The Broken Vessel

The Broken Vessel

Monday, May 11, 2020


Dont be your worst enemy, you must believe there is a possibility for something better, even if you don't see it. Stop letting depression and the feeling of failure control your life, wake up with a faith attitude "that something good is going to happen today". Remember what we believe determine how we behave. So, say yes even when everything around you says no, "walk by faith and not by sight." As the body without the Spirit is dead, so is our walk without faith is dead

John 20:29 “Then Jesus told him, ‘Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.’”

Father, let our faith lead us, not our circumstances, eventhough they can become overwhelming at times. Lord, help us say yes to a better job, yes to a closer knit family, yes to Your wisdom and knowledge, and yes to Your will. Let our faith engage us in proactive behavior that will put us in position to move to the next level. Lord, let us no longer wallow in affliction and self pity, but practice what we have learned and wait on You to guide us out of the storm. Lord, when times get tough, it is only natural that our belief in the You wavers a little. Father, help us during these time to remain fervent believers. Lord, let our faith and beliefs reignite our trust in You and remind us that although we cannot see You, You are always there watching over us. Lord, we know You will grant what we ask for in prayer, because we believe You will. In Jesus name Amen

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