Acts 28:9 After this had happened, the rest of the people on the island who had diseases were coming to him and getting cured.
Father, first we ask for Your forgiveness, we know that we are sinners and have done wrong on many occasions, but God we're asking You right now in the mighty name of Jesus to touch our bodies from head to toe. Oh, Lord, we ask for Your healing powers to enter our bodies right now and remove all sickness and diseases. Especially the diseases that are man made and used for germ warfare. Search our bodies from the marrow of our bones to every hair on the surface of our bodies, HEAL us right now Lord, protect us from the Coronavirus that was created by man, shield from any Chronic Diseases, Infectious Disease, STD, HIV, High Blood Pressure, Diabetes, Pain Weqkness, Anxiety, Depression, and Stress. Oh Lord, Heal like ONLY YOU CAN!!! Lord, we ask that You Anoint our bodies, minds, souls and Spirits, Lord, comfort those that have been infested, lend skills to the hands of our Doctors and Nurses and bless the supply for the cure. Lord, we have confidence in Your grace and power to control our lives and the atmosphere around us, in Jesus name Amen
The Broken Vessel

Saturday, February 29, 2020
Luke 6:28 Bless those who curse you, pray for those who abuse you. Matthew 7:15-20 “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves. You will recognize them by their fruits. Are grapes gathered from thorn bushes, or figs from thistles? So, every healthy tree bears good fruit, but the diseased tree bears bad fruit. A healthy tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a diseased tree bear good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. ...
Father, thank You, for a new day in our right minds and bless the families that loved ones were called home. Thank You, for provisions, protection, and guidance, through the Valleys of death. Lord, let us walks with the wise, so we will become wise and let us not sit in the companion of fools, or we will suffer. Create in us a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within us and thank You, for Your mercy, grace, and favor. Father, we know we are not worthy, but, You are faithful and we are so grateful. Father, search our hearts and minds, please remove every demonic Spirit from us and replace them with the fruit of the Spirit. Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law. Lord, let all bitterness, wrath, anger, clamor, and slander be put away from us, along with all malice. Help us be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave us. So, we appeal to you, brothers and sisters, to watch out for those who cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine that we have been taught; avoid them. For such persons do not serve our Lord Christ, but their own toxic appetites, and by smooth talk and flattery they deceive the hearts of the naive. Lord, please remove all the toxic people from our lives, in Jesus name Amen
Father, thank You, for a new day in our right minds and bless the families that loved ones were called home. Thank You, for provisions, protection, and guidance, through the Valleys of death. Lord, let us walks with the wise, so we will become wise and let us not sit in the companion of fools, or we will suffer. Create in us a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within us and thank You, for Your mercy, grace, and favor. Father, we know we are not worthy, but, You are faithful and we are so grateful. Father, search our hearts and minds, please remove every demonic Spirit from us and replace them with the fruit of the Spirit. Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law. Lord, let all bitterness, wrath, anger, clamor, and slander be put away from us, along with all malice. Help us be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave us. So, we appeal to you, brothers and sisters, to watch out for those who cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine that we have been taught; avoid them. For such persons do not serve our Lord Christ, but their own toxic appetites, and by smooth talk and flattery they deceive the hearts of the naive. Lord, please remove all the toxic people from our lives, in Jesus name Amen
Thursday, February 27, 2020
1 Peter 4:8: “Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins.
The gratification of sexual lust, pales in comparison to the ecstasy of being filled with the Holy Spirit. When physical love is developed through Spiritual love, we have true love. It is our love for Christ that helps us love each other.
Lord, You are love, which makes You the perfect source to learn how to love others, even those who are difficult for us too. Lord, we have skewed the meaning of true love but Your Word remains a steadfast, true source of knowledge on how to love. Lord, let all that we do be done in love, because anyone who does not love does not know You. Father, You, loved us so much, You sent Your only Son to die and save us. Lord, help us love each other earnestly,because earnest love covers a multitude of sins. Lord, Calm the need in us that makes unwise choices. Sooth the soreness in our souls’ that makes us crave love. Restore our faith in love and divine timing. Bring true love to us, in the right time, for the right reasons, in Jesus name Amen
The gratification of sexual lust, pales in comparison to the ecstasy of being filled with the Holy Spirit. When physical love is developed through Spiritual love, we have true love. It is our love for Christ that helps us love each other.
Lord, You are love, which makes You the perfect source to learn how to love others, even those who are difficult for us too. Lord, we have skewed the meaning of true love but Your Word remains a steadfast, true source of knowledge on how to love. Lord, let all that we do be done in love, because anyone who does not love does not know You. Father, You, loved us so much, You sent Your only Son to die and save us. Lord, help us love each other earnestly,because earnest love covers a multitude of sins. Lord, Calm the need in us that makes unwise choices. Sooth the soreness in our souls’ that makes us crave love. Restore our faith in love and divine timing. Bring true love to us, in the right time, for the right reasons, in Jesus name Amen
Jesus is the way, He is the Truth and the life. No one can come to our Father, except through Him. Trust Him. He is preparing a place for all who believe
Father when the hour comes. Glorify us, so we can give glory back to You. For You have given Christ authority over everything and He gives eternal life, to those who believe. Lord, You are the only way to eternal life, the only true God, that brings peace and glory to us here on earth. Lord, help us compete the work You gave us to do, so You can bring us into the glory we shared before we where born. Thank You, Lord, for revealing us to our Father, who sent You to save us. Now we know that everything we have is a gift from Him and we are so thankful. Thank You, for the Word that has taught us many things and help us practice what we have learned, so we will be filled with peace and joy. Thank You, Lord, that we no longer belong to the world, but, have been restored to our Father. You have given us, the same glory our Father gave You, so we can be one with Him. Thank You, Lord, for the Holy Spirit that dwell in our hearts and helps us be submissive to Him, Amen
Father when the hour comes. Glorify us, so we can give glory back to You. For You have given Christ authority over everything and He gives eternal life, to those who believe. Lord, You are the only way to eternal life, the only true God, that brings peace and glory to us here on earth. Lord, help us compete the work You gave us to do, so You can bring us into the glory we shared before we where born. Thank You, Lord, for revealing us to our Father, who sent You to save us. Now we know that everything we have is a gift from Him and we are so thankful. Thank You, for the Word that has taught us many things and help us practice what we have learned, so we will be filled with peace and joy. Thank You, Lord, that we no longer belong to the world, but, have been restored to our Father. You have given us, the same glory our Father gave You, so we can be one with Him. Thank You, Lord, for the Holy Spirit that dwell in our hearts and helps us be submissive to Him, Amen
Tuesday, February 25, 2020
Jesus sacrifice signal a new era. He gave up His Royal birthrights to live a human righteous life and make it clear He is on our side and doing everything possible to save us.
Galatians 5:17 For the desires of the flesh are against the Spirit, and the desires of the Spirit are against the flesh, for these are opposed to each other, to keep you from doing the things you want to do.
Father, everything we experience and go through, has all been worked out, in Jesus life and resurrection. Father, Your Son walked amongst us and we known Him not, because our hearts are hardened. Forgive us we know not what we did, forgive us for falling short of Your mercy, grace, and favor. Lord, look with kindness upon us, cleanse our hearts with Your precious Blood and make room for You to move in a might way. Father, thank You, for Your Son, who restored us to eternal life, through our death with Him and His resurrection. Thank You, for Your blessings and help us bear Fruit to those in need, because what we do unto the least of us, we do unto You. Thank You Father for saving us, inspite of our sinful nature, in Jesus name Amen
Galatians 5:17 For the desires of the flesh are against the Spirit, and the desires of the Spirit are against the flesh, for these are opposed to each other, to keep you from doing the things you want to do.
Father, everything we experience and go through, has all been worked out, in Jesus life and resurrection. Father, Your Son walked amongst us and we known Him not, because our hearts are hardened. Forgive us we know not what we did, forgive us for falling short of Your mercy, grace, and favor. Lord, look with kindness upon us, cleanse our hearts with Your precious Blood and make room for You to move in a might way. Father, thank You, for Your Son, who restored us to eternal life, through our death with Him and His resurrection. Thank You, for Your blessings and help us bear Fruit to those in need, because what we do unto the least of us, we do unto You. Thank You Father for saving us, inspite of our sinful nature, in Jesus name Amen
Sunday, February 23, 2020
The Spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak and we know the LORD is far from the wicked: but He hears the prayer of the righteous. And all things, whatever we shall ask in prayer, believing, we shall receive.
Hebrews 4:16 “Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.”
Good morning Father, thank You for a new day in our right mind. Thank You, for all Your blessings and favor, that keeps and protect us. Thank You, for vindicating us, for we have walked in honesty and having strong moral principles; moral uprightness, because we have faith in You. Lord, help us be submissive to the Word, as we walk in Truth. Examine us, Father, and prove us; try our hearts and minds and make room for the Spirit to move. Thank You, for separating us from those who are bloodthirsty and always with a sinister scheme in there minds. Thank You, Lord for working on our behalf daily, helping us through this Valley of death. Thank You, for saving us, not because we're worthy, but because of Your unchanging love for us. Thank You, for the hedge of protection around our children and our children's children, as well as family and friends. So, we come to You Altar to thank You and proclaim Your are our Savior and we have been crucified with You, in Your name we pray, Amen
Hebrews 4:16 “Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.”
Good morning Father, thank You for a new day in our right mind. Thank You, for all Your blessings and favor, that keeps and protect us. Thank You, for vindicating us, for we have walked in honesty and having strong moral principles; moral uprightness, because we have faith in You. Lord, help us be submissive to the Word, as we walk in Truth. Examine us, Father, and prove us; try our hearts and minds and make room for the Spirit to move. Thank You, for separating us from those who are bloodthirsty and always with a sinister scheme in there minds. Thank You, Lord for working on our behalf daily, helping us through this Valley of death. Thank You, for saving us, not because we're worthy, but because of Your unchanging love for us. Thank You, for the hedge of protection around our children and our children's children, as well as family and friends. So, we come to You Altar to thank You and proclaim Your are our Savior and we have been crucified with You, in Your name we pray, Amen
Thursday, February 20, 2020
Proverbs 24:1-2 Do not envy the wicked, do not desire their company 2 for their hearts plot violence, and their lips talk about making trouble.
We sometimes ask God and ourselves, why the wicked seem to have so much going on and living a better life. But, never envy their way of life or their possessions, because it's only temporary. Whatever God is not apart of: our friendship, marriage. Job, or household, whatever, will not last.
Father, keep our lives free from love of money, and the love of material things and let us be content with what we have, our relationship with Christ. Lord, let us not envy the treasures the wicked possess here on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal, but lay up for ourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where our treasures are, there our hearts will be also. So, let us take care and be on our guard against all covetousness and envy, for one's life does not consist in the abundance of our possessions, but of our Spirits. Lord, baptize us in the Holy Spirit, that will help us surrender all to You and help us live the plan You have for our lives and not desire the company of the wicked. In Jesus name Amen
We sometimes ask God and ourselves, why the wicked seem to have so much going on and living a better life. But, never envy their way of life or their possessions, because it's only temporary. Whatever God is not apart of: our friendship, marriage. Job, or household, whatever, will not last.
Father, keep our lives free from love of money, and the love of material things and let us be content with what we have, our relationship with Christ. Lord, let us not envy the treasures the wicked possess here on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal, but lay up for ourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where our treasures are, there our hearts will be also. So, let us take care and be on our guard against all covetousness and envy, for one's life does not consist in the abundance of our possessions, but of our Spirits. Lord, baptize us in the Holy Spirit, that will help us surrender all to You and help us live the plan You have for our lives and not desire the company of the wicked. In Jesus name Amen
Wednesday, February 19, 2020
We are the first teacher's our children see and hear. We are their first source of kindness, love, compassion, and righteousness, so teach them well๐๐๐๐
"And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise."
Father, help us "Train our children in the way they should go: and when they're old, they will not depart from it." Lord, open their hearts to Your Word, as we teach them diligently, Who and What You are to them. Father, give them a discerning Spirit, that will give them guidance when they walk alone. Father, keep Your hedge of protection around them, so they do not walk into Satan's traps unprepared. Lord, help us dress them in full body armor, by keeping them rooted in Your wisdom and knowledge. Father, let them know You, not only in theory, but in practice. Teach them how to apply Your Word to their lives, in Jesus name Amen
"And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise."
Father, help us "Train our children in the way they should go: and when they're old, they will not depart from it." Lord, open their hearts to Your Word, as we teach them diligently, Who and What You are to them. Father, give them a discerning Spirit, that will give them guidance when they walk alone. Father, keep Your hedge of protection around them, so they do not walk into Satan's traps unprepared. Lord, help us dress them in full body armor, by keeping them rooted in Your wisdom and knowledge. Father, let them know You, not only in theory, but in practice. Teach them how to apply Your Word to their lives, in Jesus name Amen
Tuesday, February 18, 2020
We tend to think of good times as blessings from God and bad times as the work of the devil. Now think about this nothing reaches us without His permission. "In the day of prosperity be joyful, but in the day of adversity consider: God also hath set the one over against the other, to the end that man should find nothing after Him." We are not exempt from bad times or adversity, it's God's way of keeping us sharp
Father, we rejoice in good times and bad, because You are in control of both. Lord, nothing reaches us without coming through Your hands and You will not give us more than we can bare. So, we praise You whether happy or sad, because we know, this is a test and we will pass. Lord, we will not grieve, for the joy of You is our strength. We will not fear, for You are with us; we will not be dismayed, for You are our God. That will protect us and help us; You will uphold us with Your righteous right hand. Lord, You are our strength and courage as we walk through this journey. Lord, we will not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let our requests be made known to You. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. So, continue to teach us, and show us the way, in Jesus name Amen
Father, we rejoice in good times and bad, because You are in control of both. Lord, nothing reaches us without coming through Your hands and You will not give us more than we can bare. So, we praise You whether happy or sad, because we know, this is a test and we will pass. Lord, we will not grieve, for the joy of You is our strength. We will not fear, for You are with us; we will not be dismayed, for You are our God. That will protect us and help us; You will uphold us with Your righteous right hand. Lord, You are our strength and courage as we walk through this journey. Lord, we will not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let our requests be made known to You. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. So, continue to teach us, and show us the way, in Jesus name Amen
Monday, February 17, 2020
The richest moments of life are the laughter of a child, a hug from a friend, a family road trip, coffee and catch up time with a family member, or a walk in the park with your spouse. Our richest moments are often the cheapest. So the next time we find ourselves wanting more, first look around and see all God has blessed you with.❤❤๐๐๐
Father, let us not desire the things of the flesh, the things that are vanity and keeps us gasping for wind. Lord, fill us with the Holy Spirit that gives us peace, hope, joy, and rest for our Souls. Fill us with the things that helps us enjoy Your presence and blessings. Father, let Your wisdom and knowledge, reveal the secret, which gives us a close and abiding relationship with Christ. Help us understand the Truth and depth of Your love, so we can love others the same and walk in your will. Thank You, Father, for not condemning us and giving us the opportunity to be saved, through our faith in Christ. Lord, we reverence Your holiness and we are not afraid, continue working in and through us. Lord, let not sin break the fellowship our Father, wants to enjoy with us. Lord, we forsake sin, thank You for Your forgiveness and restoration to the Father. Lord, we understand, there is nothing we can do to be more acceptable to You, so thank You for grace and allowing us to be Your children. In Jesus name Amen
Father, let us not desire the things of the flesh, the things that are vanity and keeps us gasping for wind. Lord, fill us with the Holy Spirit that gives us peace, hope, joy, and rest for our Souls. Fill us with the things that helps us enjoy Your presence and blessings. Father, let Your wisdom and knowledge, reveal the secret, which gives us a close and abiding relationship with Christ. Help us understand the Truth and depth of Your love, so we can love others the same and walk in your will. Thank You, Father, for not condemning us and giving us the opportunity to be saved, through our faith in Christ. Lord, we reverence Your holiness and we are not afraid, continue working in and through us. Lord, let not sin break the fellowship our Father, wants to enjoy with us. Lord, we forsake sin, thank You for Your forgiveness and restoration to the Father. Lord, we understand, there is nothing we can do to be more acceptable to You, so thank You for grace and allowing us to be Your children. In Jesus name Amen
Friday, February 14, 2020
Father, when we praise and worship You our world seems to stop shaking. Lord, we understand that adversity is the bridge that bring us closer to You. So, we trust in You and in the shadow of Your wings we take refuge, until our adversity pass. Father, let the Word make room for You to move in our hearts and cleanse us. Baptize us in the Holy Spirit, unite our emotions and Intellect, so You can commune with every part of us. Lord, we know we can do nothing on our own, but through faith in You we can do anything. Thank You, for grace and what we have accomplished through You. Lord, we cry to You, when our hearts are overwhelmed and You give us comfort and peace and we are so grateful. Lord, we want to be faithful servant, so fill our hearts and minds with the things of the Spirit, that will comple us to be righteous, in Jesus name Amen
Thursday, February 13, 2020
Matthew 5:19-20 Whoever therefore breaks one of the least of these commandments, and teaches men so, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven; but whoever does and teaches them, he shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven. For I say to you, that unless your righteousness exceeds the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven.”
LORD, we thank You for a new day, in our right mind. Thank You, for rendering us Your righteousness, protection, provisions, and favor, to us. Father, thank You for grace, and forgive us for falling short of Your, mercy. Lord, we thank You for all the blessing we have received and we thank You. in advance for these to come. Father, let us reap for our labor, as we sow and immerse ourselves in Your Word. Let our desires be Your desires and let Your thoughts, be our thoughts. Thank You, again for favor, Father, with all that is going on in this world today; we are grateful not to be victims and keep those that where. Father, help us dismantle racism, hate, jealousy, envy, backbiting, and pride and humble ourselves to Your way. Lord, forgive us for not teaching our children and our children's, children, the way to go, so they would not have strayed, so far from You. Lord, we need You to intervene, right now and help us save their Souls, with Your Word. Father, let the Word, give us clear and extensive thinking to empower and sharpen our minds. Lord, help us have a solid prayer life, strong relationship with You and the right attitude, when we labor on behalf of others. In Jesus name, Amen
LORD, we thank You for a new day, in our right mind. Thank You, for rendering us Your righteousness, protection, provisions, and favor, to us. Father, thank You for grace, and forgive us for falling short of Your, mercy. Lord, we thank You for all the blessing we have received and we thank You. in advance for these to come. Father, let us reap for our labor, as we sow and immerse ourselves in Your Word. Let our desires be Your desires and let Your thoughts, be our thoughts. Thank You, again for favor, Father, with all that is going on in this world today; we are grateful not to be victims and keep those that where. Father, help us dismantle racism, hate, jealousy, envy, backbiting, and pride and humble ourselves to Your way. Lord, forgive us for not teaching our children and our children's, children, the way to go, so they would not have strayed, so far from You. Lord, we need You to intervene, right now and help us save their Souls, with Your Word. Father, let the Word, give us clear and extensive thinking to empower and sharpen our minds. Lord, help us have a solid prayer life, strong relationship with You and the right attitude, when we labor on behalf of others. In Jesus name, Amen
Monday, February 10, 2020
2 Timothy 2:21 Therefore, if anyone cleanses himself from these things, he will be a vessel for honor, sanctified, useful to the Master, prepared for every good work.
We are the vessels taught by Him to lead the lost to the light. His Word was put here to show us the way to, who and what to believe in. We are not the light, we are only here to bear witness of the light.
Lord, You were first and everything was created through You, nothing came into existence without You. Father. You created all life and You gave us instructions on how to live our lives. Lord, we ask You to teach us, how to live a life that brings honor to our Father. So baptize us in the Holy Spirit, that will help us be submissive to His instructions. Father, You sent Your only Son, to show us we can live a righteous life, through our faith in Him. Lord, we have experienced Your glory in our lives, through Your grace and mercy. Father, we have felt with our hearts, Your, one of a kind glory and favor. The kind of favor that is given generously and true from start to finish. Father, we chose to be a vessel of honor for You. Lord, help us examine ourselves and show us everything in us that brings dishonor to You, then remove it. Empower us with Your wisdom and the knowledge to implement what we have learned in our lives, in Jesus name, Amen
We are the vessels taught by Him to lead the lost to the light. His Word was put here to show us the way to, who and what to believe in. We are not the light, we are only here to bear witness of the light.
Lord, You were first and everything was created through You, nothing came into existence without You. Father. You created all life and You gave us instructions on how to live our lives. Lord, we ask You to teach us, how to live a life that brings honor to our Father. So baptize us in the Holy Spirit, that will help us be submissive to His instructions. Father, You sent Your only Son, to show us we can live a righteous life, through our faith in Him. Lord, we have experienced Your glory in our lives, through Your grace and mercy. Father, we have felt with our hearts, Your, one of a kind glory and favor. The kind of favor that is given generously and true from start to finish. Father, we chose to be a vessel of honor for You. Lord, help us examine ourselves and show us everything in us that brings dishonor to You, then remove it. Empower us with Your wisdom and the knowledge to implement what we have learned in our lives, in Jesus name, Amen
Friday, February 7, 2020
Micah 6:3-8 what does the LORD require of you but to do justly, to love mercifully, and to walk humbly with your God
Every Christian has the need of God's healing powers, because we all get weak. The Lost has that needs as well, and they need our humble help, to experience Him. God bless us through each other, this is why the commandment love is so important in this fallen world. We cannot take this walk alone that why we need love, love is the road map. The more we love, the more justly, merciful, and Christ like we become and that brings glory to our Father. We the righteous are to lead the lost to our Lord, with the love of Him that dwells in us.
Lord, thank You for a new day, thank You for the roof over our head, the food, the means. Father, thank You, for grace and favor, so much favor and we are grateful. Lord, let us be that beacon of light today, that lead a lost sheep to You. “Let not mercy and truth forsake thee: bind them about thy neck; write them upon the table of thine heart.” Because “The merciful man doth good to his own soul: but he that is cruel trouble his own flesh. Lord, help us be merciful to those in need, physically and mentally. Father, let us forgive others as You forgive us, give us Your strength, in the name of Jesus. Let, our words line up with our actions and Your will. Help us become inwardly changed men and woman and nor surface Christians. Lord, take hold of our hands and lead us through the valleys of death. Lord, let us lay by the still waters while, You, refresh our Souls. Father, give us the wisdom of Your Word and help us practice what we have learned. Father, help us do what is required to please You, let us bring honor to You in all we do, in Jesus name Amen
Every Christian has the need of God's healing powers, because we all get weak. The Lost has that needs as well, and they need our humble help, to experience Him. God bless us through each other, this is why the commandment love is so important in this fallen world. We cannot take this walk alone that why we need love, love is the road map. The more we love, the more justly, merciful, and Christ like we become and that brings glory to our Father. We the righteous are to lead the lost to our Lord, with the love of Him that dwells in us.
Lord, thank You for a new day, thank You for the roof over our head, the food, the means. Father, thank You, for grace and favor, so much favor and we are grateful. Lord, let us be that beacon of light today, that lead a lost sheep to You. “Let not mercy and truth forsake thee: bind them about thy neck; write them upon the table of thine heart.” Because “The merciful man doth good to his own soul: but he that is cruel trouble his own flesh. Lord, help us be merciful to those in need, physically and mentally. Father, let us forgive others as You forgive us, give us Your strength, in the name of Jesus. Let, our words line up with our actions and Your will. Help us become inwardly changed men and woman and nor surface Christians. Lord, take hold of our hands and lead us through the valleys of death. Lord, let us lay by the still waters while, You, refresh our Souls. Father, give us the wisdom of Your Word and help us practice what we have learned. Father, help us do what is required to please You, let us bring honor to You in all we do, in Jesus name Amen
Thursday, February 6, 2020
When a person has been broken, they lose all joy in life, their beliefs and the happiness of who they are. They no long dream of a better life and all hope is gone. This is a perfect time to introduce them to the Lord and walk with them through the healing process.
Psalm 34:18 the LORD is near to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed.
Father, if there is anything in our lives hindering us from hearing Your voice, let us cleanse our hearts through confession. Lord, help us make choices going forward that will glorify You and benefit others, as well as
ourselves. Lord, please heal our broken Spirits. Fill us with the peace and joy we know can only come from You. Walk closely beside us during our journey of healing, so we do not veer off path. Change our hearts and minds, help us care more about obeying You than being apart of the world. Thank You, Lord, for favor grace, and forgiveness and helping us to forgive completely and from our hearts. Thank You, Lord, for making our broken Spirits whole, In Jesus’ name we pray, amen.”
Psalm 34:18 the LORD is near to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed.
Father, if there is anything in our lives hindering us from hearing Your voice, let us cleanse our hearts through confession. Lord, help us make choices going forward that will glorify You and benefit others, as well as
ourselves. Lord, please heal our broken Spirits. Fill us with the peace and joy we know can only come from You. Walk closely beside us during our journey of healing, so we do not veer off path. Change our hearts and minds, help us care more about obeying You than being apart of the world. Thank You, Lord, for favor grace, and forgiveness and helping us to forgive completely and from our hearts. Thank You, Lord, for making our broken Spirits whole, In Jesus’ name we pray, amen.”
Wednesday, February 5, 2020
Good morning FB family and friends may the God of hope bless you immensely. I pray for justice for the unjust, I pray for freedom for those enslaved, mental and physical. I pray for the spiritual well-being of our children and our children's children, as well as ourselves. I pray that those who are struggling financially, become better Stewards with Your money. Help them focus more on the things of the Spirit "which are free" than the things of the world "that keep us in debt and chasing money". Father, give us a wake-up call to what's happening around us and prepare us. Drown out, all the interference around us, so we can hear, Your instructions and stand on what we have learned. I pray for healing in marriages, families, bodies, minds, and Souls. I pray for the unity, it's going to take for us to survive. I pray for God's intervention in all that's happening in the world today. Lord, help us, interact with the things of the Spirit, to help us, come under Your order, right now in the name of Jesus. Father, we put our faith in Christ, who completely obeyed the whole law, so we are forgiven. Thank You, Holy Spirit for having more for choosing our hearts to dwell in, Amen
1 Corinthians 2:13 And we impart this in words not taught by human wisdom but taught by the Spirit, interpreting spiritual truths to those who are spiritual.
We have to listen in Spirit to comprehend the Spirit and to be in the Spirit, we must have a relationship, with Him. When we study the Word, He reveals His plan to us "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope." When we listen and comprehend what we have learned, we draw near to God, and he will draw near to us, then we can fulfill our destiny.
Father, cleanse our hearts and minds, because we are all sinners. Purify our double-minded thoughts, let Your thoughts be our thoughts. Thank You, for Your protection from our enemies, who wish to triumph over us. Father, we cannot comprehend the Word in the flesh. So, search our hearts and minds and remove all that separate us from Your, wisdom and knowledge. Baptize us in the Holy Spirit that helps us comprehend and transform into children of God, submissive, humble, and filled with love. Lord, speak to us and give us ears that hear, Your sweet soft voice. That helps us become more Christ like and doer's of the Word. Father, let obedience accompany our understanding, so we are shaped by Your Truth. Lord, we Humble ourselves before You and exalt Thee, in Jesus name Amen
We have to listen in Spirit to comprehend the Spirit and to be in the Spirit, we must have a relationship, with Him. When we study the Word, He reveals His plan to us "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope." When we listen and comprehend what we have learned, we draw near to God, and he will draw near to us, then we can fulfill our destiny.
Father, cleanse our hearts and minds, because we are all sinners. Purify our double-minded thoughts, let Your thoughts be our thoughts. Thank You, for Your protection from our enemies, who wish to triumph over us. Father, we cannot comprehend the Word in the flesh. So, search our hearts and minds and remove all that separate us from Your, wisdom and knowledge. Baptize us in the Holy Spirit that helps us comprehend and transform into children of God, submissive, humble, and filled with love. Lord, speak to us and give us ears that hear, Your sweet soft voice. That helps us become more Christ like and doer's of the Word. Father, let obedience accompany our understanding, so we are shaped by Your Truth. Lord, we Humble ourselves before You and exalt Thee, in Jesus name Amen
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
John 5:29 And shall come forth; they that have done good, unto the resurrection of life; and they that have done evil, unto the resurrection of damnation.
One day we will all stand before God for judgement, to receive rewards for serving His purpose or to receive condemnation for our wickedness and unbelief.
Father, we come to You, because we can do nothing without You. Thank You, Lord, for Your righteousness and not seeking Your own will, but the will of our Father who sent You. Lord, let us bear witness of You and not try to glorify ourselves. Father, give us ears that hear Your Word and a heart filled with the Holy Spirit, so we can believe and obey. Father, thank You for raising us from the dead, making us new and giving our Spirits eternal life. Lord, You said "to those that hear and believe Your Word shall not come to judgment but pass from death into life" and we are so grateful. Father, help us be a reflection of Your Son, when He walked this earth, serving Your purpose and not our own. Lord, we come today and everyday seeking Your will and thank You for mercy, grace, and favor. In Jesus name Amen
One day we will all stand before God for judgement, to receive rewards for serving His purpose or to receive condemnation for our wickedness and unbelief.
Father, we come to You, because we can do nothing without You. Thank You, Lord, for Your righteousness and not seeking Your own will, but the will of our Father who sent You. Lord, let us bear witness of You and not try to glorify ourselves. Father, give us ears that hear Your Word and a heart filled with the Holy Spirit, so we can believe and obey. Father, thank You for raising us from the dead, making us new and giving our Spirits eternal life. Lord, You said "to those that hear and believe Your Word shall not come to judgment but pass from death into life" and we are so grateful. Father, help us be a reflection of Your Son, when He walked this earth, serving Your purpose and not our own. Lord, we come today and everyday seeking Your will and thank You for mercy, grace, and favor. In Jesus name Amen
Monday, February 3, 2020
1 Cor. We must examine ourselves and in so doing, we are to eat of the Bread and drink of the Cup. 2 Cor. Test ourselves to see if we are in the faith; examine ourselves! Or do we not recognize this about ourselves that Christ is in us, unless we indeed fail the test.
Father, as we are blessed to see a new week, we ask that You help us examine the various aspects of our lives: the physical, emotional, intellectual, Spiritual, professional, and financial; help us identify the things that are not of You, and replace them with the things of the Spirit. Lord, teach us how to master our moments of decisions through prayer and guidance from You and not our emotions. Father, let Your Word remind us daily that it is no longer we who live, but You in us and help us act accordingly. Lord, let us be mindful that money and possessions are useless if we are not using them to build up Your Kingdom and help others. Father, let the Word teach us how to become a better version of ourselves and let us not be driven by compulsion; but guided by the Spirit, through self-control. Father, let us change the negative energy in our homes and atmosphere to positive, by praying together and lifting each other up and not tearing each other down. Father, help us overhaul our lives one problem at a time; and discard everything that is not productive so we can remove it and move forward. Lord, let us be mindful, of the time and energy we spend worrying; about the things out of our control. But, instead of worrying, trust in You, so we do not grow weary, trying to carry the load. Lord, each morning You allow us to see, we will establish a "go with the flow" attitude within ourselves and let Your Word nurture us through the various situations that arise. Lord, we will see each moment of each day as an opportunity to share Your love and goodness with every person that crosses our path. So let the words of our mouth and the meditation of our hearts, be acceptable to You, in Jesus name, Amen
Father, as we are blessed to see a new week, we ask that You help us examine the various aspects of our lives: the physical, emotional, intellectual, Spiritual, professional, and financial; help us identify the things that are not of You, and replace them with the things of the Spirit. Lord, teach us how to master our moments of decisions through prayer and guidance from You and not our emotions. Father, let Your Word remind us daily that it is no longer we who live, but You in us and help us act accordingly. Lord, let us be mindful that money and possessions are useless if we are not using them to build up Your Kingdom and help others. Father, let the Word teach us how to become a better version of ourselves and let us not be driven by compulsion; but guided by the Spirit, through self-control. Father, let us change the negative energy in our homes and atmosphere to positive, by praying together and lifting each other up and not tearing each other down. Father, help us overhaul our lives one problem at a time; and discard everything that is not productive so we can remove it and move forward. Lord, let us be mindful, of the time and energy we spend worrying; about the things out of our control. But, instead of worrying, trust in You, so we do not grow weary, trying to carry the load. Lord, each morning You allow us to see, we will establish a "go with the flow" attitude within ourselves and let Your Word nurture us through the various situations that arise. Lord, we will see each moment of each day as an opportunity to share Your love and goodness with every person that crosses our path. So let the words of our mouth and the meditation of our hearts, be acceptable to You, in Jesus name, Amen
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