The Broken Vessel

The Broken Vessel

Thursday, December 13, 2018


Psalm 138:7 Though we walk in the midst of trouble, You preserve our lives. You stretch out Your hand against the anger of our foes; with Your right hand, You save us.

Even when we do not retaliate against bullying personally, we can still utilize social systems of justice.  Bullying is a serious issue that our children deal with daily.  Unfortunately, it is not uncommon to see this type of abhorrent behavior in a fallen person, even in the church, in both males and females throughout all life stages.  It is not wrong for a child in school to alert his teacher about bullies.  If that does not help, take the situation to the parent and then to the police, but never take your life for someone else asinine behavior.

Father, help us watch over the children in our care and in our communities with prayer. Lord, we must think of ways to help them be the best they can be and teach them how to become loving, caring, and purpose-driven adults. Father, we must always pray for their well-being, safety, and personal success. Lord, help us train them in the way to go.  Lord, help us teach them about God, faith, caring for others, and becoming stewards of our planet. Father, help us come together like a village, our churches, and communities who can help us bless these children.  Lord, we decree and declare that You are the light and salvation for our children and grandchildren who are being bullied and mistreated so they will not be afraid.  Father, we decree and declare that those who bully others will get caught in their own snares.  Lord, we decree and declare that Your Guardian Angles will protect our children and children's children wherever they go and give them peace in their day-to-day struggles.  Father, we stand on Your word that You will rescue our children from the bullies and darkness of this world, so we put our children and their problems in Your hands, in Jesus name, Amen

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