The Broken Vessel

The Broken Vessel

Tuesday, August 29, 2023


Many people miss the purpose of Fellowship because they don't understand we're all still sinners. Fellowship is a way to be encouraged and fed by the Spirit. When you don't have time at home, worship is acceptable. Still, God said in Hebrews, "Do not neglect to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing." So, stop expecting to find Perfect People in Church. They don't exist. People who attend Church are still sinners. The only difference between the people in the Church and those outside the Church is that we know we need God, and they haven't figured it out yet. We attend Church to worship God, not people. 🙏 Being in clicks was never the purpose of Fellowship. Fellowship is socializing with like-minded people and bonding as a family.

Father, let us not discourage each other and push lost sheep away from the Church by dealing with them in the flesh. Lord, Intervene in our hearts and minds so we see things from Your perspective when we address Your sheep. Let Your thoughts be our thoughts so we do not judge Your children. Father, help us witness, so give us ears that hear and follow Your instruction. Lord, bless those who have left the Church with the understanding they cannot live for people and be happy. Let them see You must be the center of their lives to accomplish happiness. Lord, help us receive the lost with open arms and the wisdom of how to lead them to You. Help us be of grace and mercy when we gather to worship and praise Your name. Lord, keep us focused on you, not the confusion around us. In Jesus' name, Amen

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