The Broken Vessel

The Broken Vessel

Thursday, December 29, 2016


We must support each other, not just our household, but everyone in need of support. Supporting each other could mean giving others food, shelter, clothing, conversation, or an ear to listen; it's not always about money, but if it is and you have, give. I remember growing up without a babysitter because our neighbor Miss Maggie watched us while my mother worked, and she only came over if she did not see or hear us. I remember when the oldest child kept everyone else in order until our parents came home. We supported each other and looked out for each other; 'none of that "it's not my problem" because if we do not support each other, what's not our problem today might become our problem tomorrow. Colossians 3:16 Let the Word of Christ dwell in us richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, and remember "Luke 12:48 whom much is given, much is required.

Father, give us a kind and gentle heart; so we may support each other and Your Kingdom.   Lord, we all have demons we struggle with, and things sometimes overwhelm us. Lord, teach us that these are the times we should Trust You and support each other. Lord, we are the blessing a person needs; let us help those that are grieving, those that are sick, and those that need guidance. Father, give us Your love for all people and wisdom and the knowledge of how to serve others in their need. Thank You for sending Your Son who died to give us life; thank You that we share in Christ's resurrection because He now dwells in us. Father, fill us with the Holy Spirit and let Your Son Spirit bind and loose us, so we can be more Christ-like. In Jesus' name. Amen

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