The Broken Vessel

The Broken Vessel

Saturday, September 17, 2016


Tithing is a practice of giving a tenth of our earnings to help the Church, but what we give reflects the condition of our hearts.  “Matthew 6:21 for where our treasure is, there our heart will be also.”  We can fake being a Christian; but we cannot fake tithing and giving, because how we tithe and give to others shows how we feel about God.  God ask us to give generously; that means there’s no limit, to what we give God.  Tithing, ten percent of our income is the bare minimum; and we should be willing to do a lot more, for someone who has done so much for us.  I am not telling you to go broke; I’m telling you to, give to God like He gives to us.  But, giving does not have to be only to the Church; there is so much we can give too.  Things like: organizations that help feed the homeless, transitioning homes for children aging out of foster care, the Red Cross, the list goes on; there are so many ways we can bless others. 
My group feeds the community every Tuesday; people that cannot make it to a food bank, for whatever reason.  We also go out once a month to the streets and feed the homeless; not only do we feed them; we provide toiletry, clothes, shoes, and blankets.  Our service does not just revolve around the Church; we need to take our service to the streets, to the people that do not know God.   Service and blessings are not always monetary; we can bless someone with our time or our belongings.  The Word clearly states that God bless us not for us to keep it all to ourselves, but so we can bless others.  2 Corinthians 9:7 as every man purpose in his heart so let him give, not grudgingly or out of compulsion; for God loves the cheerful giver.  When we give freely from our hearts, God blesses us with more.

Father, Your Word tells us; You will make every blessing overflow for those who give generously.  Lord, we give to You freely as You have given to us; and we will bless others, as You have blessed us.  Father, we know when we give to others; it cause others to give thanks to You, and we receive the blessing.   Lord, You, have blessed us with much; and we understand that much is required in return, and when we are trusted with much, even more, will be required.  Father, for even Your Son, came not to be served; but to serve others, by giving His life as a ransom for sinners.  Lord, the thief comes only to steal, kill, and destroy; but You came that we may have life and have it abundantly. Thank You, Lord, for giving Your only Son to die; so we may live.   Lord, continue to let our light shine before people; in such a way that they will glorify You, because of our actions.  In Jesus name, Amen

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