The Broken Vessel

The Broken Vessel

Saturday, January 5, 2019


John 1:16 and of His fullness we have all received, grace for grace

Because Christ is full of grace and truth we all receive one blessing after another even though we don't deserve it.  God expression of love for us came through the death of Christ, His grace saved and transformed us.  So, we can be restored to our Father in heaven.

Father, thank You, for our Savior, thank You for His incarnation; that came down to relate Himself to us so that we could relate ourselves to Him. Thank You, that we are no longer fallen, but transformed into the likeness of Christ.   Father, we have been baptized with water and the Spirit; so we no longer live in darkness but in Your light.  Lord, You are our Shepherd and we are Your sheep, give us Your counsel through the Word, as we follow You.  Lord, show us the life You have planned for us, so we can reach our true destiny.  Thank You, for bringing us out of the pits, so we can now identify ourselves with You.  Because of Your grace, we have hope instead of despair, peace instead of stress and we are so grateful.  Father, by living with, by, and in Christ; we are reborn and we are a new creation, in Jesus name, Amen

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