The Broken Vessel

The Broken Vessel

Wednesday, August 2, 2017


Luke 18:13-14: “But the tax collector stood at a distance. He would not even look up to heaven, but beat his breast and said, 'God, have mercy on me, a sinner.' I tell you that this man, rather than the other, went home justified before God. For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted.”

Father, right now we ask You, remove all jealousy, hate, envy, and strife from us; so we may come to Your throne with a clean heart, on one accord, and in unity prayer.  Lord, we do love You, so help us deny ourselves; fill us with the Holy Spirit, that will compel us to obey Your Word.  Father, there is so much darkness in this world; that it hard to feel Your presence, so we grow weary.  Please, Lord, let us feel Your presence that gives us strength, courage, and life; so we may endure the test of the flesh.  Father, help us train our children in the way to go so they will not stray far from You; and forgive us for taking You out of their schools, homes, and their lives.  Lord, there are so many people suffering, because those who You have blessed with much; do not share with the least of us, please touch their hearts and help them understand, where much is given much is required. Father, take away all these dark clouds of life that surround us; and replace them with the brightness of Your grace so we can see You.  Please, Lord, remove pride, greed, and all that is not of You from us; so we can develop Fruit, and become more Christ like.  Father, help us see that chasing the material things of this world will keep us in debt, stress, and far from You.  So, please give us a desire for the things of the Spirit, so we can stand against evil, and help bring life to our lives, and those around us.  Father, where there is pain, please give comfort; where there is sickness, please give healing, where there is homelessness, please give shelter, and Lord where there is financial distress, replace it with educations and jobs, in the name of Jesus.  Lord, this world is so out of order, and only You can save us; so Father, please hear our cry, and open up the gates of heaven and pour out Your blessings, although we are not worthy.  Lord, forgive us for our sins, as we forgive those who have sinned against us; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.  Lord, forgive us for falling short of Your mercy, grace, and favor and thank You for life, health, and strength, in Jesus name Amen

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