The Broken Vessel

The Broken Vessel

Friday, July 20, 2018


Hey there we have not talked in a while, first I would like to apologize for allowing my feelings to hinder my healing and I am sad to say Mikey was called home as well.  Xander graduated and your brother Marcus, his wife Peggie, Tonya Lewis, and I were there to see him receive his diploma.  He got a brand new car and will be attending college this fall.  So keep him covered and I am still fighting for them.  I am still dealing with the fact that people I trusted tried to take from me the last thing you gave me, and it is still eating at my heart so pray for me.  Now, the person you called a friend is trying to smear your name by claiming you owe him, but they saw right through him and understand they are the one owe you. I keep Keon in prayer and he's doing a lot better since you left, and you also have another granddaughter.  I just want you to know we miss you dearly and no matter what happens I will stand my ground on His Word.

Since the Bible is clear that being there is better than being here, and being at God’s right hand is the fullness of joy and pleasures.  Philippians 1:21–23: “For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain. If I am to live in the flesh, that means fruitful labor for me. Yet which I shall choose I cannot tell. I am hard pressed between the two. My desire is to depart and be with Christ for that is far better.”

Father, I know my son is in a better place because he has no more worries and fears and he does not have to work so hard anymore his job is done. Lord, I know I said I would be still and hold my tongue but to hear people use your name in vain waves of anger in me  So, Lord, I ask You to remove from me all that is not of You so I will be able to look past their lies and deceit and let You lead so they will receive their just rewards.  In Jesus name Amen

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