The Broken Vessel

The Broken Vessel

Saturday, July 1, 2017


The more we love God, the more His Word makes sense; and as we begin to understand, we start to develop Fruit.  As our Fruit grow, our worldly desires start to fade; and as our Worldly desires fade our Spiritual desire gets stronger, to the point all we want to do is be with Him.  We study more, pray more, and fellowship with other believers more.  Then God will use our trials and pain as a way of taming our impatience until we learn to sit quietly and wait on Him.  Not only do our trials and pain produce patience it ultimately builds character and hope.   As our character becomes more Christ-like the more peaceful, we become, because our minds are being controlled by the Spirit and not by the flesh.  Once we have peace, we start to develop kindness, gentleness, and joy; which helps us trust God’ and as we trust God, it strengthens our faith.  Now the stronger our faith becomes, the more self-control we will have; which will help us obey God’s Word, will we still sin, yes; but God will take our faith and with His transforming grace, change it to righteousness.  Then we will start to act more Christ-like, and our actions will draw others to Him.  Now this transformation will not happen overnight, nor does it happen the same way for everyone; but we will know when it happens because we will feel His presence.

Father, we possess the most powerful tool in the world that will help us become the people You designed us to be;  please give us the desire to study the Word so that we can live a righteous life.  Lord, believers know that Your Word has changed countless lives, and the Blood still works; but we must use it to activate it’s power.  Father, help us serve You and others by spreading Your Word in truth to draw the lost near to You.  Lord help our Spiritual Leaders and teachers realize that no transformation of the soul comes from our understanding but through Your Word and the Holy Spirit.  Lord, we are just vessels moved by the Holy Spirit, and we are to use Your WORDS to speak the TRUTH to others.  Father, thank You for the Holy Spirit that corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us through Spiritual Fruit what is right.  Lord, thank You for equipping us with the power of the Spirit to obey You and change our lives.  Father, Your Word is timeless, personal, and powerful, because it is a living organism that comes straight from You.  Lord, show this lost world that You are the answer to all our problems, all we have to do is make You the Head of our lives; and You will tend to our deepest needs, give us guidance, comfort, encouragement, and HOPE, just as You promised.  Lord, we know that You love us and You want to save us from the destructive power of sin if it is our will to be saved.  Father, You have brought meaning to our lives, and we are so, so grateful in Jesus name Amen.

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