The Broken Vessel

The Broken Vessel

Tuesday, September 11, 2018


John 10:18 No men take it from me, but I lay it down of myself.  I have the power to lay it down, and I have the power to take it again.  This is the commandment have I received from my Father.

Jesus had the power to stop His crucifixion at any time, but His love for the Father and for us made Him lay down His life in obedience to the Father.  Sometimes we have the power to crush those who want to harm us.  But instead, we lay down our will and be obedient to the Father, and let His will be done.  Jesus death was not the results of people crossing Him or an event went wrong, but it was the will of God to change our hearts and minds, through our belief in His Son and His promise.  He took His Son’s life and gave us grace; a New Covenant and the opportunity to be a part of His family with the same rights as Christ 

Father, thank You for the cross and grace, through the death of Your only Son.  Lord, thank You for love, understanding, and peace; thank You for the Holy Spirit that gives us strength, to be submissive to the Word.  Lord, forgive us when we fall short of Your grace, mercy, and favor because we are still sinners in need of Your guidance and direction.   Father, let the Spirit take us out of ourselves and into You; so You can use us as vessels to help build up Your Kingdom and others.  Lord, encourage us to study, pray, and worship You daily, so our relationship will stay strong and healthy.  Father, let Your Word nourish our Fruit, to help it develop and make us more Christ-like; so we will become the people You created.  Father, we choose to lay down our will for Yours; although You gave us the power to choose our will, we want to be obedient to You,  in Jesus name, Amen

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