The Broken Vessel

The Broken Vessel

Friday, January 27, 2023


The earth is the Lord's and all its fullness the world and those who dwell therein, for He has founded upon the Seas and established it upon the waters.

Lord, we are Your people and all the earth. You created us and everything in this world 🌎 for a purpose, to serve You and continue building Your Kingdom. So, we pray for a more substantial study and prayer life to keep us strong. We pray for knowledge and courage when we witness, compassion and kindness when we serve, and faith to stand on Your promise. Lord, help us be inward-changed men and women, so unclutter our hearts to give You room to move in a mighty way. Thank You for keeping us through the night, and thank You in advance for the hedge of protection around our families and us today. Lord, we hold our heads high, seeking Your face; give us eyes that see how You work and educate us in Your ways. Lord, grab us by the hands and lead us around the obstacles ahead and down the path of Truth. Lord, You are fair, and just mark us with Your sign of love and walk with us as we witness for You. Father, when our flesh rises up against our Spirits, let Your wisdom we have learned lay it to rest. Thank You, Lord, for clearing our name and restoring us to our heavenly Father. Amen 

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