Faith is not belief without proof or belief despite the evidence; rather, faith is a complete trust or confidence in someone or something. That trust or confidence we have in Christ is built up over time as He proves Himself faithful time and time again. We demonstrate our lack of faith daily to Christ when we allow fear to set in; because this is the time we give the Devil a toe whole. When Sarah ran ahead of God giving her bondservant to Abraham to bear his son, the promised seed; the whole affair was a sin before God, a sin all three were guilty of. Sarah distrusted God when she resorted to such a wicked expedient, the same thing we do when we have fear. As children of faith, do we not know that God is able to raise up children out of stones? Sarah’s attempt to secure the Child God Promised her by Hagar was the result of a lack of faith in God. Then, Hagar, although the least free and the least responsible, should not have yielded to such an unholy alliance merely to gratify Sarah ambition. What sorrow, anguish, and loneliness Hagar reaped for her compliance in such a plan to forestall God’s promise, we too are punished for following people when we know they are wrong. We cannot make God’s plan work for us, because we do not know His plan or why He wants to do this His way. But, what we should know is our lack of faith will make us do some crazy things, which will change God’s plans for our lives.
Luke 8:25 and he said unto them, Where is your faith? And being afraid they marveled, saying one to another, Who then is this, that he commanded even the winds and the water, and they obey him?
Father, please do not let us be overcome by our fears and lack of trust in You. Lord, we have already seen that Sarah’s folly had its root in unbelief, let us not fall into the same trap. Like Sarah, we too are impatient and want Your promise without delay. Lord, our unbelief became contagious to those who are weak around us and we make them, just as guilty for our unbelief, please forgive us. Father, do not let us get ahead of You because we have fallen into the meshes of unbelief, let us not yield to an unholy alliance merely to gratify our ambitions. Lord, help us adjust our lives to what we have learned from Your Word, because the more we practice the stronger our faith becomes. Father, increase our faith and help us live a life that reflects absolute trust in You. Father, we thank You and trust in Your ability to do just what You promised us. So give us eyes that see the difficulties in our lives from Your perspective and help us focus on You and Your power that removes all fears and lack of faith. In Jesus name, Amen

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