The Broken Vessel

The Broken Vessel

Wednesday, August 24, 2016


Our flesh, lust for the material things of the World, those things that cause us to sin.  Like the love of money; (that made Judas betray Jesus for thirty silver coins) and the desire of man’s status, because we feel man status makes us better than others.  “Which by the way is so not true” What makes us better than others, is the Christ-like character in our hearts.  The flesh only cares about material things; that will soon pass away, but the things of our Spirit will live on.  (The question is where will our Spirit be "in constant turmoil are peace")  The only thing in this world that should matter is “How much Christ-like character and faith  we havebecause those are the things that will save us.  1 Timothy 6:9 those who want to become rich fall into temptation and become ensnared by many foolish and harmful desires that plunge them into ruin and destruction.   10 for the love of money is the root of all evil.  By craving it some have wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves with many sorrows.

Lord, we thank You for another day to serve as Your servants; and we thank You for Your blessings and grace.  Father, let Your Words change our thought pattern, so we want to be carnal believers.  Father, You knew that the love of money; would cause us to sin, so You taught about money more than any other subject.  Lord, help us surrender our flesh to You; because our flesh controls us most of the time, and the flesh desires worldly things that money brings.  Lord, let us pray from our hearts; not because of stress, sickness, or pain; but from our hearts, because our Heart is where Your Spirit dwells.  Lord, we come to You with a Spirit-filled hearts; asking You too, save us.  Lord, Your soldiers are few; but we have Your guidance and protection with us, so will not fall.  Father, we leave all our battles to You; and we stand on Your Word, “that You will fight all our battles”.   Lord, gives Your strength when we are weak; give us Your gentleness, understanding, and forgiveness and help us not judge others.  Father, we thank You for Your wisdom and knowledge; that helps cleanse our bodies of sin, as we begin to mature and grow Fruit.  Lord, thank You for an inward change of our minds and Spirits; and help keep a burning desire for You, because none of us have arrived.  In Jesus name, Amen

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