The Broken Vessel

The Broken Vessel

Wednesday, February 22, 2023


"Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled."

Women who hunger for righteousness and justice have played a role throughout history, from walking with our Savior to our Civil Rights Movement. For example, in 1960, when Martin Luther King was assassinated, his widow Coretta Scott King, courageously took her husband's place in leading a peaceful protest march. Coretta Scott King had a deep passion for justice and was a fierce companion of many causes.

Lord, today may you help us cultivate a hunger for Your righteousness and justice for all here on Earth. Father, baptizes in the Holy Spirit that helps us be a part of Your work and do what's right. So, give us Your courage and strength to fight injustice correctly and look to You first for guidance. Lord, let us not miss the opportunities during these unjust times to witness for You. To fill the hearts of all people with Your love and compassion through Your Word. May we secure justice by sharing love, mercy, and equality for everyone? Father, we ask You to end all division and a human society built on love, forgiveness, peace, and understanding. In Jesus' name Amen

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