The Broken Vessel

The Broken Vessel

Friday, March 10, 2023


"For where our treasures are, our hearts will also be." "No one can serve two masters, for either, we will hate one and love the other, or we will be devoted to one and despise the other. Therefore, we cannot serve God and money.

Our priorities are genuinely out of perspective when we put our desire ahead of our needs. If our heart is all about material things, we are serving money. What sense does it make to have red bottom shoes, but you don't own the closet you put them in. You're driving a Mercedes, but your rent is late or behind. You have a Christian Dior purse filled with nothing but overused charge cards. You wear only designer clothes but can't afford to have them cleaned. Some people feel inferior to those around them, buying things they can't afford to fit in with people who don't care. Our priorities are genuinely out of perspective when we put our desire ahead of our needs. Stop buying stuff to look rich and invest your money in things that will make you rich.

Father, we agree in the great and mighty Name of Jesus Christ to help us put our priorities in perspective. Lord, teach us how to number our days, so we will become more aware of the Holy Spirit at work in and through us. Lord, help us stay in sync with You to help us consider what's more important on our to-do list and decide whether it is a priority. Lord, Intervene in our lives to ensure we live our God-directed priorities. Let the Holy Spirit guide us to start each day with You in prayer, asking for Your help. Lord, let not the material things of the world replace the items of the Spirit in our hearts, so realign our priorities with Your purpose. In Jesus' name Amen 

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