The Broken Vessel

The Broken Vessel

Tuesday, March 1, 2016


Luke 9:11  And the people, when they knew it, followed him: and he received them, and spoke unto them of the kingdom of God, and healed them that had need of healing.

As we study the Word of God, we will be drawn to follow Him, and He will always receive us right where we are, no matter the situation.  And as we draw near to Him, the Word will begin to instruct us on how to live a righteous life.  One by one God will heal us of our sinful ways and addictions IF we trust and believe in His Word.  The Word will fill our hearts and minds, and as we are filled with the new the old will be released from us, as the Holy Spirit takes over our bodies.  God understands how hard it is for us to believe in the unseen, but He is who He says, and He will keep His promise.

Lord, You know all young Christians and some old struggle with their faith in You, so help them receive Your words so they may understand and trust You.  Teach them that faith comes by hearing and hearing by Your word.  Lord, they are clueless of who You are and what You are, so open their hearts and fill it with the Holy Spirit.  Father allow them to understand to grow they must nourish Your seed planted in their hearts daily with Your word.  Lord give us Your strength and courage to become doers of Your Word and not just hearers, so we will not be deceived.  Lord, help us understand that IF we fail to heed to what we are reading than our faith grows stagnant.  Lord allow us to know the Word and Your grace You give to everyone is what we use to build our trust in You.  Lord, please hear our prayer in Jesus name Amen


  1. Lord,continue working in and through this prayer blog to touch others, and me as well

  2. Thank you Lord Jesus Christ for our daily bread. In Jesus name!
