The Broken Vessel

The Broken Vessel

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

A Living Testimony

Romans 15:20-21 my ambition has always been to preach the Good News where the name of Christ has never been heard so that I would not be building on someone else’s foundation. 21 Rather, as it is written:  "Those who have never been told about Him will see, and those who have never heard of Him will understand."

We are all ministers of the Good News; our testimonies will be a current account of God's mercy, grace, and favor. Most people that are dealing with addictions, adversity, and sickness, feel there is no way out and has lost all hope.  But we are that hope. that witness to the changing power of God's Word.  Just as Jesus disciples witness Him change people lives; the loss can observe the same transformations in our lives.  Every believer has a testimony; and that testimony can alter the life of a person that is lost.

Father, let us be a testimony of You grace and mercy be heard by those that need to hear You.  Lord, help us witness to those that have lost all hope in this corrupt world so they may understand the blood still work.  Give us Your courage to stand before others and speak of Your changing powers, Father, let Your light of peace shine through us; for those who have given up to see, that they may experience the same joy You have given to us by accepting Christ as their Savior.  Lord, let us show the world that Jesus is real and if we believe that He gave His life to save ours, we will be saved. Father, help us develop our Fruit of the Spirit so we can become more Christ-like.  Father, thank  You for a new day, and please order our steps in Your will, in Jesus name Amen