The Broken Vessel

The Broken Vessel

Sunday, July 31, 2016


The danger in sugarcoating God's Word is; there will be no conviction, so the Word will fall on deaf ears. We cannot worry about offending people regarding God's Word. The Word transforms us into the people that God designed us to be, so when we sugarcoat the Word, it loses that transforming power. Most of us rely on our Pastors to interpret the Word for us, which is not a bad thing, but what if their interpretation is wrong. We must also study the Word for ourselves; this will ensure we get a clear understanding and not be misled by false prophets. (2 Timothy 2:15 15 Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needed not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the Word of truth.)  Many people do not understand the Word; because they just read the Word now and then, but when we study the Word daily, God will begin to reveal to us the true meaning of His Word.

Father, thank You for revealing to us the truth of Your Word; and the conviction that helps renew our hearts and minds. Lord, we are still sinners; but we are better than we used to be because of grace and the knowledge we receive from Your Word. Lord, let us speak the truth of Your Word to others; so we do not lead them astray. Lord, it's time for us to stand up with boldness and truth and stop compromising and sugarcoating God's Word. Father, let the leaders of our Churches not live in the flesh but live a surrendered life to God. Lord, help us walk with You daily and not when it's convent for us. Father, help us deny ourselves daily as we take up our cross and follow You. Father, Let the words of our mouths and our hearts' meditation be acceptable in Your sight, O LORD, our strength, and our Redeemer, in Jesus' name, Amen.

2 Timothy 4:3 For the time when people will not put up with sound doctrine will come. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them many teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. 4 They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths.

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