The Broken Vessel

The Broken Vessel

Wednesday, October 16, 2019


Sarah giving birth at the age of 90 represents something much greater than one woman's experience. It demonstrates God's unrelenting pursuit of each of us. Despite her fault and persistent lack of faith.

Sarah witness God turn the "impossible" into reality. There was no natural way possible that they could conceive a child. Abraham exclaims, “Shall a child be born to a man who is a hundred years old? Shall Sarah, who is ninety years old, bear a child?” (Genesis 17:17) She did — and named him Isaac, which means “laughter.” He was named Isaac, because, when God approached Abraham and Sarah about giving birth to a son, both laughed hysterically. Abraham, “fell on his face and laughed” while Sarah, “laughed to herself”

We doubt God because we see things from a fleshly perspective, and all the impossibilities that comes with the flesh. But, we are dealing with the Spirit and with Him nothing is impossible "Matthews 19:26. Jesus looked at them intently and said, “Humanly speaking, it is impossible. But with God everything is possible.”

Thank You, Father. For a new day in our right minds, peace in our Land, and provision and bless those who are less fortunate. Lord, cover those who are caught up in the corruption of politics, the greed, and wickedness of this world; pleace cover them with the blood of Jesus, and give them peace. Lord, there are so many of our black women missing, please, God, reveal the truth of their disappearance right now, in Jesus name and bring them home safe. Lord, we've heard of Your, works in the past and we have experienced Your good deeds in our lives, so forgive us for our doubts and fears. Put our flesh to rest, strengthen our Spirits, that will remove all doubts and fears. Our goal is to grow in grace and be more Christ-like every day, through the power of the Holy Spirit. Father, help us walk in Spirit, not by our might, but, by the power of the Holy Spirit, in Jesus name Amen 

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