The Broken Vessel

The Broken Vessel

Monday, May 7, 2018


Have you communicated with God yet, if not here are somethings you might want to talk about. When we need help with:  developing patience in suffering (James 5:7-20); discerning heavenly wisdom and warning against worldliness’ (James 3:13-4:17); taming our tongues (3:1-12); avoid cliques and playing favorites, especially in Church (James2:1-13); stop listening and talking and start acting (James 1:19-27); and relating faith and work (James2: 14-26).  It just so happen that anything we are dealing with in the flesh, there's a cure for it in the Spirit.  Speak to Christ daily and You will find what I am saying is true.

Lord, give us a strong ethical emphasis that is consistent with the moral teachings of Christ.  Father, give us a strong desire to study Your Word and allow it to be a source of exhortation, comfort, reproof, and encouragement; so open our hearts and minds, that we will receive You.   Father, help us in our areas of need: developing patience in suffering; how we should treat the least of us; discerning heavenly wisdom and wickedness’; taming our tongues; stop talking and start acting; relating our faith to work; avoiding cliques and playing favorites, especially in Church.  Lord, teach us not to let religion or the lack of self-control oppress us; and let us not speak uncontrollably or preach false teachings that led to a misunderstanding of the Truth.  Father, let us not show favoritism to the wealthy or have a selfish ambition that leads to murder, hate, envy, and strife.  Father, Your Word tells us that “ You give wisdom generously to those who ask for it,  Lord, give us Your wisdom to avoid internal and external conflicts that creates division, hate, and dissension.  Father, help us put our faith in action, by expressing it through good works and moral ethics.  In Jesus name, we pray Amen

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