The Broken Vessel

The Broken Vessel

Sunday, August 14, 2022


"Choose some wise, understanding, and respected men from each of your tribes, and I will set them over you."

To choose someone wise, understanding, and respected, we must let our voices be heard. We can't wait until a leader is determined to speak up about our concerns; this is the only time you have to let your voice be heard.

Lord, we understand that you are All-powerful and the shepherd who protects us. But, You also put a government to govern and lead Your people. So, Lord, I ask You to intervene in what You put into place and lead us out of despair. Father, pull the wool off all those who harbor hate and malice in their hearts for others. Let Your wrath overcome their schemes against Your people and this dark world 🌎. Let, Your people come out in groups of thousands to select a leader with Integrity and love for all people. Father, help us understand that we must participate both 🙏 to make changes. So, let all the people called by Your name humble themselves and pray and seek Your face when we choose our leaders who have turned from their wicked ways and follow You.  In Jesus' name Amen 

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