The Broken Vessel

The Broken Vessel

Wednesday, April 14, 2021


A  black man is born with two strikes against them (male and black). Their life expectancy is short; multiple socioeconomic status factors and access to health care have combined to erode Black men's health. A black man's chances of freedom are slim and none because of systematic racism and slavery. Racism is a problem we can't ignore or run away from. It's an issue today, and it was an issue throughout history. (Romans 10:12) Rather than telling Christians to ignore the discrimination against Gentiles, Paul addressed it head-on: "There is no difference between Jew and Gentile—the same Lord is Lord of all and richly blesses all who call on him," and the same statement remains true today

Father, You are not about separation but inclusion and unity. Jesus made it possible for anyone to be included in the people and His promises. So, help us treat each other fair, and just because we're all created in Your image and You, make no distinction between the inherent value of one race or ethnicity over another. Lord, we want to be Your servants, whom You uphold as, Your chosen ones whom You delight and filled with Your Spirit. Father, bring justice for Your people, especially our black men and the nations. Lord, we cry out for this nation that has removed You and lost our way. Lord, we now have open racism, hate, children being taken from their parents, and injustice happening in our faces as our Spiritual and Political Leaders remain silent. Father, in faithfulness, bring forth justice for those falsely accused and those whose lives were taken. Lord, thank You for Your peace that comes with Your promise, that gives us hope. Father, keep Your hedge of protection around us and walk with our men, through this Valley of death, in Jesus' name Amen. 

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