The Broken Vessel

The Broken Vessel

Sunday, August 9, 2020


One day an orphan, stood at the street corner begging for food, money or whatever she could get. Now, this little girl was wearing very tattered clothes, she was dirty and quite disheveled. A well-to-do man passed that corner without giving the girl a second look. When he returned to his expensive home, his happy and comfortable family, and his well-laden dinner table. His thoughts returned to the young orphan. He became very angry with God for allowing such conditions to exist. He reproached God, saying, How can you let this happen. Why don't You do something to help this girl. Then he heard God in the depths of his being responding by saying I did. I blessed You, to be a blessing to her.

Luke 12:48 To whom much is given, much will be required.

Father, help us understand that, for everyone who has been given much, much will be required; and for the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked. Lord, let us be a blessing to others, like You have been a blessing to us. Lord, give us discernment of who and how to bless them. Father, we have been entrusted with certain things, and Your faithfulness requires us to manage those things wisely and unselfishly. Lord, let us not be unfaithful servant, who mismanages Your resources to satiate our own greed, because judgment is certain for an unfaithful servant. Lord, we all have been giving blessings that others can us, so let us not equat financial gifts as the only blessings we received. Lord, we have time, talents, skills, encouragement and other Spiritual gifts we can share. So, we pray for wisdom, on how to use Your blessings and resources to help others. Lord, help us commit ourselves to expending our blessings according to Your will, so that we may glorify You and lift up others. So, multiple what You put in our hands, as we continue to serve our purpose, by blessings others and building up Your Kingdom, in Jesus name Amen

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