The Broken Vessel

The Broken Vessel

Monday, August 20, 2018


In times of adversity, life can sometimes seem so bleak and dark that we feel on the verge of giving up hope.  Others around us may foretell doom and encourage us to face what they see as inevitable, but they are looking at the situation with the flesh.  Job wife was such a person.  After painful boils covered Job from the soles of his feet to the crown of his head, she said to him “Do you still hold fast to your integrity?  Curse God and die!  (Job 2:9)   Job wife was a foolish woman if we can accept the good from God; we should be able to endure the bad.   Regardless of what adversity we go thru in life, our faith should keep us strong and the fact that He has always been there with us.  At times, we must say aloud to ourselves, “I know God has a purpose for me, I know God will bring me thru this storm.  I know God is a loving and caring Father, that He is doing good and eternal work in my life.  Just like Job” In all this Job did not sin with his lips (Job 2:10) he trusted God thru whatever and we should too.

Job 4:2“Will you be patient and let me say a word?  For who could keep from speaking out?  3“ In the past you have encouraged many people; you have strengthened those who were weak.  4Your words have supported those who were falling; you encouraged those with shaky knees.  5But now when trouble strikes, you lose heart.  You are terrified when it touches you.  6Does not your reverence for God give you confidence?  Doesn’t your life of integrity give you hope?

Father, give us Your strength and courage in the time of adversity; as You have encouraged us in the past.  Lord, let us stand strong on Your Word, no matter what others say or do; because we know You and if we are patient and wait with the right attitude, You will keep Your promise.  Father, let us not fear or doubt You under no circumstances because You are God and You have never left us.  So, help us receive what we need to mature Spiritual, so this storm to will pass.  Lord. let our deep respect, wisdom, and knowledge of You; fill our hearts with Your personal peace in times of trouble, baptize us in the Holy Spirit where we are weak; and remove every demonic spirit around us.  Father, help us live and experience peace, more than we talk about it, in Jesus name, Amen

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