The Broken Vessel

The Broken Vessel

Wednesday, March 1, 2017


It is not good to be eager without knowledge, nor to be hasty and miss the way.  Remember when we were so anxious to grow up, and our parents kept trying to explain life to us, but we would not listen.  Remember how we knew more than our parents, and we did things our way.  We had sense, but we had no knowledge; we did not listen to what our parents or the Word of God, had to say.  We receive wisdom and knowledge of life from the streets, our friends, and our enemy;  which took us to a dark place; and we could not find our way out, without God.  God, sent His Son and He found us, picked us up and brushed us off; and we followed Him to the light.

Proverbs 19:2-3 Enthusiasm without knowledge is no good; haste makes mistakes.  People ruin their lives by their foolishness and then are angry at the Lord.

There's a child or an adult near you that is full of zeal that needs knowledge; be the light of knowledge, so they won't be too hasty and miss the way.  Talk to them about your journey so they will know, you understand their troubles; then they will be open to hearing the Word.

Father, thank You, for another day to be a blessing; thank You for watching over us last night. Thank You, that we did not wake up to war or famine; thank You that we are in our right mind, health and active.  Lord, someone was called home last night; we pray that they received You and is sitting at Your feet, and give those they left behind comfort.  Father, we are praying for patience; let us not be zeal without knowledge, or hasty and miss our way.  Lord, help us teach Your Word to our children and our children's children; let Your Word touch their heart so that they will have conviction and correction.  Father, let us not walk ahead of You; out of comfort and protection, so please order our steps.  Lord, let us not forget, we too were once in a dark place, and You sent the light to guide us, let us be the light that guides someone today.  Father, give us wisdom and the knowledge to implement it into our lives; and let us not be religious fanatics but inward changed men and women. Father, give us Your love so we can live in unity and peace with each other,  in Jesus name, Amen

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