perseverance for all who believe. Lord we also know we fall short of Your mercy and grace, please give us strength, to help us, walk in Your way. Lord we come to You in prayer; asking you to bring order to our lives. Lord You said come to You for our needs, so Lord we are here; give us the wisdom and knowledge we need to make the right decisions in all we do, in Jesus name. Father we ask you to remove all obstacles that keep us from sitting at Your feet, Lord remove anything or anyone that is hindering our blessing or separate us from You. Open our hearts and minds, so we can receive the Holy Spirit, in Jesus name. Lord remove the spirit of doubt and fear that is submerging us, so we can stand on Your Word. Father we ask that You broaden our territory, keep us from evil, and allow us to cause You no pain in Jesus mighty name Amen
Every Christian has the need of God's healing powers. The Lost have that same needs and they need for us to help them experience God at work in our lives. God bless us through each other, this why the commandment love is so important in this fallen world. The righteous are to lead the lost to God and we do this through the Holy Spirit within us.
Lord we are interceding for ALL who are in need of a blessing, right now, in the name of Jesus. Father You said if we have the faith of a mustard seed, You will hear us " Lord we are here asking for directions. guidance, strength, and perseverance for all who believe. Lord we also know we fall short of Your mercy and grace, please give us strength, to help us, walk in Your way. Lord we come to You in prayer; asking you to bring order to our lives. Lord You said come to You for our needs, so Lord we are here; give us the wisdom and knowledge we need to make the right decisions in all we do, in Jesus name. Father we ask you to remove all obstacles that keep us from sitting at Your feet, Lord remove anything or anyone that is hindering our blessing or separate us from You. Open our hearts and minds, so we can receive the Holy Spirit, in Jesus name. Lord remove the spirit of doubt and fear that is submerging us, so we can stand on Your Word. Father we ask that You broaden our territory, keep us from evil, and allow us to cause You no pain in Jesus mighty name Amen
Thursday, July 11, 2019
When studying the Bible we must study in spirit and in flesh. Our flesh will be apart of the reading, "at all times" this is why we must pray and ask God to decrease us and increase Him, before we begin to study His Words. We must understand the Bible in spirit, to really determine what God is saying.
But most believers want to give their understanding of what God Word is saying. This is why there are so many different religions and beliefs. Everyone has their own interpretation of what God is saying.
Now here's a few things that all true believers should agree on, God wants: us to worship and praise Him; He wants us to love each other the way He loves us; He wants us to be forgiving as He forgives us; and not be afraid or have doubt of His promise.
Now if we can agree with each other on these four statements, then why is so hard to agree with, the rest of what God is saying.
Good morning Father, thank You for forgiveness and keeping us through the night. Father, as we grow in Christ, it’s important that we learn to dig into the Word of God for ourselves and not depend solely on the instruction of others. So, give us a desire to study to show thyself approved and open our hearts and minds to receive it. Lord, let us not continue living on milk like infants, so help us grow in grace, so we will be acquainted with the teaching of righteousness. Let the Word become solid food for us as it fill our hearts and minds with wisdom and knowledge. Lord, the Wird nourish our Spirits like food nourish our bodies and help us receive all that good, in Jesus name Amen
But most believers want to give their understanding of what God Word is saying. This is why there are so many different religions and beliefs. Everyone has their own interpretation of what God is saying.
Now here's a few things that all true believers should agree on, God wants: us to worship and praise Him; He wants us to love each other the way He loves us; He wants us to be forgiving as He forgives us; and not be afraid or have doubt of His promise.
Now if we can agree with each other on these four statements, then why is so hard to agree with, the rest of what God is saying.
Good morning Father, thank You for forgiveness and keeping us through the night. Father, as we grow in Christ, it’s important that we learn to dig into the Word of God for ourselves and not depend solely on the instruction of others. So, give us a desire to study to show thyself approved and open our hearts and minds to receive it. Lord, let us not continue living on milk like infants, so help us grow in grace, so we will be acquainted with the teaching of righteousness. Let the Word become solid food for us as it fill our hearts and minds with wisdom and knowledge. Lord, the Wird nourish our Spirits like food nourish our bodies and help us receive all that good, in Jesus name Amen
Wednesday, July 10, 2019
Why are we so taken when sinners, SIN. If we really knew how evil, conniving, jealous, and wicked our flesh could be, we would all fall to our knees in prayer. Remember what we did to the Christ, for no reason. It's imperative that we stay connected to Christ, so we can lay our flesh to rest. Romans 8:8 Those who are in the flesh cannot please
The type of people need help with that are : politicians, spiritual leaders, judges, lawyers, Doctors, police officer, school bus drivers, and the rest of us, we all sin. We were born into sin, sinning is our nature. "BUT" Romans 6:16 Do you not know that if you present yourselves to anyone as obedient slaves, you are slaves of the one whom you obey, either of sin, which leads to death, or of obedience, which leads to righteousness?
Father, thank You for Sacrificing Your Son to give us a choice of life-or-death, by choosing Him as our Savior. Thank You, for Your Word and the Holy Spirit to help us overcome our sinful nature, because Jesus knows we can't do it in the flesh. Lord, we need You right now, baptize us in the Holy Spirit and lay our fleshly character like: greed, adultery, prejudice, lust, hate, and the love of money* to rest. So we can exhibit Christ -like- character, and become servants of You and the people. Lord, strengthen us when we're weak and give us Your courage that removes all fears and doubts. Lord, let us practice what You have taught us so our Fruit will develop and Your promise manifest in our lives. Father,help us stay connected to the Word that gives us wisdom and instruction on how we should live. Let the Word penetrate our hearts and minds, that gives us the knowledge to implement You in our daily lives. Lord, help us get the first two commandments, so everything in our lives will fall into place. In Jesus name Amen
The type of people need help with that are : politicians, spiritual leaders, judges, lawyers, Doctors, police officer, school bus drivers, and the rest of us, we all sin. We were born into sin, sinning is our nature. "BUT" Romans 6:16 Do you not know that if you present yourselves to anyone as obedient slaves, you are slaves of the one whom you obey, either of sin, which leads to death, or of obedience, which leads to righteousness?
Father, thank You for Sacrificing Your Son to give us a choice of life-or-death, by choosing Him as our Savior. Thank You, for Your Word and the Holy Spirit to help us overcome our sinful nature, because Jesus knows we can't do it in the flesh. Lord, we need You right now, baptize us in the Holy Spirit and lay our fleshly character like: greed, adultery, prejudice, lust, hate, and the love of money* to rest. So we can exhibit Christ -like- character, and become servants of You and the people. Lord, strengthen us when we're weak and give us Your courage that removes all fears and doubts. Lord, let us practice what You have taught us so our Fruit will develop and Your promise manifest in our lives. Father,help us stay connected to the Word that gives us wisdom and instruction on how we should live. Let the Word penetrate our hearts and minds, that gives us the knowledge to implement You in our daily lives. Lord, help us get the first two commandments, so everything in our lives will fall into place. In Jesus name Amen
Sunday, July 7, 2019
Salvation gives us deliverance from the power of sin and Spiritual death. But we still suffer the consequences of our sin, just as David suffered for His sins, but he did entered the Kingdom. Because David repentance was true and he turned away from all that separated him from God.
Matthews 5:17 Jesus declared, think not that I am came to destroy the law.... The Apostle John also taught throughout his writing that the Laws are still to be observed by God's people. Jesus did not give His life to free us, so that we could live in sin, and just say forgive me and keep it moving.
God comendments were not transfer to the New Testament to take up space. They were put there as instructions on how to follow Jesus and serve our purpose. Jesus died to give us salvation to release us from the power of sin, so that we may repent and turn away from our old self and be forgiven. That's it in a nutshell, now for those that want to rebuttal this, please do it with scripture not with your words.
The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters. He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake. Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever. Amen
Matthews 5:17 Jesus declared, think not that I am came to destroy the law.... The Apostle John also taught throughout his writing that the Laws are still to be observed by God's people. Jesus did not give His life to free us, so that we could live in sin, and just say forgive me and keep it moving.
God comendments were not transfer to the New Testament to take up space. They were put there as instructions on how to follow Jesus and serve our purpose. Jesus died to give us salvation to release us from the power of sin, so that we may repent and turn away from our old self and be forgiven. That's it in a nutshell, now for those that want to rebuttal this, please do it with scripture not with your words.
The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters. He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake. Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever. Amen
Saturday, July 6, 2019
Gratitude comes from the right attitude. People of gratitude appreciate all things, nothing is to small or not enough. People of gratitude makes the best of any situation, God never said that this walk would be easy. People of gratitude look at the storm as a way to grow, because they understand that is still part of God's plan. People of gratitude understand how blessed they are to be a part of a royal family. People of gratitude do not cease to give thanks to the Lord, remembering Him always in their prayers.
Hebw12:28 therefore let us be grateful for receiving a cannot be shaken, and then let us offer to God acceptable worship, with reverence and awe
Father, give us a Spirit of thankfulness; readiness to show appreciation to You and to return kindness to others. Lord, baptize us in gratitude the infinite attitude of our daily spiritual honor to love, praise, bless, worship, exalt, magnify, glorify, reverence and truly thank You for Your Indestructible Majestic Mercy. Lord, thank You for Your compassion, Grace and forgiveness and we will praise You at all times. Father, open our hearts and minds to the wisdom and knowledge of the Word, so we will receive God transforming powers and praises shall continually be in our mouths; always in the most Praiseworthy Name of JESUS, Amen
Hebw12:28 therefore let us be grateful for receiving a cannot be shaken, and then let us offer to God acceptable worship, with reverence and awe
Father, give us a Spirit of thankfulness; readiness to show appreciation to You and to return kindness to others. Lord, baptize us in gratitude the infinite attitude of our daily spiritual honor to love, praise, bless, worship, exalt, magnify, glorify, reverence and truly thank You for Your Indestructible Majestic Mercy. Lord, thank You for Your compassion, Grace and forgiveness and we will praise You at all times. Father, open our hearts and minds to the wisdom and knowledge of the Word, so we will receive God transforming powers and praises shall continually be in our mouths; always in the most Praiseworthy Name of JESUS, Amen
Thursday, July 4, 2019
Prayer For World Freedom
Lord, we thank You, for our freedom to express who we are and what we believe in, although America still has a long way to go in freedom for all. Father we are praying for every country that is still living in bondage and persecution for what they believe in or the color of their skin, we are praying for our brothers and sisters being sold as slaves in Africa and all over the world and Punishment for those responsible. We pray for the man and women unjustly Incarcerated in this country and we pray for their children. Lord, we are praying for our fellow Christian brothers and sisters that are being killed, because they confess to be a child of the most High. Lord we understand that their freedom comes only as we bring these unsanctified men and unholy places under the rule of Jesus Christ. So, we come to You, Lord, We lift up to You the broken and down trodden, break the enemy's strong hold on them through the presence of agreements. Father, help us come together in pray and through deep agreement in our hearts "that You are our Savior, break every chain of hate, right now in the name of Jesus. Lord, we renounce all evil, anger, and injustice where ever it exist in this world, so cleanse our hearts and mines to remove all that is not of You. Then we can come together in unity as brothers and sisters in Christ and have peace In Jesus name Amen
- We cannot bring the colors together but we can bring the SpiritS together
Monday, July 1, 2019
Parents stop say this generation is lost, because the truth of the matter is it's our fault. The Word tells us, we must spend time with our children instructing them in the ways of God. Now how many of us are doing what we learned. Stop saying children are disrespectful, because again it's our fault. We must model for them a God centered life style, again are we doing this. Parents stop saying its not my child, so it's not my concern. Because one day you're child is going to cross paths with that same child you let slide thru the cracks. We can't wait till it's in our backyard to help, because then its already out of control. We all need to ask God to be relentless about bringing us back on track with raising our children.
For example, every child raised in a Christian home should know The Lord's prayer (Matthew 6:9-14) and the 23 Psalm, if they do not know at least one of them as parents and grandparents we have dropped the ball
For example, every child raised in a Christian home should know The Lord's prayer (Matthew 6:9-14) and the 23 Psalm, if they do not know at least one of them as parents and grandparents we have dropped the ball
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