The Broken Vessel

The Broken Vessel

Friday, May 21, 2021


Romans 8:28 And we know that for those who love God, all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.

When we are staring across this Valley of death, into the eyes of our Goliath. Like David, we need to focus on the times God has delivered us from life's situations. God has already equipped us with what we need to triumph over our problems. So, when we have to face our Giants, remember we have our Lord; all we have to do is trust Him and give Him room to move. Stand on God's Word when faced with any circumstance; because we don't walk into battle alone. TRUST GOD, and we walk into action in full body armor.

Lord, help us practice what we have learned; so we can face any circumstance with confidence because You are with us. Lord, we put on Your full body armor, and we meet our adversity with Your strength, wisdom, energy, and power that brings us victory. Father, baptize us with victorious faith, so when we are on the battlefields, we will not lose. Lord, we understand it is not us, but You, who is fighting our battles. So, it's Your strength, wisdom, and knowledge at work, not ours. Lord, we understand that when we implement You in our lives, with victorious faith, we will not lose. So, we delight ourselves in You, so You will give us the desires of our hearts and peace. Father, give us Your strength to commit our ways to Your will; help us trust in Your promise, and provide you with room to act on our behalf. In Jesus name Amen 

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