The Broken Vessel

The Broken Vessel

Wednesday, November 2, 2016


When we receive Christ; we become a new and redeemed existence.  Accepting Christ is the beginning of, receiving His Spirit; this is God’s gift to all believe that obey, His Word. Obey, His Word’s, with love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, gentleness, self-control, and faithfulness; against these things, there is no law.  God does not want us to be perfect; because, Jesus knows we are prideful, stubborn, people; and will not obey in the flesh.  So God gave us grace and instruction on how to live in the Christ-like character, of our new existence; filled with the Holy Spirit and ready to conform to the authority of His will and the needs of others.

We need to (Job 22:22 receive instruction from His mouth and establish His words in our hearts.)  We must study to (Proverbs 4:10 Hear, my Son, and accept His sayings; and the years of your lives will be many.)  Those that are developed Fruit (Proverbs 10:8 will be wise of the heart and receive commands, but a babbling fool will be ruined.)  We must come back to God and (Proverbs 19:20 listen to Counsel and accept discipline, that we may be wise the rest of our days.

Father, open our hearts and minds, and fill us with Your Words and the Holy Spirit; so we can obey You and become true disciples.  Lord, let us not take lightly Your discipline and reproved; because we know You love us.  Father, we thank You for the new life we found in following You; and we thank You for the love, peace, and joy, that comes with serving others.  Lord, thank You for the storms that taught us how to dance in the rain; and thank You for temptations that made us strong.  Thank You, Lord, for wisdom to walk away from confusion; and thank You for taming our tongue.   Father, give us Your courage to stand up for what’s right’; and the understanding and finances, to make a change.  Lord, remove our crab mentality and, replace our selfishness with self-sacrificing, so You can use us as a vessel to help others.  Father, our flesh will not let us be perfect; but through Your strength, we will be submissive to Your will, in Jesus name, Amen

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