I prayed years ago to be able to work from home, but God did not answer my prayers until I was in my late 50s. Then I understood what patience was because if He would have granted my prayers at the time that I petitioned Him, I would have not been ready, or able to handle it. And I see that now. But when I was prepared, He blessed me with my request. He put me in position and I am so grateful when I look back on things that I prayed for years ago and God did not answer me, or so I thought. He was preparing me to receive my blessings, He is always faithful to me and has held my hand through this valley of death and brought me to where I am today. And I am so, so so grateful.
The Broken Vessel

Monday, July 22, 2024
Lord, help us purify ourselves from all that separates us from Your Spirit. Grant us peaceful coexistence with others, a forgiving heart, and the ability to pursue holiness through Your Word. Baptize us with the Holy Spirit and grant us patience, a kind spirit, and faith to overcome obstacles on our journey to holiness. In Jesus name Amen
Thursday, July 18, 2024
God, we thank You for the gift of connection with You and others in fellowship. May we gather joyfully, walking in Your light and living out Your truth, as we fellowship to purify ourselves of sin through the blood. Lord, You said connecting with fellow believers avoids spiritual isolation and inspires love and good deeds. In Jesus name Amen
Sunday, July 14, 2024
The Blood of Jesus remits our sins, gives life to all who consume it, and allows us to dwell in Christ and He in us. It serves as our atonement, justifying us and saving us from God's wrath. The Blood grants forgiveness, peace, and reconciliation with God. It cleanses our conscience from dead works, allowing us to serve the living God and enter the holiest place with boldness. In Jesus name Amen
Saturday, July 13, 2024
God, You promised that when we speak with faith, our words will come to pass. So we declare prosperity, peace, and joy in our lives. We discuss guidance and protection for our children, grandchildren, and ourselves. We talk about education and jobs in our community and for our neighbors. We reject envy, jealousy, and hate and choose unity. Jesus, we declare healing - spiritually, physically, mentally, and emotionally - across the land. In Jesus name Amen
Remove all deceit and hypocrisy, Father. Let us not envy or slander our brothers and sisters, but be like newborn infants longing for the pure spiritual milk of Your teachings to grow up into salvation. Lord, You are good, and we have tasted Your goodness. We pray for ourselves and everyone under the sound of our voice to find ultimate fulfillment in You. May we feel uncomfortable in situations or surroundings that are not pleasing to You? When we entertain things that do not glorify You, let discomfort come over us. We acknowledge our weakness and bow down to Your strength. Your grace is sufficient for us, and Your power is made perfect in our weakness. Therefore, we are content with insults, hardships, and persecutions for Your name, Amen.
If we genuinely believe His promise, we will have inner peace, despite the challenges we face and the choices we make. We can find solace in the peace He left us, which no one can take away. Let us not be troubled or afraid, but instead, find peace in God through our Lord and Savior.
We have been brainwashed and rarely question what we are told or read in books, making it challenging to help those brainwashed, as their beliefs are deeply rooted. Lord, we have adopted different beliefs due to systematic pressure from our oppressors. Lord, show us Your truth, not man's, and restore our birthright, protecting us from our enemies' evil and generation curses. Strengthen our faith; help us overcome unbeliefs and understand Your grace, so we walk in Your ways and serve our purpose. Heal us spiritually, physically, mentally, and emotionally and reveal Your truth in us.