The Broken Vessel

The Broken Vessel

Tuesday, October 25, 2022


We have to be able to recognize what hinders our blessings: Things like fear, jealousy, envy, hate, anger, doubt, unbelief, or strife can hinder our prayers and our blessings. Once we recognize the Spirit hindering our blessings, we separate ourselves from it. People or the devil cannot block the blessings God has for us, but they can hinder them.

According to Numbers 23:19-20, What God has Blessed, No one can curse. The truth is, No one can block God's blessings for us, not even the enemy. They can try to hinder us from receiving all that God has for us but what they cannot do is stop the Blessings that God has for us.

Father, thank You for a new day and for keeping us safe through the night. Thank You for the hedge of protection around our children, families, friends, and ourselves. Lord, let us not be our own worst enemies and blessings blockers. Let not the Spirits of the flesh overcome our Spirits of the Fruit so we don't hinder our blessings. Lord, keep our hindering Spirits from attacking us by invading our hearts with spiritual heaviness. Lord, hold our hindering spirits from interfering with our prayer lives, studies, and faith. "For we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh, for the weapon we choose for our warfare is the Word. So, we take authority over Hindering Spirits operating in our lives, home, office, and marketplaces, and we rebuke you, in the name of Jesus Amen.

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