The Broken Vessel

The Broken Vessel

Saturday, October 12, 2019


The next time you see someone that you say "their doing all the wrong things and God is continuing to bless them". What if their not doing all the wrong things, their just sinning differently from you.  But, this might be the reason, God keeps blessings them, they are CONNECTED TO God. David is a perfect example of being connected to God, David did just about everything any other normal man did as far as sinning go, but the difference between David and most normal men is, he was connected to God. So his blessing were not because he was good in men eyes, but because he was good in God's eye.

There are many answers that could be given that would not be wrong: David was courageous, he was passionate for the Lord, he was obedient to the Lord, he was a worshiper of God, he repentant when he sinned, he had great character, and he had a zeal for building the Lord a house. But if you had to pick the most fundamental, core reason for why God loved and blessed David so much it would simply be this: Because God chose him. Just like He chose you and me, we may not seem righteous in their eyes, but, they are not the person we answer to, God Is.

Father, more than anything we desire a relationship with Christ, we want to be closer to You than David. Lord, give us Your favor, anoint our heads with oil and let Your Spirit rush upon us. Thank You, for Love that depended on Christ Character, Not our Character, because we are not worthy.  Father, to know You is to know Christ. Lord, let the Word give us eyes that see the Truth, so we are not condemned for our Spiritual blindness.  So, Lord, search our hearts and remove the causes of our spiritual blindness such as Satan, pride, ignorance, following blind guides, caring what others think, and separation from You. Father, let us not hardened our hearts, because we won’t come to the knowledge of the truth. Father, we know You are real, but people reject You because they love their sins and don’t want to submit to You. Father, we submit our will to You, please order our steps in Your way, in Jesus name Amen

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