The Broken Vessel

The Broken Vessel

Tuesday, January 31, 2023


Psalm 127:3 "Children are a heritage from the Lord, offspring a reward from him" Who we assume the responsibility to love and teach them the way to go, Lord, forgive us for falling short".

Lord, we come together today to bind the works of the Devil and our oppressors over our children. Father, we ask that You keep Your hedge of protection around them in their comings and goings. Lord, fill their hearts with hope so they feel they have something to live for so they don't give up. Father, we ask you to persecute those who fill their minds and Thoughts with violence. Father, pull the wool off the faces of those who flood our neighborhoods with guns and persecute them of Your will. Lord teaches us how to study and pray with our children as our parents and grandparents did with us. Lord, equip their teachers with the wisdom and knowledge they need to survive today. Lord, forgive us for falling short of Your mercy, grace, and favor for not teaching our children Your way. So, right now, Lord, help us point them down Your highway that will take them off the world's streets. Don't let us lose them to this Valley of death. Lord, let them hear Your instructions so they will be guided to habits and behaviors that strengthen Your character. Lord, give their hearts to feel the pain and suffering 💔 parents, families, and friends go through when gun violence erupts. Lord, please don't turn a deaf ear to our problem; we ask You to intervene in the Holy Spirit of Jehovah Rohi and save our children. In Jesus' name Amen

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